How exactly do you get once more? This would so help with my Master E battle x_X
Don't worry about second chance. Once more is basically just an improved version.
Here's how I got it with the command meld:
Do FIRA and FIRA with the WELLSPRING CRYSTAL. You'll get FIRAGA with the once more ability.
Note: there's a small chance Aqua might get something else, so if you're here, save before you do it and keep reloading until you get it right.
This.okay here's what you do
go to a save point
then go and train in the next room over and over.
level up 5-10 times
then you shouldn't have a problem
do this for every boss you get stuck at
works like a charm
For TA which you face in Radiant Garden, I forgot who said it, but whoever said shotlocks is almost 100% correct in my opinion. When you max out most shotlocks, after the first firing they will have you play a game in which you have to press "X" as the circle gets closer to the inner circle (just like Ice Cream Beat if you will). The higher the level the more of these you can perform if you get at least a Good or Excellent (timing is fairly simple, Excellents send out a lot more) you will stay invincible for a good 10 or so seconds or around there and in that time any enemy's move will be done if not close to it.
As for people who say this game is easy...honestly, I would have to agree, the final bosses I will say can be difficult, I found Terra's boss' last form and Ven's boss' 1st form to be very difficult and it took me out quite fast (I'm doing Proud BTW). Sadly, the truth is it took me longer to beat Captain Justice in Fruitball then in did to beat the final bosses. That is at least for me on Proud, so I don't know what SE did...but if anything I would go with a challenge yourself type of option on critical, maybe not a lvl 1 challenge (I've heard that is time taking and long and difficult), but something challenging. Me and my friends are basing all our moves around certain elements that we can only use when fighting for Proud (Terra = Dark ; Ven = Wind ; Aqua = IDK yet) and we cannot level over 35, which isn't bad (still kind of easy though <_<)
How exactly do you get once more? This would so help with my Master E battle x_X
Here's how I got it with the command meld:
Do FIRA and FIRA with the WELLSPRING CRYSTAL. You'll get FIRAGA with the once more ability.
Thanks. ^_^ I beat everything up to Terranort without it on Proud, but he beat me so many times I forgot to hit "Retry" instead of "Continue." x_x
...I suspect being level 28 doesn't help, either. >_>;
not to brag but i beat him at level 25 on critical made me feel awesome. hahaif I could do it at 38 on critical, you can probably do it at 28 on proud.
i didnt know until i started Terra`s story on Critical that you can dodge the beam i think its dodge roll and you should roll under the beamI literally get hit with his beam once, and I die. I just want to know if you have some tips for that boss, or general tips on surviving Proud Mode.
Wow this game sounds hard as hell. I might be playing this on Standard after all.