lol that was funny!
Ok, part one of "Evil Academy High"(assume Ansem is Riku's dad):
Ansem and Riku are in Hollow Bastion talking while a dark cloud looms over head.
Riku: So Ans--Dad, why did u take my body?
Ansem: Darkness, true Darkness!!! Oh, what? Sorry mental relaps, why'd i what?
Riku: *sighs* Take my body.
Ansem: Take ur body? Um... Son I didn't think that's legal, that's like homosexual incest to the max.
Riku: NO, God what's wrong with u? I meant y did u take my body?
Ansem: Oooo. Well yours matched my needed settings.
Riku: couldn't you just----
BOOOMM!!!!! A huge explosion blew through the ceiling, destroying the floor beneth.
Riku: Was that a meteor?! What was ---
Ansem: Could it be? No.... Not here...
Riku: What is it Ansem? Father?
As the dust cleared a dark figure could be seen rising from the floor, first black leather boots could be seen, then metal armor on the sholders, a wing, and long white hair.
Ansem: S-Sephiroth?
Sephiroth: I have come for u Ansem, it is time.... Stand aside boy.
Riku looked at Sephiroth apprehencivly, then readied his Soul-Eater. He stared into the eyes of the One-Winged Angel.
Riku: You will do well to leave, YOU SHALL NOT HARM MY FATHER!!!
Sephiroth began to laugh hystericaly, and to Riku's surprise, so did Ansem.
Sephiroth: Hahahaha!!! Ani, where'd u get this kid?! Hahaha!!!
Ansem: Hahahaha!! Yeah, he's kinda funny huh?! Heh, this is ma' son Riku.
Sephiroth: Son? Oohh, who'd u nock up this time, eh, Larxene, Yunalesca?
Ansem: Oooo we'll get to that later, it's great seeing u Sephy!!
Riku stands in the middle of the room confused, while "Sephy" and "Ani" give each other daps and sit down.
Ansem: Hey Riku,
Riku: Y-yeah?
Ansem: Throw me a beer will ya? Hey Seph-meister u want?
Seph-Meister: Hells yeah!!
Ansem: u heard him kid!!
Riku stands in shock looking around at the two laugh, he walks to the cooler and (after moving a few hearts) finds the beer. He walks over to Ansem eyeing Sephy.
Riku: u know each other?
Ansem: Yeah, Sephy and i use to room with each other back in the Evil Academy High School!!
Riku's jaw drops in shock, as the other 2 laugh at the sound of the name.
Riku: There was an "evil academy"?
Sephy: Yup, hey Ani, did your kid go?
Ansem: Not yet, i sold him and his siter kairi up for adoption while i tried to find the secret to the Heart of All Worlds.
Sephy: Yeah, kid's can be a hassle when your doing that, that's why i don't have kids.
Ansem: Hey, kid. Sit down, we'll tell u about the Academy, *whispers*i plan on sending u there anyway.
Riku: what was that last part?
Ansem: Oh nothin, so let's begin!!!
That's the first part.