Nothing wrong with that,Lv17 - i Train with Riku... why? because it's FuN!
Yes! Every keyblade master must wear a skirt or extreamly large pants XDMaybe this a special Keyblade Master 'code' that we may never know anything about...
Sounds fair, I do that tooI level up to like maybe 4-8 and then get on my way and play the rets of the game..Easy.
If I had the patience to do that, I wouldn't know what to do, I have a really short attention span to lv 21, and then decided it was time to poke a few heartless, but destiny islans is the best place to train really til agrabah, because traverse town (dam i missed it in kh2), leavin g at lv 7 or so makes the game harder, while leaving at 20+ makes it really easy.
those people who make it to 100 though... thats perseverence!
I recently restarted on Expert and got all the way to Level 9, then I got bored and totally pwned Darkside+Leon.