1. I said "woke tour" thank you. But I actually think you're more accurate, because a parade has attention called to it, which is definitely how I feel a lot of media is going these days. A lot of people just seem to be shouting "Over here! Over here! We have what they have to!" without actually even fully understanding it, or even caring to.
2. I believe the reason is because of how Disney has shifted gears in how they present their product. This huge swath of change is from a company that not less than decade ago was hostile to LGBTQ+ representation in Gravity Falls (2012 - 2016). But they're not stupid, and can see the change in culture, thus they want to be ahead of the curb, and -if the opportunity arrises- let us forget their more questionable past. Now don't get me wrong, it's great on a social scale for a mega corporation like Disney to show more representation, but it's just frankly become pandering at this point. But on that note, I'd also like to point towards the good LGBTQ+ representation: Captain Jack Harkness, River Song, Vastra & Jenny, Ianto Jones (Torchwood), Owen Harper (Torchwood), the Cassini "sisters" (the list goes on). My point is that Doctor Who is one of the most woke shows there ever has been, and nothing needed to change, but now they seem to be dousing us in it. What's coming out cannot be what RTD really wanted to write.
PS I almost feel like this is one of those things that no one wants to criticize because they're afraid of getting backlash due to the nature of the topic.
PPS Also, this always bothered me, but the whole gender thing being the solution in David Tennant's first special - why should Donna's daughter's personal identification matter? Gender is a human construct, so why should that have any say in the situation they're in?