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This is how to beat Sephiroth KH2(Guide)

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15th member

New member
May 13, 2008
Deepest Darkness.....Finding My Light
I do not know if there is a guide now for this one,if there is then why still people ask for how beating him ayt?

  • You absolutely(really) must have Leaf Bracer,Once More, Second Chance Abilities.The last remaining HP may be your last chance to heal

  • Don't waste MP-Curaga and Reflaga are the only spells you'll need

  • Lock on to him at all times,When he teleports slam R1 immidiately to lock on

  • His quick ground combo has a reaction command,thats the easiest way to hurt him

  • When he hits you and lauches you in the air use air recovery and lauch an air combo(Sepiroth cant heal Only you can:tongue:)

  • When he lauches you with the pillars of flame,use Glide and Air Dodge abilities so scoot away(or you could just simply run away it worked for me)

  • When se summoned orbs to surround you,cast reflaga to break them

  • When the sky darkens and Sephiroth rises into the air,hit him quick or use thungada(cause after this you will only have 1 remaining hp) If you werent able to stop him,use reaction command to dodge his next attack,then Heal with Curaga or Max Potion(stocking the shortcut command with Curaga Max pot.,Max pot.,then Reflaga is useful)

  • Sephiroth can only be defeated with a finishing blow even if he has one HP left

  • My level when I first defeated him was 41 so level maybe not the answer to this Boss

  • You can also use the Trinity Limit which can make the fight faster and Equip Ultima Weapon or your strongest keyblade so far

Umm Hope this helps cause i really Need a rep :lol:


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Over there~*point*
pwuahaha!@ awsome guide~
wish it was more for KH1 since hes the only boss in that game that makes my heart PUMP so much during the fighto_O
kh2...hmmm...he was...unexpectdly easy "COMPARE" to KH1~ i think its becuz of the "triangle" function~

GIVE PROPS to ur guide~


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Brampton ON, Canada
I have some tricks/tips I have and figured I'd share.

- When he uses Heartless Angel, if you are too late/too lazy you can time Curaga at the right moment so the attack hits you and you get you HP back immediately since healing takes a little time.

- I try to stay on the ground at all times since you can't block in the air.

- Let him come to you. You don't wanna get hit with a combo off guard.

- When he uses Meteorain in the final phase, just jump like crazy and hope you don't get hit.


space coke
Aug 30, 2009
i dont see the point in this
im the type of guy who does things by himself
i found my own strategy of how to defeat sephiroth
and everyone else should too
no offense though


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Over there...
i dont see the point in this
im the type of guy who does things by himself
i found my own strategy of how to defeat sephiroth
and everyone else should too
no offense though

If you don't wanna follow this then don't. There is a point, though. Some people need help with these kind of things.


Apr 9, 2009
I do not know if there is a guide now for this one,if there is then why still people ask for how beating him ayt?

  • You absolutely(really) must have Leaf Bracer,Once More, Second Chance Abilities.The last remaining HP may be your last chance to heal

  • Don't waste MP-Curaga and Reflaga are the only spells you'll need

  • Lock on to him at all times,When he teleports slam R1 immidiately to lock on

  • His quick ground combo has a reaction command,thats the easiest way to hurt him

  • When he hits you and lauches you in the air use air recovery and lauch an air combo(Sepiroth cant heal Only you can:tongue:)

  • When he lauches you with the pillars of flame,use Glide and Air Dodge abilities so scoot away(or you could just simply run away it worked for me)

  • When se summoned orbs to surround you,cast reflaga to break them

  • When the sky darkens and Sephiroth rises into the air,hit him quick or use thungada(cause after this you will only have 1 remaining hp) If you werent able to stop him,use reaction command to dodge his next attack,then Heal with Curaga or Max Potion(stocking the shortcut command with Curaga Max pot.,Max pot.,then Reflaga is useful)

  • Sephiroth can only be defeated with a finishing blow even if he has one HP left

  • My level when I first defeated him was 41 so level maybe not the answer to this Boss

  • You can also use the Trinity Limit which can make the fight faster and Equip Ultima Weapon or your strongest keyblade so far
Umm Hope this helps cause i really Need a rep :lol:
instead of Aerial recovery Retaliating slash is alot better, and also couterguard helps alot when he does his gorund combo and if he uses the dark orbs counterguard clears that away too so like this...
Dark orbs>Ground combo>Guard>Counterguard= no dark orbs...
and The heartless angel attack can only be stopped by a physical attack... Sephiroth is immune to magic... I tried once using thundaga and it didn't do anything... but you have to get him fast... and he is quite far away so Aerial dodge and glide to him and catch him in a mid-air combo...


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
There is a very simple way of beating him: use common sense.

Just stay away from him at certain points, and then rush him. Think about how everyone wins in games and the lesson they attempt to teach you about how power isn't true strength and whatnot.

Frankly, I thought KH1 Sephiroth was much more difficult.


Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
instead of Aerial recovery Retaliating slash is alot better, and also couterguard helps alot when he does his gorund combo and if he uses the dark orbs counterguard clears that away too so like this...
Dark orbs>Ground combo>Guard>Counterguard= no dark orbs...
and The heartless angel attack can only be stopped by a physical attack... Sephiroth is immune to magic... I tried once using thundaga and it didn't do anything... but you have to get him fast... and he is quite far away so Aerial dodge and glide to him and catch him in a mid-air combo...

Retaliating slash is really meh. I agree with using Aerial recovery, but what I did in order to maximise damage output was to first reflega his move, then do an aerial combo. Hey, if you want to do it at high levels you'll expend all your mana on heal, might as well use as much of it as you can first.

Counterguard is good because of the AOE, but reflega still does a better job at blowing them all away, since a nice well aimed reflega throws every last ball into the distance.

There is a very simple way of beating him: use common sense.

Just stay away from him at certain points, and then rush him. Think about how everyone wins in games and the lesson they attempt to teach you about how power isn't true strength and whatnot.

Frankly, I thought KH1 Sephiroth was much more difficult.

Yes, KH1 Sephiroth was harder, but staying away won't help in KH2, especially at the later phase where his comboes can fly across the entire freaking battlefield and hit you directly. Oh, and did I mention he can teleport behind you?


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Why do you need a guide to beat the KH2 Sephiroth...

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
Sephiroth can only be defeated with a finishing blow even if he has one HP left
This goes for every boss :v
When the sky darkens and Sephiroth rises into the air,hit him quick or use thungada(cause after this you will only have 1 remaining hp) If you werent able to stop him,use reaction command to dodge his next attack,then Heal with Curaga or Max Potion(stocking the shortcut command with Curaga Max pot.,Max pot.,then Reflaga is useful)
If I remember right, Sephiroth is immune to all kinds of magic except Reflega.

And I wouldn't bother using Cure, since it uses all your MP, which is pure bull - stick to potions.
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