Re: The World Ends With You Final Remix announced for the Nintendo Switch
Guys...TWEWY Amiibos...IMAGINE!
Co-op play! Give your other joy-con to a friend and they can play as your partner.
Ah see yeah my timeline is all messed up lol.
I would honestly prefer both ha, them both crossing over in both would be great! I think if they make a true sequel in the world but let most of these character's stories rest that would be best way to do a true sequel. But yea we will see if this is bait or just more explanation.
TBH I was kind of okay with this game being stand alone till Solo Remix lol, then they teased more and it felt wrong ever since.
So was I, but they couldn't tease Hype-chan and the existence of other universes and everything with the Angels and higher beings without making people curious about seeing more.
I think the TWEWY cast deserves its peace if they continue the series, but have them make cameos.
You know what I bet dollars to doughnuts this was supposed to be on the WiiU. Think about it, a two screen system that is literally a console DS? TWEWY would have been a perfect game for it and instead of jumping in with a new game they had to test the waters using a port. With that count down Coco and the mysterious girl were likely meant to be fun little teasers for it.
However then the WiiU did terri-bad in sales and they got access to switch dev kits. So they pulled development from the WiiU to make a switch version instead, but as a result that means they couldn't talk about the game until the switch was announced. Add in now they had to rework the gameplay system to incorporate the switch features including one screen gameplay, which looks to be similar but not quite the same as the cellphone (your partners appear to follow you and do stuff regardless of the psyche you use, whereas the partners were only on screen attacking if you used the right psyche. It probably sent development hella back.
THAT is why after all that build up to TWEWY everything went totally dead until now.
If we remember "New 7 Days" was on the teaser with the girl so I expect the new content will be the equivalent of one week probably the Joshua week since week 1 was mostly tutorials and week 3 was largely just battles. Week 2 was where pretty much the bulk of the story happened.
It would also make sense if they might have had Wii U plans for TWEWY, but they also had the 3DS that was still going strong at the time. If development didn't work out well for the Wii U, they could have moved it there and just downsized the project.
I think we might still be able to control our partners with the D-Pad, too.
I'm hoping for a Week 2 situation with a lot of story meat, but I also want some meaty gameplay. New bosses and enemies would be amazing as well.
I am hoping they do some action figures of the characters. But I just started playing this not long ago, and I am excited to get it for the Switch!
I'm sure they will. I'd kill for more static figures of them. I missed out on getting them back in 2007/2008 and the ones that I had almost gotten were broken :c
Enjoy it! It's a great experience!
i wouldn't put past nomura to put sora in the final mix either and vise versa put the shibuya gang in kh3
We can hope~
And what's up with that explosion?!? Right before Hype-chan appears on screen! Maybe the whole Underground Shibuya was a result of that explosion, as it would have caused that part of the city to split into two different planes of existence
The world being split between the RG and UG is just a naturally occurring thing in TWEWY.
Don't forget the roses and/or cherry petals... Oh, how they flutter
xD Indeed, cannot forget that!