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Thy Kingdom Come [Sign-ups&OOC]

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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination

Thy Kingdom Come
[post-apocalyptic kingdom hearts roleplay]
[post date: March 26, 2011]
[start date: April 3, 2011]
R o l e p l a y

Its a wasteland now.

Avaricious hearts bring forth the destruction of worlds. Beckoning the darkness, opening hearts to rend the fabric of worlds imbalanced. The door opens, not to the promise lands, but to ruin and pandemonium. Darkness with malign intent reaches and spread into the worlds consuming them whole. One by one, the lights in the sky began to go out, as if life itself was becoming scarce.

This became a phenomenon that seemed to frequent and spread like the plague. Emerging from the darkness were manifestations known as heartless. Shrouds of darkness, purebloods, and equally mindless. These scavengers served without a master and catered to their only whim, the consumption of hearts. Fear had attracted them to worlds, and those that didn't meet with much resistance were devastated and ripped torn asunder, becoming a "harrowed end"

Harrowed End?

Harrowed end is what becomes of a world, completely imbalanced and immersed within darkness. Torn from the inside out, it looses all physical stability and becomes 'unreal' with nothing but a spiraling vortex of shadow, graced with a clear surface. Those that roam on a harrowed end, are either the local heartless, or souls strong enough to combat the strongest of the strong.

Its said, the reason the worlds became widows, is because the light that people once shared, was severely snuffed out and gradually weakened. As people loved the light dearly, that love formed a fleeting greed which turned them against one another. Until it splintered into their hearts, as simple fragments. The stronger the belief of genuine continuity and peace found in the person, the brighter that light shines and grows.

There was once a prophecy, its still questionable. Those that chased the beliefs of the door to light often met their ends long before they could tell the tale. In this wasteland, lingering of very little inhabitants, their are said to roam among even the harrowed ends, Eleven Individuals. Each with a claim to infamy, and a light denizen unlike that of a normal person. Their hearts are untainted, pure, and strong.

The only problem, with their individual claims to fame, not one has ever come in contact with the other. As distant as the very worlds that were once separated from one another. The task at hand is one of inevitability, these worlds are ending. What is an end, other than just another beginning? If we are to assume, to find the heart of all worlds, then those remaining must vanish to bring that missing light into view. Sheer speculation and a theory, leaves us with this mystery yet unsolved.

Balance must be restored. They must come together, they're lights must be combined, their cooperation is absolutely vital. If not...

Will the last one alive, please turn off the light.
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
The Individual Eleven

0 - Vista - Untouchable [The Citrus Cult]
the very definition of virgin

1 - Espoir [iwillremovethisifiseeitbeingusedpoorlyagain]The Scarred[/iwillremovethisifiseeitbeingusedpoorlyagain] [★]
displays the greatest unwavering resilience in a warrior

2 - Shiki The Whisper [lumine]
Faintest breath, silent death

[Three] - Bryce The Echo [Nigga Sauce]
Where are you? Am I hearing things?

4 - Azazel - Monochrome [thechaserblade]
A true neutral

5 - DaLure The Harbinger [LightandDark]
With blind luck, comes good fortune

6 - Edgar - Crossroads [Sean]
Always stuck in the middle

7 - Garrus The Skyward [Jozi(WIP;)]
Constantly evolving

8 - Ubi Ty The Savage [Ubi Ty]
Greatest lust for justice! Informal Gluttony~

9 - Sanginal The Eloquent [King Sora X]
Poised, Astute, Elegant and Suave

10 - Asuka - Harbored Destiny [Evangeline]
Connect the dots
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
[Lingering Remnant][Harrowed End][Betwixt]

Hollow Bastion [Harrowed End]
Time does many things to a world, and an end befalls all of them. Once beautiful, lively, and flourishing. The precursor of Radiant Garden and with some of the most impressive resilience in years, this world lasted longer than most. The deterioration of its structure is nearly gone. Becoming an interesting shape, while its surface is white, leading into the all-consuming vortex of shadow, hobbled balls of darkness seem to rain endlessly from the sky, dropping clusters of heartless of which include Darkside on the unexpected.

Destiny Islands [Harrowed End]
No one dwells here anymore, no one plays here anymore. Its light denizons have vanished, only the dark walk the sands. Its appearance and physical nature is left unchanged respectively. The giant tree that rest upon the island itself, ripped directly in half, the spiraling vortex of shadow rest at its heart. Sands as white as the water is translucent, but its a surface one can walk on rather than swim. The Untouchable one frequents here, but even he is a rare sight, or merely an illusion crafted by the mind?
Traverse Town [Lingering Remnant]
A rather depressing cesspit, small, but home to all those that flee from their worlds gripped by the hands of darkness. This world is whats likely the closest to the darkness itself, and the light within the people's cooperation creates something of a 60/40 balance to protect this world from becoming a harrowed end. Cobblestone streets, domestic housing, and in separation of three districts, each having drastically expanded and become larger with eons of time thats gone by.
Castle of Oblivion [Betwixt]
Information in regards to this castle has been stripped down to the bone, cleaned out, nearly cleared of all residual information. Strange. The castle itself seems to be intact as if no one has been able to solve its mystery. Time has done many things, brought about annihilation to worlds, but Castle Oblivion seems to exist untouched by the darkness, eternally. What more rest within the walls of this castle? Its searchers have uncovered nothing, its wanderers have been met oblivion, and its familiars have found sleep.

Question is, where did all the data go?
Realm of Darkness [Harrowed End]
Perpetual blackness greeted with a single white road that seems to go on endlessly.

The Dark Margin.
The tip of the realm of darkness, usually in the form of a beach, graced with the sea and shoreline. Often compared to a inversion of the realm of light's Destiny Islands, in retrospect, its known as the reprieve from darkness. At these shores, no heartless tread or roam, many that have walked within the darkness often find themselves here at the very edge of the realm. Looking for the window of escape, through the betwixt's border and back into the Realm of Light.
Middle Ground [Betwixt]
A siphon hollow space of nearly nothing. It feels like one enters a tunnel, as the array of the atmosphere is constantly moving, even though your feet is touching something solid. A crazy gold ceiling and floor clustered with fleeting and entangled light and darkness, paint it into a graph of blues and oranges. This is a betwixt point, the epicenter between using a dark corridor to travel in between realms and stopping in the middle dead center. Complete peace cannot be found even here, for heartless that exude through dark corridors are capable of somehow making there way here, the applications apply to nobodies as well. The applications of time however, are contorted with space in this realm, the dimension itself is hyperbolic and sentient, it is here the untouchable spent days, which equated to eons perfecting his craft.
High Ground [Lingering Remnant]
An archaic structure thats been hiding in the realm of light for some time now. Its green pastures are ancient, greeted by this fleeting hill that seems to stick out above all else. At one point in history it was where keyblade wielders flocked and beckoned, sharing an inner peace among men and women alike. The fog that sets upon this place has left it a ghost town, there are no extensive secrets other than those taken to the grave with its wielders at the neighboring world.
The Keyblade Graveyard [Lingering Remnant]
The seat of war so many years ago. A lust for kingdom hearts brought into fruition an unnamed world that became the battle field to physically bring kingdom hearts to them. Thousands of keyblades jut out of the ground, forming a perfect intersection and crossroads. This is merely the appearance of it from that time, with the eons since then, the changes became evident that there were others here before, some keyblades are missing, the ground is uneven, signs of recent battles freshly scarred into the rock. However, whats the most unusual about this world.

A suit of armor. It sits at the top of the highest rock that was unearthed much time before, it takes an unnatural position. Arched down, a keyblade keeps it from falling over. Yet the emanation of it is completely unnatural, no body within it, no heart to guide it, but a mind imprisoned and forever to stop trespassers from using this place for malign intent, keeping it from becoming a harrowed end, at least one person sought this.
The Cul-De-Sac [Betwixt]
Within the world of The Cul-de-sac, children, ruffians, or just regular hoodlums they could be called ran the streets with keyblades in hand. Single wielders, but, it wasn't always a peaceful settlement for them. That constant elitist sentiment sunk into the environment, which formed different cliques, groups, gangs even. These different gatherings of keybladers would fight for territory, respect, and mainly achieving status alone. It was, in a sense, survival and at the same time they made this competitive setting quite fun.

At the heart of this world, lies a door, that none of their keyblades have been able to open. Does it mean something significant? Our keys serve to open chest, lock and unlock casual yet sturdy locks, doors even, but not this one. Its rumored to be connected to other worlds, and as we pass it each day wondering what lies beyond it, even the gangs of keyblade wielding kids realize the understanding that there is something beyond their world. This notion sharply spikes which group would be the first to unlock The Cul-de-sacs most sacred and age old secret.

KHI's rules said:
  • No god-modding. Your character is yours and yours only. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone else took your character and got them killed! (Very minor g-ming is accepted if required.)
  • No power-playing. No one wants to see their character do something in another person's post that they didn't actually do nor approve. (Very minor p-ping is accepted if required)
  • Be polite when acting out of character (OOC). If an argument erupts, handle it maturely and swiftly.
  • Keep OOC to a reasonable level. No pages and pages of it, please!

My Conditions said:
  • Post in a timely manner, pace is how Roleplays survive and move evenly with scheduled events.
  • Give notice of inactivity, this is so you don't loose your position when others move on without you. (I will always summarize events for everyone and anyone)
  • Read attentively, if you have questions about someone's post. Ask them.
  • If you have general questions, ask them freely, I'll answer to the fullest extent of my ability to help you.
  • Try to be as original as possible, canon's aren't in existence anymore, except for specific ones that will be introduced at the prompted time.
  • "When It's over, come find me, I'll be..." complete the statement listed with your preference.
  • To show me that you've read the rules, post "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, All worlds soon shall perish." at the bottom of your template as well.


The keyblades origin all fall back to kingdom hearts. They are tools and virtually indispensable in the lingering battle of restoring balance. Keyblades heavily augment based on the strength of one's individual heart. They serve as conduits, meaning its wielders can cast spells and utilize magic through them more efficiently than they could by hand. These weapons are mystic, handy, and self-anomalies can both seal and unlock many doors and even pick locks.

  • Reclaiming keyblades/Borrowing

Just because you don't have a keyblade, doesn't mean your totally defenseless. If you have to fight with a normal weapon against someone, you can beat them, sora fighting with a wooden sword after loosing his to Riku, our keyblades are just one step above a "wooden sword" because they aren't as powerful as the chosen three. Our abilities and strengths are augmented with just a slight abnormal enhancement.

Keyblades can be lent to another, and they exchange it to their possession, willingly, but they still own it and at any time can call it back. This nature is because the heart shares acceptance and kindness and still attaches them to said keyblade. However in the case that one keyblader should 'expire' while their keyblade is loaned, the current holder will become the wielder of said keyblade.

Now since you have two keychains. Loosing your keyblade in a battle, doesn't mean your powerless. As you fight with a different weapon, the other keychain you still have will influence it abilities into the weapon you're currently using. In time that weapon, showing the strength of your heart can/will eventually become a keyblade. For the heart is the true key, and the keyblade merely the tool to express the heart's essence.

  • Abilities

When it comes to the individual eleven, your abilities make you different and differentiate you from another individual, its is also what gives you your status and rank in combination with your persona. Decide carefully.

  • Magic

Magic is ultimately spread into so many fields, used in aggressive formats and passive protection. Most commonly seen in elemental spells, summons, defense spells, physical affliction spells, curative spells, light spells and dark spells. Keyblades act as a conduit to channel magic and produce it. Magic's recoil is that it can't be used in excess, meaning a spell that takes a massive amount of magic, like curative spells, basically means you can't use magic within a 2-4 minute period. Realistically so much can happen in the time your vulnerable to physical attacks and magic attacks.

  • Keychains

Keychains are a physical extension of one's heart, and serve as a modifier of the keyblade held and ultimately changes the appearance and comes with a single ability attached. You're ultimately holding two, the original appearance of your keyblade and its single modifier. Us at the beginning are unable to physically remove the keychain and see what our primary keyblade looks like, so they ultimately only appear in two standard forms.

Combat System

This will clear out any type of bugs in actual fight post in the RP. From beating someone into submission with a keyblade or other substitute weapon. To the idea that they've been locked by spells, or to the extent their magic spells can effectively damage someone. So theres no, "Oh well he got completely and utterly destroyed! OH MY GOD!" Because, being realistic, we won't be able to rival the power of the chosen 3 until LATER on in the RP. Then maybe you can say OH MY GOD like five times.

  • Melee

Melee is in the sense, where there will be mild powerplay. You won't always be able to block or dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Be mindful that if your keyblades make impact, even slightly there still is a pushing force from the other's physical strength onto the other. Plus if your clever you can use a stalemate of two keys to your advantage. The closer you are to your opponent, the harder it is to dodge and/or block. So if your doing melee, be prepared to take a beating, if you win or loose, you will both at some point have gotten hit physically.

  • Magic

Lastly magic. Here is ultimately were we get creative and cast a string of spells. Remember. Magic has a limit where we can't use it, so if your going to use a curative spell, be smart and have items. For magic, depending on the kind of attack, you really can't avoid it. Damage taken in best respects to the extent of the attack. There will be no immediate spell after two consecutive ones.

  • Heart Ignition

This is the attack involving the heart's core. A kid must go through this attack, unleashing forces that thus outclass skills by far. It always involves the keyblade in some aspects. Other than that just know that the attack is dangerous. It goes on to say the attack targets the opponent's hearts, thus this attack is unavoidable. Trying a combo against a heart ignition attack is pretty much going to fail, the heart ignition isn't going to miss...

Heart ignition clash, the phenomenon that happens when two heart ignitions occur simultaneously. It is left to the two RP'ers to decide (via the OOC or PMs) who will prevail or would it just be a stalemate and the two clashes negate each other.


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Thank you Ubi Ty; Template. said:
Name: (Apparently this is the name that your parents gave to you at birth. Make it something creative and not blatantly stupid please. Also as this IS a Kingdom hearts kind of rp, a last name with certainly NOT be needed.)

Nickname: (If you don’t know what this is o_O, but yeh, your nickname. What others might call you due to some trait you may have. Take note that you just might like being you and thus have no nickname at all.)


Age: (This is really friggin simple if you ask me . How old are you?? Seriously we are all kids so none of that I’m 9999999 years old crap. Your age can range from about 13-18 if you wish.)

Gender: (Uh durr, do you have guy parts, or girl parts?? Though I’m not a hater this isn’t an rp where little kids have gotten sex changes. Please pick female or male.)

Appearance: (You gotta look like something right?? Anyway, you may use a picture, but either way, you must also have at least a decent paragraph description to go with it. Also if you Do use a picture, post it in a spoiler, or a link. We don’t wanna see huge pics across the page.)

Personality: (Meh this can be meaningless to come as we act how we act, but even so, post yours here. A paragraph or two will suffice.)

Abilities: (You've got one, and are capable of dividing it into different movesets. Be aware, this ability is yours and yours alone and unless another Individual has copying abilities, I don't want to see anyone with the same initial power. The titles should give you hints as to how to write one should you choose a number. If you want to know Zero's I'll show you with my template.)

Magic: (Yes you can have spells, even if they are really powerful, though Ultima and Flare are completely out, along with stop, and Reflega. Magic ends up hampering you, so if you use it be realistic. If you have Thundaga in this spot it is gonna take like a minute of you standing looking dumb to cast…..you mave have four spells.)

Heart Ignition: (Your finishing move, you only get one, for once you really won't be yelled at for making something over the top. Take advantage.)

Keyblades and chains: (You start with a single keyblade that in reality you have no idea what it looks like or its true powers. With this said, the keychains come into play. You have a keychain automatically attached to your keyblade thus changing it from its true form and giving it the look it has. On the same note you have another keychain.

KeybladeForm Appearance A: (Post a pic, or don’t. As before if you do, put it in a link or something…)

Keyblade Form Appearance B: (Post a pic, or don’t. As before if you do, put it in a link or something…)

Recent History
: (It doesn’t really matter all too much where you came from and why, just that now you are a kid in the Cul-de-sac and you are part of a faction battling it out for some type of supremacy in the streets. Here is where you talk about your recent activities in the Cul-de-sac. At least two paragraphs please.)
Temp .


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Somewhere beyond the earth
This looks cool. I'm joining.

Name: Eric Paladin

Alias: The Guardian

Age: 18, but looks older.

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Title/rank: 10. Harbored Destiny. (hopeefully)

Heart ignition: Holy Soul: Eric raises his hands high in the air and a gold fireball forms in the right and silver in the left. He then smashes them together and a keyblade forms. It looks like the Holy Key, but the three shafts are chains like the Soul Key, but alternating gold and silver links. The prongs are now an entire silver and gold dragon and the guard is round. The chain is very long and has a diamond on it instead of a keychain. He then stabs the keyblade deep within his opponent's heart and the light within all the hearts in that world goes into it and aids the attack. Devastating with no light, lethal with a lot.

Keyblades: Keychain A: Holy Key
a golden and silver keyblade with three long silver shafts in a triangle shape, and a large golden dragon wing and a silver spike as the prongs. The guard is pretty much a perfect circle, and is golden. The handle is silver and has silver cloth wrapped around it. The chain is golden, and the keychain on the end of it is a silver dragon. There are some golden runes inscribes on the silver shafts, and one of them has golden spikes going down it facing away from the triangle. Deals high damage, but is heavy and slower to attack.
- Ability: Holy Sync: When enough darkness surrounds him, eric can summon both holy key and soul key. He needs to have this keychain on him and have one of the two equiped.
B: Soul Key
A silver key shaped like a long chain with a heart for the prongs. The guard is octagonal. The chain is silver and the keychain is a golden dragon. fast attacks, but less damage.
Ability: Soul Shift: Eric can teleport within ten feet of him while this keyblade is equiped. It can also stretch out slightly to maximize range.

Destiny Awaits: Eric can sense whenever someone does or plans to do a good or bad deed, and can also see their ultimate destiny. He can also see what will happen 3 minutes in advance. He can call upon this ability at any time.

Appearance: Eric has a clean shaven face and long brown hair. His eyes shine golden like light, perhaps as a side effect of it's overuse. He has a slightly large nose, and small eyes. He wears silver and gold light steel armor with a golden dragon shown on the right shoulder and a silver one on the left. The rest of the armor is silver with gold trim. When he doesn't want to be recognized he wears a silver cloak over it and a silver hood.

Ray: A beam of light emanating from the palm. Can be intensified and used as an effective beam weapon of used to light the way like a flashlight.
Orb: An orb of light forms within the user's hand, and can float in the air or be fired at opponents as an explosive weapon.
Holyflame: A flamethrower type spell that fires golden, sparkling fire. Very hot.
Soulwind: A flamethrower type spell that fires silver, glowing fire. Very cold.

Recent history: Eric refuses to kill simply for being the best. He still would have contests and such, but anything further was out of the question. Rather, he took up the mantle of "The Guardian" and protects those who are being attacked. Even this world is full of those who would take advantage of the weak, so they need a guardian to protect them. He only trusted his friends with this secret, nobody else knew.
Personality: Until he took up the role of "The Guardian" Eric felt like he was restricted by being stuck here. He is still unsure of what meaning he has, but has a sense of duty to help others. He is often lighthearted, but if anyone needs help he will become serious in an instant. He doesn't really trust anyone except his closest friends, but to them, he would trust his life. He absolutely hates anyone who would do an innocent harm, and will kill them and give no mercy. Even petty thieves would die by his key.

Thy kingdom come, thy shall be done. All worlds will perish.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
I'm deciding on whether I want to take #3 or #8, but not sure which one would fit the kind of characters I'm use to making. XD.

EDIT: Actually, I'm gonna reserve me #9 :3

Gonna work on my temp, and hopefully get it posted by sunday :)
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Gannon, fix parts of your temp and detail a few elements, as well as confirm that you've read the rules. Not to mention your heart ignition is a little too literal, and can impale others without much clause unintentional or not. Sooo we're going to basically send some unseen wave, even to others not on the same world as you and basically "hit'em where it hurts"?

Realize something, that also affects innocent civilians and is ineffective on beings like nobodies and heartless for the lack of heart. Physics of KH sort of configure, I can't accept it unless you rewrite bro.

KSX: I'll hold your spot man.

LightandDark; Armor is optional, its doubted many of us will use it.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Somewhere beyond the earth
I think you misunderstood my heart trigger. It doesn't hit each heart, each heart hits my opponent. But fine, I'll change it.
Anyway, I made the changes. I also made the armor light so that I could maneuver around, though it won't protect as well.
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Nyx Winters

The Dawn Fox
Oct 26, 2008
When It's over, come find me, you'll see how the world is"

Name: Azazel


Title Rank: FOUR - Monochrome

Age: 15

Gender: male

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Azel is a short blonde haired teen with long black streaks though it to give it a different look. Azel normally wears half-open button up shirts normally staying to mostly grays sometimes wears vests over his shirts but only sometimes he also wears baggy army camouflage jeans with a white and black swirl belt and volleys. Azel stands at about five foot eight with a medium build(2-pack) giving him a flexible body being raised in the middle of a war zone he was raised by his older brother and sister while his mother and farther fought the war he has a scar under his right eye.

Personality: Azel is a neutral by nature and by status not belonging to either faction he likes to party with his friends “if we’re all going to die might as well as party all we can and as hard as we can” though his elder sibling are responsible for him they like to see him enjoying his time. He hates that the war must rage on and that it seems like it always will he has a lack of control over his anger which has ended in some bad situations. Azel is a good sometimes-other times he lies to people and misleads them for his own enjoyment and profit.

Angel Burst – Azel walks with the light letting the dark disappear and his mind find peace. his hair is now a dark white shade sporting two white angelic wings of light energy, his keyblade is now longer and fully embedded with the power of light it also allows him to use other light based attacks. Light grenades (bombs created out of light energy), heavens grace (his wings open up fully as they and his torso shine destroying weaker level heartless and deeply wounding high level heartless ). Heavens impact (light energy boosts the strength of the user by 10 fold delivering a powerful strike of light and keyblade damage). and the seven swords of light (seven swords of light energy floats around Azel can be used as a long range or short-range offence or defense).

Point Of Balance- Azel walks with mission a goal that furthers a goal to help everything granting him light flexible Armour covering his arms and legs and parts of his chest wears a grey trench coat with hood over this form. Azel's hair is now a long( knee length) dark grey to match his dark grey eyes he has a tattoo of a holy cross striped black and white this form is accessed when he realizes who he is and becomes one with neutrality.
Neutral clash( disrupts all elemental abilities cancelling them out ) all Form access (allows access to all his abilities from all forms) void barrier (raises a barrier of neutral energy to stop the attack also absorbing the attack to supply the user with extra power)

Demonic Essence – Azel gives in to his darker ambitions forcing out the light he holds dear. He now has jet-black hair with two horns on his forehead that end just about above his head along with his hands now showing dark gauntlets, his keyblade now oozes dark energy allowing the use of darker powers. Dark gauntlets (his gauntlets ignite in pitch-black flames as a layer of the gauntlets) dark aura (throws blasts of dark energy from his gauntlets) claws of the dead (claws of darkness raise from the ground to claw at the opponent) Lucifer’s wings (waves of dark energy are thrown off the keyblade when swung)

Heart Ignition:

Void cannon

Both His Keyblades meld into cannon like weapon gathering neutral energy from the world’s heart and the realms of light and darkness to create a blast of complete neutrality canceling out any other element and absorbing it said to send the enemies that survive to the deepest parts of the void space that are ripped open by the blast.

Keyblade Form Appearance A

Ability Energy neutral Reversal,
this keyblade allows the user to decrease the power of light while increasing the power of darkness, and vice-versa.

Keyblade Form Appearance B:

Ability-copycat– while wielding this blade he is granted a somewhat of a imitate for enemies attacks and is able to use them in succession after the enemy uses it but only for a 2 hour period they then lose the ability they have imitated

Recent History:
world cul-de-sac -betwixt

the cul-de-sac was a haven for keybladers refugee's then the king Sora died and the world went into anarchy factions killing over territory killin g for status and killing for fun their heavenly society had been taken away and replaced with a hell and never ending wars

Azel lived a peaceful life but with the war between the factions roaring its flames again he knows this time there will be more casualty, he fears for his family and friends he gets letters from his mother and family who are fighting on the front line about how bad it is getting and how they are doing.

His older sister nel and brother noichi look after him but still act like older siblings which is great for Azel because he always preferred it that way. The war hit is home a week ago and is now war in the streets Azel is now alone and on the run from both factions.

Theme song
Katekyo hitman reborn theme- tsuna awakens
-light side
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII AMV - Let It Rock
-dark side
YouTube - Bleach amv - Invincible

"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, All worlds soon shall perish."
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Apr 26, 2007
Question (and I may have missed it in the reading but idgaf): what do the numbers have in significance to our abilities. Specifically us who are not assigned to a number.


Great Old One
Sep 22, 2007
Most anything with a post-apocalyptic already has my interest; I'll consider posting a template.


faster than
Jan 10, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Question (and I may have missed it in the reading but idgaf): what do the numbers have in significance to our abilities. Specifically us who are not assigned to a number.

Just the name and phrase after the number. So Number 5 - The Harbinger With blind luck comes good fortune. So I assume that this means that Number 5 is lucky.


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Numbers are reminicient of abilities, and make you different in terms of the title. Basing your abilities off your title in best respects is left for you to levy on that.

IE: I give you a piece of paper, a blank canvas, and you virtually pour your ideas onto the page.

Here is an example.


"When It's over, come find me, I'll be already out of your reach, maybe you could never touch me from the beginning."

: Vista

: Viz, Visa

: Zero - Untouchable

: Nineteen.

: Male-man

Spoiler Spoiler Show
The gentleman stands a height of about five feet and nine inches in height. Bearing a fairly strange designed suit. With an orange tie, fastened with nice and leisurable feel. Not a man for luxary, his hair often stays the way it is, undone and rather jaggedly spiked downward. Taking his hat off, his hair forms at something of a slope.

His eyes themselves are something of a diversely diluted green thats a much more burned lime color.

Quite charming really. A rather collected, but fairly timid and pulled off individual. Vista is something of a person, with time, you would think he's garnered a bit of experience in conversation. Its not the case, being a fraction social the less people he knows, the less they would worry about him and vice-versa. While there was a time he was labeled as a vagrant and pejorative, he seemed to filter out that 'noise' of his name and learn to leave things, people, contact behind him. As a shadow of time, he exerts help and is never there to take the credit like a deserving heroic, making him a vigilante of time.

: Time. He's never been touched, never been harmed, never been seen or even remembered with time respectively. While influencing it on an extreme that bypasses time spells, he can afflict more than just objects, but the entire radius of the world inhabited and become an example of 'cause&effect'.

Time in perspective - Using his power to push time into a common spell known as "Stop" in a more prominent act, he traps the body. Time around them moves, but with being immobilzed ones motor-senses are also stopped, completely unaware of precious seconds slipping by. Used for an approximation of seconds, to several minutes, in making hasty escape or moving the trapped recipient somewhere else.

Slow -> Normal -> Fast -> Light Speed - Using his time powers on himself and on others, it causes time-based anomalies upon the afflicted. From making someone several times slower, of which inflicts both the muscles, brain receptive signals, and senses, to jumping them through time speeding them up to double-time, to light speed. Light speed however is a bit different, time stops around those pulled in and its more a key of the body being boosted to such a state thats super-human. Touching someone while in light speed would cause them serious damage if they aren't pulled in or extended to fall into the very same spell. Trapping a hostile in lightspeed leaves them to sit in complete inertia until released.

Time Reversal
- To the extent he moves time, he is able to rewind events but there is a limit to how much he can 'undo'. He is able to expand it, but the cost is ridiculous because he can at most rewind is about one year of time. Affecting memories of events, and even eliminating lingering deja vu's. Whats painstaking about reversing is reliving everything that had already happened, more importantly, doing events slightly differently.

Time Travel - Displacing himself through time of the year of his choice, he jumps at light speed and as a singular object, jettisons backwards through time. Zero simply jumps to points in time with point accuracy. Since he doesn't regulate space, its taxing when it comes to pinpointing where he want's to go. To save himself trouble, he uses his keyblade's ability to act as a marker for a destination of interest. In returning to the present, he marks his positions with dates tied to the ends of his markers.


Time Globe - Calling upon magic Vista creates a small time globe. A white sphere, with a string of roman numerals and miniature big and small hands that envelop around it endlessly. The Globe itself is often called and summoned to be used as an external tie to Vista's abilities, and in doing so he is able to save magic by imposing a temporal control that would normally be found in his abilities, but saves him the additional strain by calling upon his resolved Time Globe. The Time Globe at the sametime is a container for things that pass with time, namely information, and in combination with other spells he can quite literally implant knowledge through another magic spell known as 'transfer'.

Transfer - A magic spell Vista calls upon for implanting both knowledge of varied sorts, often done in combination with Time Globe. To the extents of information, false memories, bits and pieces of prophecies, and fragments of information imposed that in actuality can inherently resolve semi-independently.

Time Portal - A spell that vista casts as a branch from the Land of Departures 'Lanes Between' which is a temporal gateway through time, given Vista is unable to manipulate space, to make sure he or his passengers touch base rather than fly through space forever, they are broken off at a certain time, and the space is guided by a marker, several are indespensible in making landings accurate. Closest travelers land, are within three feet of the markers they are dropped at.

Blind - A spell that summons a powerful array of light, globe shaped, and seems to shine around and sweep all that can see its light. Having a blind effect, of which hampers even those that close their eyes with a temporary impaired state of vision for a minute.

Heart Ignition

Keyblades and chains
: (You start with a single keyblade that in reality you have no idea what it looks like or its true powers. With this said, the keychains come into play. You have a keychain automatically attached to your keyblade thus changing it from its true form and giving it the look it has. On the same note you have another keychain.

KeybladeForm Appearance A
: Grigori
Ability- Magic Hastega; The variant of which greatly reduces the interval of regaining access to magic.

Keyblade Form Appearance B
: Ethernal
Ability- Marker; His keyblade juts small capsule-like beacons with an infinite number. The markers are used in conjunction with Vista's time traveling, and lets say he traveled back in time and left a marker, that marker should be in the same spot several years later. At the sametime, the markers can be used to teleport. Using several at a time, they mark his locations and he visits them regularly, and the like.

Recent History

He's not one to make fun of this. With Vista's variant of time, he can't stop himself from aging or rather he'd feel unnatural if he didn't age. Rolling his eyes, he rummages on the harrowed end of space that was once Destiny Islands at the current. What brought him here one might ponder? In his time traveling, he learned a great deal of things, and of people from history. Keybladers before him, eons before him at that. The worlds before they became harrowed ends and the events that transpired to cause them to become the way they are.

More importantly.

How to stop them. Kingdom hearts was apparently connected somehow. The heart of all worlds is all he seemed to really know, but when one has kingdom hearts, this 'all-powerful means of omniscience' in a heart. What do they do with it, how do they use it? A single soul managed to, and in the blinding flash, this alternative became what tied into history.

"White lies...reveal black truths...man oh man..."
"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, All Worlds Soon Shall Perish."
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Apr 26, 2007
Ah I gotcha now. I think I'll have a bit of fun with Crossroads.
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