i'm listening to Numanuma right now 'numanuma ay, numaunmua ay, numanuma numa ay'
okay, i got one but it's a blooper
Sora and Riku are at C.Hook's ship
S: Riku, your on the wrong side!
R: No, Sora, im not afraid now.... i have conrol of the FARTLESS!
R: *POOT* ahhhhh.......
R: Sora???Sora??SORA??? ohh well, Ansem?
A: Yes?
R:We go another one down.
A: Same thing as Kiari?
R: Yeah
A:So, what do you want me to do?
ut him in the cabin.
A: what makes you think that I'LL do it?
R: I just ate a can of beans.
A: OKAY!!!!