I at least need them to do it to Beat. Because being able to customize Beat into the most ridiculous outfits would by far make up for the lack of not being able to dress Neku or Joshua in misleading outfits.
Slammurai costume anybody?
I at least need them to do it to Beat. Because being able to customize Beat into the most ridiculous outfits would by far make up for the lack of not being able to dress Neku or Joshua in misleading outfits.
Nervermind, I found Joshua with girly clothes on: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m879dyqxyz1rnupk5o1_250.jpg
I knew it would suit him, that pretty face. Neku wouldn't be that enthusiastic though...
Beat with a teddy bear costume. Yeah.
Nervermind, I found Joshua with girly clothes on: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m879dyqxyz1rnupk5o1_250.jpg
I knew it would suit him, that pretty face. Neku wouldn't be that enthusiastic though...
Beat with a teddy bear costume. Yeah.
Ive seen worse. xD TWEWY - Crossdressing by ~sadnobody on deviantART
And Joshua in a bikini! xD
Still, IF we have another TWEWY game, I would really like a bonus chapter like last time, it was so much fun.
And if there were some characters from KH, that would be even better.
Here you go Square Enix, you only need to create a dress up game to make the fans happy. xD
Still, IF we have another TWEWY game, I would really like a bonus chapter like last time, it was so much fun.
And if there were some characters from KH, that would be even better.
World Ends With You clothing line calling it now
2 hours 59 minutes 50 seconds
How is that possible? The countdown isn't over until midnight Japan Time (13 hours from now.) It's still morning/almost lunch in 2 hours.
World Ends With You clothing line calling it now