So looking back into interviews reviews youtube theories and lore I came across something about the secret boss in 1.5 a.k.a Xemnas being canon.
According to what i've heard and read Xion was created when Xemnas fought Sora during the SB fight in Hollow Bastion.
It is stated that during his fight with Sora, Xemnas made sure to sample Sora's most precious/powerful memories for the project of creating Xion.
With that said here is my group of theories in one theory.
I think the SB fight in BBS actually means YX is looking for either information on the fighting styles of the characters or information on Ven's whereabouts typically I believe it's the latter and i'll state why:
Now my Theory is this:
I think on the fact of vanitas' presence there will be a plot twist that by the time they locate ventus' body it'll be too late, the bigger twist is the fact that they never had a chance. YX had went back in time to follow aqua and locate ventus to impede the guardians of light and also gain one ally A.K.A Vanitas.
With this said i'm continuing the theory based off of other secret bosses.
As for Lingering Will and the Data Battles for KH2
I believe there will be 2 forms of Terra fighting on each side of the keyblade war.
I believe Lingering Will sensing Terra's heart near and feeling the presence of Xehanort joins the battle as the guardians of light but Xemnas still being TX's heartless is on their side.
As for the data battles I think Xehanort learned about Data in his time as AX and he used that data as a way to help him bring people such as Isa back from the past. by interpreting the data and manipulating it to hold their place in this timeline he could assure there would be no issues with time dragging them back.
Now onto Julius, Kurt Zisa, Phantom, and Ice Titan
I think these 4 Represent stepping stones he will have to face with the new and improved heartless in kh3 because
Julius and runaway brain (I haven't watched so forgive me if i'm wrong) from what i've heard a disaster happens and Mickey's brain get's wonked up in the process so it could be symbolic of him having to save mickey from a villain of his past bc if Sora and Riku dispatch of julius mickey could but the way he scurried into the sewers someone was definitely pulling the strings.
Kurt Zisa he seemed more over an intelligent heartless yes but I think there is supposed to be some symbolism that I will touch upon with the Ice Titan
Phantom he reminds me of ruler of the sky and I believe he is meant to represent the stronger heartless and the trials they will have to face. Now on this subject I also believe the phantom is supposed to represent something Beyond Kh3 and Similar to Ansem I think a heartless that retains his former memories. I also believe he is the heartless of Marluxia's somebody seeing as only 4 of the Org XIII members haven't had their original names revealed. For some unknown reason the phantom shows a resemblence to marluxia's form let's start with height if you compare images of the 2 you can clearly see a height similarity. Depending on the angle you view him from the build is quite similar also
now the lore's behind Marluxia must be explained.
Marluxia is supposed to be a mix of different western culture's that pertain to death.
Starting with the grim reaper the grim reaper is simply known as the man dispatched to take you to the other side not necessarily bad but not good either more neutral than anything. Also the western culture of flowers, flowers symbolize death as to which we place them on tombstones as offerings or tribute's to the dead.
The phantom looks to have the same lore with the grim reaper because the grim reaper is typically seen in that a cloak with the same cuts as the phantom right down to the claws they all scream death or the grim reaper especially almost all personifications even parodies portray him the same the cloak's finger's even look kinda skeletal.
Now for Kurt Zisa and the Ice titan
I think Kurt Zisa is supposed to represent one of the heartless Sora will have to fight in one of the newer world's or even Aladdin's world again. Because as seen in the trailer of kh3 revealed at d23 The titans are gonna show up and on bigger maps. We see Mt. Olympus for the first time and we see Sora fighting the Rock Titan so it's safe to assume we will most likely see Lythos (Rock Titan) Pyros (Lava Titan) Hydros (Ice Titan) it is actually a water and ice titan so they could change it's mechanics but it is the Stratos (Wind Titan) and possibly Cyclops/Avatar. (The titan that attacked hercules while the others attacked olympus.) So there is a possibility with the enhanced Attraction Flow and other mechanics we could see Kurt Zisa again with a Difficulty Buff or a Canon Story Plot.
I think I covered them all but if I missed any please let me know I could edit this theory or post another one and please let me know what you think of this theory.
According to what i've heard and read Xion was created when Xemnas fought Sora during the SB fight in Hollow Bastion.
It is stated that during his fight with Sora, Xemnas made sure to sample Sora's most precious/powerful memories for the project of creating Xion.
With that said here is my group of theories in one theory.
I think the SB fight in BBS actually means YX is looking for either information on the fighting styles of the characters or information on Ven's whereabouts typically I believe it's the latter and i'll state why:
- Vanitas is seen with YX in La cite des cloches and it's been stated that Ventus' heart was reacting to Vanitas' presence.
- Aqua hid ventus so well that even with many members of Org XIII searching they could not find the room. (Or did they?)
Now my Theory is this:
I think on the fact of vanitas' presence there will be a plot twist that by the time they locate ventus' body it'll be too late, the bigger twist is the fact that they never had a chance. YX had went back in time to follow aqua and locate ventus to impede the guardians of light and also gain one ally A.K.A Vanitas.
With this said i'm continuing the theory based off of other secret bosses.
As for Lingering Will and the Data Battles for KH2
I believe there will be 2 forms of Terra fighting on each side of the keyblade war.
I believe Lingering Will sensing Terra's heart near and feeling the presence of Xehanort joins the battle as the guardians of light but Xemnas still being TX's heartless is on their side.
As for the data battles I think Xehanort learned about Data in his time as AX and he used that data as a way to help him bring people such as Isa back from the past. by interpreting the data and manipulating it to hold their place in this timeline he could assure there would be no issues with time dragging them back.
Now onto Julius, Kurt Zisa, Phantom, and Ice Titan
I think these 4 Represent stepping stones he will have to face with the new and improved heartless in kh3 because
Julius and runaway brain (I haven't watched so forgive me if i'm wrong) from what i've heard a disaster happens and Mickey's brain get's wonked up in the process so it could be symbolic of him having to save mickey from a villain of his past bc if Sora and Riku dispatch of julius mickey could but the way he scurried into the sewers someone was definitely pulling the strings.
Kurt Zisa he seemed more over an intelligent heartless yes but I think there is supposed to be some symbolism that I will touch upon with the Ice Titan
Phantom he reminds me of ruler of the sky and I believe he is meant to represent the stronger heartless and the trials they will have to face. Now on this subject I also believe the phantom is supposed to represent something Beyond Kh3 and Similar to Ansem I think a heartless that retains his former memories. I also believe he is the heartless of Marluxia's somebody seeing as only 4 of the Org XIII members haven't had their original names revealed. For some unknown reason the phantom shows a resemblence to marluxia's form let's start with height if you compare images of the 2 you can clearly see a height similarity. Depending on the angle you view him from the build is quite similar also
now the lore's behind Marluxia must be explained.
Marluxia is supposed to be a mix of different western culture's that pertain to death.
Starting with the grim reaper the grim reaper is simply known as the man dispatched to take you to the other side not necessarily bad but not good either more neutral than anything. Also the western culture of flowers, flowers symbolize death as to which we place them on tombstones as offerings or tribute's to the dead.
The phantom looks to have the same lore with the grim reaper because the grim reaper is typically seen in that a cloak with the same cuts as the phantom right down to the claws they all scream death or the grim reaper especially almost all personifications even parodies portray him the same the cloak's finger's even look kinda skeletal.
Now for Kurt Zisa and the Ice titan
I think Kurt Zisa is supposed to represent one of the heartless Sora will have to fight in one of the newer world's or even Aladdin's world again. Because as seen in the trailer of kh3 revealed at d23 The titans are gonna show up and on bigger maps. We see Mt. Olympus for the first time and we see Sora fighting the Rock Titan so it's safe to assume we will most likely see Lythos (Rock Titan) Pyros (Lava Titan) Hydros (Ice Titan) it is actually a water and ice titan so they could change it's mechanics but it is the Stratos (Wind Titan) and possibly Cyclops/Avatar. (The titan that attacked hercules while the others attacked olympus.) So there is a possibility with the enhanced Attraction Flow and other mechanics we could see Kurt Zisa again with a Difficulty Buff or a Canon Story Plot.
I think I covered them all but if I missed any please let me know I could edit this theory or post another one and please let me know what you think of this theory.