Hollow Bastion [Harrowed End]Time does many things to a world, and an end befalls all of them. Once beautiful, lively, and flourishing. The precursor of Radiant Garden and with some of the most impressive resilience in years, this world lasted longer than most. The deterioration of its structure is nearly gone. Becoming an interesting shape, while its surface is white, leading into the all-consuming vortex of shadow, hobbled balls of darkness seem to rain endlessly from the sky, dropping clusters of heartless of which include Darkside on the unexpected.
Destiny Islands [Harrowed End]No one dwells here anymore, no one plays here anymore. Its light denizons have vanished, only the dark walk the sands. Its appearance and physical nature is left unchanged respectively. The giant tree that rest upon the island itself, ripped directly in half, the spiraling vortex of shadow rest at its heart. Sands as white as the water is translucent, but its a surface one can walk on rather than swim. The Untouchable one frequents here, but even he is a rare sight, or merely an illusion crafted by the mind?
Traverse Town [Lingering Remnant]A rather depressing cesspit, small, but home to all those that flee from their worlds gripped by the hands of darkness. This world is whats likely the closest to the darkness itself, and the light within the people's cooperation creates something of a 60/40 balance to protect this world from becoming a harrowed end. Cobblestone streets, domestic housing, and in separation of three districts, each having drastically expanded and become larger with eons of time thats gone by.
Castle of Oblivion [Betwixt]Information in regards to this castle has been stripped down to the bone, cleaned out, nearly cleared of all residual information. Strange. The castle itself seems to be intact as if no one has been able to solve its mystery. Time has done many things, brought about annihilation to worlds, but Castle Oblivion seems to exist untouched by the darkness, eternally. What more rest within the walls of this castle? Its searchers have uncovered nothing, its wanderers have been met oblivion, and its familiars have found sleep.
Question is, where did all the data go?
Realm of Darkness [Harrowed End]Perpetual blackness greeted with a single white road that seems to go on endlessly.
The Dark Margin.
The tip of the realm of darkness, usually in the form of a beach, graced with the sea and shoreline. Often compared to a inversion of the realm of light's Destiny Islands, in retrospect, its known as the reprieve from darkness. At these shores, no heartless tread or roam, many that have walked within the darkness often find themselves here at the very edge of the realm. Looking for the window of escape, through the betwixt's border and back into the Realm of Light.
Middle Ground [Betwixt]A siphon hollow space of nearly nothing. It feels like one enters a tunnel, as the array of the atmosphere is constantly moving, even though your feet is touching something solid. A crazy gold ceiling and floor clustered with fleeting and entangled light and darkness, paint it into a graph of blues and oranges. This is a betwixt point, the epicenter between using a dark corridor to travel in between realms and stopping in the middle dead center. Complete peace cannot be found even here, for heartless that exude through dark corridors are capable of somehow making there way here, the applications apply to nobodies as well. The applications of time however, are contorted with space in this realm, the dimension itself is hyperbolic and sentient, it is here the untouchable spent days, which equated to eons perfecting his craft.
High Ground [Lingering Remnant]An archaic structure thats been hiding in the realm of light for some time now. Its green pastures are ancient, greeted by this fleeting hill that seems to stick out above all else. At one point in history it was where keyblade wielders flocked and beckoned, sharing an inner peace among men and women alike. The fog that sets upon this place has left it a ghost town, there are no extensive secrets other than those taken to the grave with its wielders at the neighboring world.
The Keyblade Graveyard [Lingering Remnant]The seat of war so many years ago. A lust for kingdom hearts brought into fruition an unnamed world that became the battle field to physically bring kingdom hearts to them. Thousands of keyblades jut out of the ground, forming a perfect intersection and crossroads. This is merely the appearance of it from that time, with the eons since then, the changes became evident that there were others here before, some keyblades are missing, the ground is uneven, signs of recent battles freshly scarred into the rock. However, whats the most unusual about this world.
A suit of armor. It sits at the top of the highest rock that was unearthed much time before, it takes an unnatural position. Arched down, a keyblade keeps it from falling over. Yet the emanation of it is completely unnatural, no body within it, no heart to guide it, but a mind imprisoned and forever to stop trespassers from using this place for malign intent, keeping it from becoming a harrowed end, at least one person sought this.
The Cul-De-Sac [Betwixt]Within the world of The Cul-de-sac, children, ruffians, or just regular hoodlums they could be called ran the streets with keyblades in hand. Single wielders, but, it wasn't always a peaceful settlement for them. That constant elitist sentiment sunk into the environment, which formed different cliques, groups, gangs even. These different gatherings of keybladers would fight for territory, respect, and mainly achieving status alone. It was, in a sense, survival and at the same time they made this competitive setting quite fun.
At the heart of this world, lies a door, that none of their keyblades have been able to open. Does it mean something significant? Our keys serve to open chest, lock and unlock casual yet sturdy locks, doors even, but not this one. Its rumored to be connected to other worlds, and as we pass it each day wondering what lies beyond it, even the gangs of keyblade wielding kids realize the understanding that there is something beyond their world. This notion sharply spikes which group would be the first to unlock The Cul-de-sacs most sacred and age old secret.
KHI's rules said:
- No god-modding. Your character is yours and yours only. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone else took your character and got them killed! (Very minor g-ming is accepted if required.)
- No power-playing. No one wants to see their character do something in another person's post that they didn't actually do nor approve. (Very minor p-ping is accepted if required)
- Be polite when acting out of character (OOC). If an argument erupts, handle it maturely and swiftly.
- Keep OOC to a reasonable level. No pages and pages of it, please!
My Conditions said:
- Post in a timely manner, pace is how Roleplays survive and move evenly with scheduled events.
- Give notice of inactivity, this is so you don't loose your position when others move on without you. (I will always summarize events for everyone and anyone)
- Read attentively, if you have questions about someone's post. Ask them.
- If you have general questions, ask them freely, I'll answer to the fullest extent of my ability to help you.
- Try to be as original as possible, canon's aren't in existence anymore, except for specific ones that will be introduced at the prompted time.
- "When It's over, come find me, I'll be..." complete the statement listed with your preference.
- To show me that you've read the rules, post "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, All worlds soon shall perish." at the bottom of your template as well.
The keyblades origin all fall back to kingdom hearts. They are tools and virtually indispensable in the lingering battle of restoring balance. Keyblades heavily augment based on the strength of one's individual heart. They serve as conduits, meaning its wielders can cast spells and utilize magic through them more efficiently than they could by hand. These weapons are mystic, handy, and self-anomalies can both seal and unlock many doors and even pick locks.
- Reclaiming keyblades/Borrowing
Just because you don't have a keyblade, doesn't mean your totally defenseless. If you have to fight with a normal weapon against someone, you can beat them, sora fighting with a wooden sword after loosing his to Riku, our keyblades are just one step above a "wooden sword" because they aren't as powerful as the chosen three. Our abilities and strengths are augmented with just a slight abnormal enhancement.
Keyblades can be lent to another, and they exchange it to their possession, willingly, but they still own it and at any time can call it back. This nature is because the heart shares acceptance and kindness and still attaches them to said keyblade. However in the case that one keyblader should 'expire' while their keyblade is loaned, the current holder will become the wielder of said keyblade.
Now since you have two keychains. Loosing your keyblade in a battle, doesn't mean your powerless. As you fight with a different weapon, the other keychain you still have will influence it abilities into the weapon you're currently using. In time that weapon, showing the strength of your heart can/will eventually become a keyblade. For the heart is the true key, and the keyblade merely the tool to express the heart's essence.
When it comes to the individual eleven, your abilities make you different and differentiate you from another individual, its is also what gives you your status and rank in combination with your persona. Decide carefully.
Magic is ultimately spread into so many fields, used in aggressive formats and passive protection. Most commonly seen in elemental spells, summons, defense spells, physical affliction spells, curative spells, light spells and dark spells. Keyblades act as a conduit to channel magic and produce it. Magic's recoil is that it can't be used in excess, meaning a spell that takes a massive amount of magic, like curative spells, basically means you can't use magic within a 2-4 minute period. Realistically so much can happen in the time your vulnerable to physical attacks and magic attacks.
Keychains are a physical extension of one's heart, and serve as a modifier of the keyblade held and ultimately changes the appearance and comes with a single ability attached. You're ultimately holding two, the original appearance of your keyblade and its single modifier. Us at the beginning are unable to physically remove the keychain and see what our primary keyblade looks like, so they ultimately only appear in two standard forms.
Combat System
This will clear out any type of bugs in actual fight post in the RP. From beating someone into submission with a keyblade or other substitute weapon. To the idea that they've been locked by spells, or to the extent their magic spells can effectively damage someone. So theres no, "Oh well he got completely and utterly destroyed! OH MY GOD!" Because, being realistic, we won't be able to rival the power of the chosen 3 until LATER on in the RP. Then maybe you can say OH MY GOD like five times.
Melee is in the sense, where there will be mild powerplay. You won't always be able to block or dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Be mindful that if your keyblades make impact, even slightly there still is a pushing force from the other's physical strength onto the other. Plus if your clever you can use a stalemate of two keys to your advantage. The closer you are to your opponent, the harder it is to dodge and/or block. So if your doing melee, be prepared to take a beating, if you win or loose, you will both at some point have gotten hit physically.
Lastly magic. Here is ultimately were we get creative and cast a string of spells. Remember. Magic has a limit where we can't use it, so if your going to use a curative spell, be smart and have items. For magic, depending on the kind of attack, you really can't avoid it. Damage taken in best respects to the extent of the attack.
There will be no immediate spell after two consecutive ones.
This is the attack involving the heart's core. A kid must go through this attack, unleashing forces that thus outclass skills by far. It always involves the keyblade in some aspects. Other than that just know that the attack is dangerous. It goes on to say the attack targets the opponent's hearts, thus this attack is unavoidable. Trying a combo against a heart ignition attack is pretty much going to fail, the heart ignition isn't going to miss...
Heart ignition clash, the phenomenon that happens when two heart ignitions occur simultaneously. It is left to the two RP'ers to decide (via the OOC or PMs) who will prevail or would it just be a stalemate and the two clashes negate each other.