I hope I didn't miss sign ups?
Name: Evan Nitener
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 148
Build: Thinish, but has a runners build
Former Occupation: College student, skilled runner and athlete, was studying to become a psychologist, and thus has an extensive knowledge of the workings of the human mind.
Talents: Running, high stamina, high agility, talented in the art of free-running.
Items: One water purification bottle (Bottle itself is capable of purification.) , one small bottle of aspirin, an old school .357 revolver with a small box consisting of 50 bullets, 28 of them already used, (I'm thinking ammo should be treated as a single item since a box is roughly the size of a small cup, but I'll change this if needed)
Appearance: Medium length, curly dark blonde hair, blue eyes, slight facial hair in the form of a small goatee, large scar across his abdomen left from an organ removal years earlier, thin looking, but strong calf and thigh muscles from years of running.
Origin: Born from two upper class, aristocratic parents, has a slightly smug, 'holier than though' personality, and see's others as a means to an end, often keeping to himself and only interacting with others when he believes it will benefit him.