I have theory as to why Roxas looks like Ven, being Sora's nobody, he gotta consist of Sora's body and soul, right? So why does he have a defferent hair colour and style than Sora and looka like a completely different person?
I think perhaps sometime in BBS Sora acually dies, but before he does his heart got extracted from his body and kept safe somewhere by his mother and his body burried but she told this to no one.
I think the DS is acually a replica of Ven, in one of the BBS trailer summeries, it says Terra knocked DS' helmet and he got shocked and later he asks MX "what have you done to his heart?", maybe he thinks MX have done somehing to Ven similar to how Sora thought that Vexen made a replica of Riku and made Sora think he controled his mind.
The dark soldier wears the same clothes as Riku bit whithout the heart symbol, maybe cause he lacked a heart, and toward the end of BBS, he was given Sora's heart, and in a why he transformed in 5year-old Sora and he lost his memories but gained Sora's. And Sora grew with this body, that is the body of the DS the Ven replic, that's why when Roxas was created, he resembed Ven, because he's acually the body of the Ven replica.
Maybe thats why Vexen/Even was interesnted in Xeahanort's memories, maybe he unlocked his memories and Xehanort shared the secret of creating replicas and thats why he was able to create the Riku replica and he went further than MX and created his Replica whith a heart.
I think perhaps sometime in BBS Sora acually dies, but before he does his heart got extracted from his body and kept safe somewhere by his mother and his body burried but she told this to no one.
I think the DS is acually a replica of Ven, in one of the BBS trailer summeries, it says Terra knocked DS' helmet and he got shocked and later he asks MX "what have you done to his heart?", maybe he thinks MX have done somehing to Ven similar to how Sora thought that Vexen made a replica of Riku and made Sora think he controled his mind.
The dark soldier wears the same clothes as Riku bit whithout the heart symbol, maybe cause he lacked a heart, and toward the end of BBS, he was given Sora's heart, and in a why he transformed in 5year-old Sora and he lost his memories but gained Sora's. And Sora grew with this body, that is the body of the DS the Ven replic, that's why when Roxas was created, he resembed Ven, because he's acually the body of the Ven replica.
Maybe thats why Vexen/Even was interesnted in Xeahanort's memories, maybe he unlocked his memories and Xehanort shared the secret of creating replicas and thats why he was able to create the Riku replica and he went further than MX and created his Replica whith a heart.