What sucks abou the Anguis pin is that if you want to collect everything, you'll have to max out the pin, use it to buy a piece of clothing (forgot what it was), and max it out again to get all the pins. (It sucks going, I know)
At the moment, my deck looks something like this
Peace Full - Meh, I'm a bandwagon fan. Easy to use, 5 uses, what's not to like?
Ice Risers - Get off me. This pin may have almost no use, but it's not too bad for dealing out some pretty good damage, as well as a great combo starter.
Kanesada - Yoshimitsu, not as good. I too just use the last little bit to get in a full combo.
Final Pyre, All Expired - Gawd, I love this pin. Pretty much my #1 must have.
Lightning Rook - Love this pin, it's a recent addition. AH. NEED. EXCALIBER. :[.
Yeah, I only have five slots. I'm workin' on it, okay?
Well that was stupid.
So uh, I feel really stupid right now. I've had the Visionary Blend pin for a fair while but just now noticed just how amazing it is. It seemed pretty cool when I got it since it is a Subconscious pin that heals 100% HP when it gets low, but I disregarded it since it only has one use. Well, upon looking at it again, I realize that it has got to be the absolute best of all healing pins, as it reboots in ninety seconds! That seems like a long time, but I don't see myself losing all of my HP before it reboots again.
Holy hell, I need to learn to read.
Agreed. After you beat the game, there's plenty of stuff to do. Collect all the items and pins, get all the secret reports, max out stats. Heck, I'm at 145 hours and I still haven't maxed out the stats!
It's sad. I was almost done with Beat's chapter, and then I left my DS out where my niece could get to it. She started a new game, thereby deleting all of my old one. It's somewhat sad that I now have to replay everything just to finish the game. At least this time, though, I'm trying to go for complete status.
The pigs are annoying, though.