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The SOS Brigade--A Haruhi Suzumiya RP (Always Joinable)(SU AND OOC)

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~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~

The SOS Brigade is looking for mysteries of the world. People who have experienced something mysterious in the past, have experienced something mysterious recently, or who plan on a mysterious experience in the near future--any person(s) who have/will experience any of the above should come to the SOS Brigade for their problem to be solved. Also, if you happen to be an alien, time-traveler, or an esper, you HAVE to join. All applications should be brought to me, Haruhi Suzumiya--Brigade Chief! We meet every day in the Literary Room, so be there, got it?!

--- --- ---

[If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’ve probably never heard of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Please either look it up on Youtube or Wiki--the plot is rather simple.]

Ahem, I present to you, The SOS Brigade--A Haruhi Suzumiya RP! An alternate timeline in where there is an actual plot (besides keeping Haruhi entertained), Haruhi has started the SOS Brigade in hopes of seeing her dream come true--to make her life meaningful and excitement.

--Please note that this is an alternate timeline, and will begin the day where Haruhi announces the creation of the SOS Brigade, except Kyon will not have mentioned the idea to her, and Kyon is not the ‘factor’.

Normal Rules: (what do I mean? you’ll see in a minute)
1-The KHI Basics, of course
2-Romance is allowed until the getting-laid part.
3-Please please PLEASE, post every few days or something! If there is a reason you cannot post or you decide to drop out, let us know by PM or simply announcing it--no need for the reason, but a heads up would be nice.
4-To keep things in order, the day will only change after Haruhi (me) decides the day is done--if you want to keep the day going a little more, let me know so I don’t accidentally end it.
5-I’d prefer if you knew the series, but if you still want to join, at least watch an episode (trust me, you’ll get an idea from just one)
6-Bad grammar, bad spelling, and one liners will make Haruhi angry!
7- If you'd like to RP a canon character (Mikuru, Itsuki, etc.,) PM me first, okay?
8-Have fun! Watch Haruhi episodes! Post ‘Hare Hare Yukai’ if you read everything! Do the Hare Hare Yukai! (Okay, maybe not that last one…)

Other Rules:
1-Even though this is an alternate timeline, Haruhi is still the one who recruits the SOS members--therefore, there isn’t any need for you to worry about how you’ll get recruited--leave that to me ;] Also, if you want to be just an ordinary student, mention it in your template.
2-This RP is always joinable--whenever you jump in, you’re considered a transfer student.
3-Not everyone has to be an alien, time traveler, or esper--you can be human too. But please, let’s keep it within those four species.






Bio (just a quick summary of your life/how you came to earth for the other species):

Current SOS Brigade Members:

Haruhi Suzumiya (me, rpgangel)
Yuki Nagato (Zephyr)
Mikuru Asahina (Sango la dango)
Kyon (Bumblebee)
Itsuki Koizumi(luminitrium)
Kazumi Ishimaru (Bleeding Soul)
Michiyo Tsuboki (Elorah)
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Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Template: I would dance to Hare Hare Yuki if I had the steps memorized. But I'm workin' on it!

But be wary for you are about to learn something about the real me.

Name: Ishimaru Kazuma(Family name first)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Just change the uniform.

Species: Human

Age/Grade: 17/ 2nd Year

Bio: Kazuma was born into what many would call a normal family. He had one younger sister and brother who looked up to him to some degree. His brother was the type that wanted to be just like his older brother while the sister only saw him as a challenge in learning how to manipulate men. This eventually led to him "going crazy" from all of the attention that he was getting. By the time that he was eight, he had developed the fear of mirrors. It had orignially started when he was testing something that he had learned from a book on the Occult. That experiment was to allow him to contact the spirits of the dead through the mirrors of any location. He did so with the bathroom mirror to contact the spirit of his grandfather who had died one year prior. What he accomplished struck him with horror when he heard the voice of the elderly man greeting him. He had run from the bathroom and into his own room out of pure fear. It was during that night that he had remembered something different about the voice of the man. To him he could feel a type of resentment from the spirit and decided that he would look into it further.

By the time that he had entered into his first year of high school, most of the people had already known him to be the only man that was afraid of mirrors. This was not true for he was only cautious when he used them. The reasoning behind this is because he had devised the theory that our reflections are, in all honesty, our negative spirits that remain long after we die. He felt that everyone's reflections were merely waiting for their chance to take over our own bodies and kill the positive parts of your souls and that those that commited crimes of great degree were those that had already been consumed by the darkness of their souls and their own reflections so their positive sides.
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~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
I can do the Hare Hare Yukai (I tripped a lot, though...)

Name: Haruhi Suzumiya

Gender: Female

Species: Temporal Distortion (Future Humans), Self-evolution Possibility (Integrated Data Entity), God (Organization)

Age/Grade: 15?/First Year

Bio (just a quick summary of your life/how you came to earth for the other species): Her childhood is cited as an originator for her interests in strange phenomena. While attending a baseball game with her family, she was shocked to see the vast number of people who had come to see the game. Before then, she had often thought of herself and her life as being special and interesting, yet then came to realize that they were just ordinary normal occurrences and habits and that she is just one of many living human in all of Japan in which Japan is just part of Earth. Consequently, she believed then that there must be at least one person in the world who is living an interesting and truly unique life and sought out to effectively be that person, thus motivating her to seek out the extraordinary.


imp of the perverse
May 12, 2007
Waiting on you, dear.
Hare Hare Yukai

Name: Yuki Nagato

Gender: Female

Species: Humanoid Interface/Artificial Human

Age/Grade: First Year

Bio (just a quick summary of your life/how you came to earth for the other species): Yuki was sent to investigate the “explosion of information” that took place on earth three years ago. When it was discovered that Haruhi Suzumiya herself was at the center of this “explosion”, Yuki was sent by the Integrated Data Entity to monitor her. As the one and only Literature Club member, Yuki was present in the room when Haruhi announced that she would be using the room as her own, thus becoming an "automatic" member.
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New member
Feb 25, 2007
In my papers.
I can sing the Hare Hare Yukai very well~

Name: Koizumi Itsuki

Gender: Male

Species: Human (esper).

Age/Grade: Sophmore.


Itsuki is a mysterious individual--as well as a mysterious 'transfer' student who was introduced into the SOS Brigade as soon as she was able to do so. As a result, Itsuki became the final member to be added to the club and was given the rank of SOS Brigade Vice Commander due to happily providing a vacational spot/mystery place for the club to have fun. In actuality, Itsuki is an esper who was sent to the highschool to keep close watch on Haruhi and help make sure she is emotionally stable. He is from the Agency, which is a secret organization made--by other espers granted those powers three years past--to fight against the creatures (Shinjin) created in the Closed Spaces by Haruhi.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
The main five's positions are now filled (lamost, waiting for Bumblebee to answer me for Kyon)!

Now we wait for some more originals.

*waits eagerly, munching on Skittles*


Dec 5, 2007
I'd like to join ^__^ Although probably as an OC

I'll have a temp up soon then.

EDIT: Hare Hare Yukai :3
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