In kh ultimania it says that the kingdom hearts 2 box will be holding 2 discs. if anybody knows this i'm sorry i wasted your time
Fuzzy2k9 said:Idiot This Was Already Confirmed A Freaking Weeek Ago!!!!!!! Yes Kh2 Will Have Two Disk!!!!
King_Mickey1000 said:there was already a thread about this but i guess its a good thing you started this thread since there was like 3 people who didnt know this......
I doubt the second disc is a bonus disc so I think it's part of the game.shinemaster360 said:if anybody knows what the second disc is please post it. oh, and thank you.
Lady Kairi said:-___- Agh, I'm so behind. Damn school work. Well anyways....I head about the two discs...but it being confirmed?! Whoa..sounds awesome ^^.