Well ppls, this is how it all started...
Originally Posted by Seasalt
Their teasing us you know, Im sure they're probably laughing their heads off now. Nomura's at some night club getting drunk thinking of new games!
Originally Posted by SRR
Lol, I'd love to see that... he heh heh he he he... thats a funny image....
Originally Posted by SeaSalt
Ahhh... It's how we have this game called "Coded" lol. Instead of working on the games at hand he was getting drunk and coming up with this... *ahem* Different? game...
and here is the first one....
Originally Posted by SRR
AHAHAHA Lol, good one! *(Nomura drunk) Hmm...*sways around*.. todaaaay.. well make... the toilet bowl go...KAPOW!
*Awesome!(various friends, etc.)*
(nomura)*No, you shuddup! Thats it... im gonna go to Birth By Sleep...*
(friends)*Thats it!*
(nomura)*Whats it? Aaaaah, ants!*
*ahem*, very random on my behalf lol
Ahhh Good memories, Well ok Im no where near as good at this as the boys but here's come of the random junk I came up with...
Workmate (designated driver): Hey... Maybe you should come down from there...
Nomura: No... Shhh... I have an idea!
Nomura: I am going to create a Kingdom Hearts Game for Mobile phones!!!
Workmate: Errr.... Sounds great! ...
I'll call it CODED! It will be my finest work of art! And do you know what? *Bug flies into Nomura's mouth*
Here! *Slaps boss on back*
That's IT! CODED Will be about a bug inside Jiminy's journal!
-Music stops-
Workmate: Errr... hehehehe... That's great...
Workmate2: O_O ? You're not serrious are you?
WorkMate: Im just praying he wont remember this tomorrow...
Nomura: *Continues dancing*
Nomura: Heeeeeyyy....? Do you think I should go blonde?
Friend: Sure!
Friend 2: *Slaps friend 1 in head* Idiot! Remember the ahem... CODED incident?
Friend: *Grabs shot glass and drinks up* I hope I dont!...
Nomura: Ayyyeee? KH is going Mobile! *Drinks and slams his shot glass* Nother round aye?
Worker: Uhh? what?
Nomura: Y'know, Cell phones!!! *Knocks glass over*
Barman: . . .
Worker: Put it on his tab...
Nomura: I've decided you guys spend too much time here! *Sways* You will be making CODED! It'll be free for all over the world!

Nomura: Drinks all round!
Worker2: *Shrugs* Free beer!
Worker: Let's discuss this over a few more...
Nomura: *Runs to dance floor* Macarina!
Worker1:*Laughs* To think... There are fans all over the world praising his genious...
New Guy: I'm so excited about this meeting, I have so many ideas I'd love to show to the boss!
Worker: Uhuh...
New Guy: So where is he?
Worker: *points to the bar*
Nomura: ZzzzzZZZzzzzz
New guy: I thought this was a staff meeting...
Worker: It is.
Nomura: Heeeyyy! Guys! We're going to have Sora sing with Ariel!!!
New Guy: . . . *cries* What have I done!?!?
Nother New guy: This is my first day I don't want to blow it, So I came up with this pop-up chart on how I think our veiwers want KH to go! See? *Opens chart*
Worker 2: I remember when that was me...
Worker: Oh no...
New Guy: So... Where's the man in charge.
Worker 2: Over there. *Points to sleeping man on the bar.
New Guy: Oh... *Throws chart out*
Worker: They learn so quickly...
Nomura: Hey everyone! In KH3 we are going to Make a Highschool Musical sing-a-long!
BarMan: The usual?
Worker: Yes and make it a double!
Hehehe there was some of mine, like I said no where near as good as the guys but hey I have fun with them. I also want to emphasis the fact that these aren't for everyone, but if you've got a chip on your should for Nomura, you probably might enjoy these a lot XD!