Welcome one and all!!
this here thread, unless it has already been made... XD is for anybody and everybody that wants to be idiots!
So contact me for join-age if you wish to become idiots! or to just have fun too works... XDXD so don't shy!
step on up and let's be idiots! XD
Sugar Rush- maker of fan-club!
(formely Triplehearts!!)
Keyblader110- a washed up hamburger apparently.. XD and idiotic co-maker of fc!
NERO- the idiot who demanded to join.. XD
~~Lyric Angel~~ - my idiotic apprentice! XD
alphonse224 - an idiot who just joined for lols.. XD
King Sora X- The idiot king..
TwilightDusk - the idiot who ate my cricket.. XD
aqualight - the idiot that is colored aqua.. 8D
DarkLightning - The idiotic person who loves Jolteon! XD
testify - a testily idiot...
Black Rose Witch - the idiotic witch who has a thing for black roses... XD
Beastly0123 - The beastly idiot.. XD
Strawberry - The idiot that transformed into a fruit.. XDXD
UsagiOkami - A random idiotic rabbit.. XD
TheDoomOreo - a completely random idiotic oreo.. XD
Sango la dango - a dango idiot.
advent wolf- idiotic wolf...
Ami-chan- idiotic lover of roses and sailor mercury!
Blufire- an idiot on fire... XD
Wheepop- a newbie idiot!
User Name- a distintively hot named idiot!
Axix- A sampai idiot!
AkiraKiyoshi: an idiotic member named after Akira.
Chi-Chan - the genius that has chi who hides in idiotcy!!
Sugar Rush- maker of fan-club!
Keyblader110- a washed up hamburger apparently.. XD and idiotic co-maker of fc!
NERO- the idiot who demanded to join.. XD
~~Lyric Angel~~ - my idiotic apprentice! XD
alphonse224 - an idiot who just joined for lols.. XD
King Sora X- The idiot king..
TwilightDusk - the idiot who ate my cricket.. XD
aqualight - the idiot that is colored aqua.. 8D
DarkLightning - The idiotic person who loves Jolteon! XD
testify - a testily idiot...
Black Rose Witch - the idiotic witch who has a thing for black roses... XD
Beastly0123 - The beastly idiot.. XD
Strawberry - The idiot that transformed into a fruit.. XDXD
UsagiOkami - A random idiotic rabbit.. XD
TheDoomOreo - a completely random idiotic oreo.. XD
Sango la dango - a dango idiot.
advent wolf- idiotic wolf...
Ami-chan- idiotic lover of roses and sailor mercury!
Blufire- an idiot on fire... XD
Wheepop- a newbie idiot!
User Name- a distintively hot named idiot!
Axix- A sampai idiot!
AkiraKiyoshi: an idiotic member named after Akira.
Chi-Chan - the genius that has chi who hides in idiotcy!!
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