I really didn't like the way that they made the disney levels, they lacked the disney magic.
King Sora_Strife said:What do I dislike about KH2. Here's my list:
1. Aerith's voice
2. Jafar being in the game when he shouldn't have been.
3. Future Pete not looking like past Pete in Timeless River
4. The Org. not recking havoc on Disney Castle. Xemnas should've made a boss fight appearance.
5. No Xigbar in Pride lands( he should've came as a lion with an eye patch)
6. No Demyx in Atlantica( you got a musical water world and you have a villian with a musical instrument as a weapon with water power. Missed opportunity)
7. The army of heartless should've been an army of Nobodies
8. No Kairi/Sora kissing scene in the secret spot at the end of the credits.
9. No Malificent boss fight. We fight Pete, why not Malificent?
10. No Shan Yu dialogue
11. Shan Yu's heartless army should've looked like huns. Not giant birds. The mountain sequence looked stupid, but in the movie Mulan the hun charge was kind of intimidating.
12. Mulan should've gotten wounded and needed treatment. And like the movie, Shang sees that Mulan's a girl because he sees that she has boobs.
Sacred_Sora said:All really good points.
And I meant that you can't just go into your forms and choose Final, it comes randomly.
Yes, I was becoming soo impatient with the beginning... 6 ****ing days!I was like, "What the crap?!?".
And also, at the beginning, that getting munny thing for the beach was completely pointless because you NEVER went! SOO POINTLESS!
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Cloud going all gold,n shiny just like in AC then he and Sephy fly off into nothingness? Weird.