Not all of them, but I have an exam on Monday which I need to study for D;
Re:Coded Developer Interviews Part 1 : HEARTSTATION.ORG
Interesting parts:
Re:Coded Developer Interviews Part 1 : HEARTSTATION.ORG
Interesting parts:
Yasue said:I can’t speak in detail about the new title, but I want to surprise everyone with a unexpected growth system that is different from Re:Coded and Birth by Sleep. While coming up with the plans, I always keep some kind of theme in mind, and right now the theme I’m crazy in dreaming of is ‘making contact’. Making contact with something in a dream.
Oka said:During development, we used Chip from Chip and Dale as a temporary portrait for the still images. In the scenes where Cerberus and Rock Titan were meant to appear, Sora would be shivering in fear at Chip. The gap was pretty funny.
Watanabe said:Originally, the true identity of the black-coated person who appears in Castle Oblivion was not ‘????’ (Roxas), but someone else. Though their name has the same number of characters as Roxas and the second character is ‘ku’.
Note: In Japanese, Roxas’ name reads like Ro-ku-sa-su and Axel’s like A-ku-se-ru, implying that the other character was Axel.
Okauchi said:Once, the people from the cutscene team looked at the graphics we’d prepared, and pointed out “Selphie is getting a bit sexy, isn’t she? (laughs)” We took a look and saw that Selphie’s legs were one size fatter because of a mistake we’d made, and thanks to her plump thighs she really did give quite an adult impression… We were all pretty nervous and fluttery over our carelessness.
Ohtani said:The most difficult individual character was Cloud. He has heaps of pointy parts and accessories, and I remember being careful as I made him, wondering how I could make them show up nicely on the DS. Though, despite being so much work, he hardly appears at all…
Hirose said:I remember the entire sound staff team checking the background music for every single cutscene barely in time for the deadline. I can be confident that we have the best teamwork in the whole company. It’s Mickey who says the line “You are not alone. You have friends that are fighting with you,” but it’s also perfect for the development team!
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