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The Next Saga(s)

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Oct 12, 2007
So, it's been said MANY times that KH3 Is the end of the Xehanort Saga. Afterwards we will get an entirely new saga(s), but what do you expect to come of it? Like, will it follow the path this Saga took, with multiple games and remakes spanning a multitude of consoles, or will it follow a simpler path of limited games and few select consoles?

My thoughts are that, while this saga is VERY expansive with side-stories and prequels, that if in the next saga Nomura took that away, it wouldn't compare to the original. I mean, we have all this information given to us about MX, XH, Xemnas, and OrgXIII and other villains, that if the next saga were lacking, it'd just be stupid. Though we may not like all the side games, it provides entertainment and enlightenment to the story. It's an addiction. We have this information, and if there's less of it next time, we'll go into withdrawal. Though if they make multiple sagas afterwards, I think we'd be sick of it.

And what I've noticed, is that KH is becoming more lenient to Nintendo. With the recent DS games, a GBA game, and an upcoming 3DS game, they seem to be pouring the series on to Nintendo more and more. Sony is KH's true home, but with Nintendo's current involvement, I seriously doubt that KH will ever have one home console.

Share your thoughts and speak the word.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
And what I've noticed, is that KH is becoming more lenient to Nintendo. With the recent DS games, a GBA game, and an upcoming 3DS game, they seem to be pouring the series on to Nintendo more and more. Sony is KH's true home, but with Nintendo's current involvement, I seriously doubt that KH will ever have one home console.

For CoM, it was because Nomura was "moved by the voices of children who wanted to play KH on the GBA." Iirc, it was Nintendo who approached them for 3D. Days was put on the DS with the multiplayer in mind, and for Re:coded, it's just the best to remake the game on.
Oct 12, 2007
For CoM, it was because Nomura was "moved by the voices of children who wanted to play KH on the GBA." Iirc, it was Nintendo who approached them for 3D. Days was put on the DS with the multiplayer in mind, and for Re:coded, it's just the best to remake the game on.

Seeing that Nintendo approached them about 3D, it does prove that Nintendo has just as much involvement in the series as Sony, so I doubt they'll draw out of it.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Sony will still be the home of the series, but Nintendo is always approaching Nomura so he just says yes because he likes experimenting. The numbered games (counting BBS as a sort of KH0) come out on Sony systems. The bridge games (and still main in their own right) come out on Nintendo systems.

Anyways, by starting a new saga, it gives the series a fresh start. The series has been held down by retcon, half-way thought-of plot, and bad story implementation. Nomura has admitted to fans he didn't have much planned after KH1, not even knowing if there would be a KH2.

Kingdom Hearts would actually benefit from a simpler plot. And I don't expect everything in the Xehanort Saga to be thrown away. I expect the new saga to implement stuff from the first saga with a throughly planned story.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gokai Galleon
Sony will still be the home of the series, but Nintendo is always approaching Nomura so he just says yes because he likes experimenting. The numbered games (counting BBS as a sort of KH0) come out on Sony systems. The bridge games (and still main in their own right) come out on Nintendo systems.

Anyways, by starting a new saga, it gives the series a fresh start. The series has been held down by retcon, half-way thought-of plot, and bad story implementation. Nomura has admitted to fans he didn't have much planned after KH1, not even knowing if there would be a KH2.

Kingdom Hearts would actually benefit from a simpler plot. And I don't expect everything in the Xehanort Saga to be thrown away. I expect the new saga to implement stuff from the first saga with a throughly planned story.

I agree that KH would be better with a simpler plot, but I'm honestly not too confident with the "next saga." There just isn't much to work with after the Xehanort Saga. The whole thing would be done because the entire basis of the KH universe is dependent on the Xehanort Saga. What new stories could possibly be written after the main one is gone?

I say, after the MX saga, let the series die with good tidings. After all, the best game series' are brief, not everlasting like this one was. Look at Xenosaga for example, they intended to make it a six-part epic, but due to budgeting costs, they had to cram three-games-worth of plot into a single final installment which sent the series out with a bang. Imagine if they had kept it to all six games. The plot would inevitably drag out, the characters would become cliche, and the series would gather dust.....Not to mention the destruction of it's fanbase. People crave new things.

A new saga may be interesting, but it would grow dull after a while. After ten games, I'm sure many people are bound to get tired of seeing Bishounen Boys and Girls swing giant keys around. They'll move on. One thing that makes a good story is a good conclusion. Without a conclusion, the whole series would become convoluted.

The only thing Nomura COULD do at this point is add new characters to the whole thing, which'll just make this new story a BBS clone. And even worse, Nomura will probably just "Dragon Ball Z" the whole thing and bring dead/moot characters back to life as filler since there won't be anything else to use.

In my opinion: End the Xehanort Saga, end the series. Let Fandom take the rest of it over.
Last edited:

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I agree that KH would be better with a simpler plot, but I'm honestly not too confident with the "next saga." There just isn't much to work with after the Xehanort Saga. The whole thing would be done because the entire basis of the KH universe is dependent on the Xehanort Saga. What new stories could possibly be written after the main one is gone?

I say, after the MX saga, let the series die with good tidings. After all, the best game series' are brief, not everlasting like this one was. Look at Xenosaga, they intended to make it a six-part epic, but due to budgeting costs, they had to cram three-games-worth of plot into a single final installment which sent the series out with a bang. Imagine if they had kept it to all six games. The plot would drag out, the characters would become cliche, and the series would gather dust.....Not to mntion the destruction of it's fanbase....

The only thing Nomura COULD do at this point is add new characters to the whole thing, which'll just make this new story a BBS clone. And even worse, Nomura will probably just "Dragon Ball Z" the whole thing and bring dead/moot characters back to life as filler since there won't be anything else to use.

End the Xehanort Saga, end the series. Let Fandom take the rest of it over.

That is my true honest belief as well. I'm actually one of the people stepping away from KH once KH3 comes out and believe there shouldn't be anymore. It'd be great and all, but I hate to see a series get milked and other good games go on ignored like NieR and The World Ends With You. By continuing the KH saga, you hold back any new growth for new IPs...

There is a fact they will run out of good Disney movies before they can get a full second saga out, as well.

And if KH3 goes out with a bang, it should stay that way.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
If they decide to do a second saga, and seeing as they are running out of Disney movies (As Ethnic Woman stated), then I would love to see more Final Fantasy worlds in the second saga. If (And that's a big If), they manage to pull it off, it could work well.

But all of the novelty would of worn off by the time the second saga comes along, and it'll be like as Klom says - Dragonball Z.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I would either want the series to tie up loose ends afterwards.

If they do go on with something new, at least and hopefully, they can plan out the plot much better.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
every where and nowhere
That is my true honest belief as well. I'm actually one of the people stepping away from KH once KH3 comes out and believe there shouldn't be anymore. It'd be great and all, but I hate to see a series get milked and other good games go on ignored like NieR and The World Ends With You. By continuing the KH saga, you hold back any new growth for new IPs...

There is a fact they will run out of good Disney movies before they can get a full second saga out, as well.

And if KH3 goes out with a bang, it should stay that way.

your lieing and we all know we all will buy kh tell the day we die or Nomura dies what ever comes first as for me i would love kh series to keep going i love to play it and i know there will allways be a good story to it. I dont know why all of you guys have douths about futher kh games there has never been a true bad kh game yes there been side games that did not need to be told but they were still really good.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
your lieing and we all know we all will buy kh tell the day we die or Nomura dies what ever comes first as for me i would love kh series to keep going i love to play it and i know there will allways be a good story to it. I dont know why all of you guys have douths about futher kh games there has never been a true bad kh game yes there been side games that did not need to be told but they were still really good.

I am Vulcan. I cannot tell lies. -_-

Well at least a few hours ago I was when my avatar was Leonard Nimoy. Now I'm a deer amazonian chick.

I won' begrudge you if you wish for the series to continue the way it is. I don't know how much you read, or what other games you play, but Kingdom Hearts could do waaaay better than what it has become, and it can also get worse with more games after the Xehanort Saga. I don't doubt Nomura can make KH amazing, but everything has to end at some point and it is already obvious Final Fantasy has out-shadowed any growth of new IPs. Kingdom Hearts, by continuing, would do the same thing.

Again, like I said, they will run out of good Disney movies before they can even crank out an honestly good


Jul 30, 2007
I agree that KH would be better with a simpler plot, but I'm honestly not too confident with the "next saga." There just isn't much to work with after the Xehanort Saga. The whole thing would be done because the entire basis of the KH universe is dependent on the Xehanort Saga. What new stories could possibly be written after the main one is gone?

Have to echo this sentiment. The story has gone on long enough as is, and I believe it isn't elastic enough to stretch any further. KH3 should logically be the end of the series.... Bang....

What I am very much open to, though, is a reboot:

"A reboot gives the chance for new fans to experience the core story by reintroducing it in smaller and easier-to-understand installments and/or by refocusing the story on its most important elements and abandoning many subplots and an overgrowth of minor details. Reboots may also serve changing audience expectations as to storytelling style, genre evolution, and sophistication of material."

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
I think what we're looking at is probably 3 sagas. Since trios are prominent in the series, I think we'll have a trio of sagas. The first one is obviously the Xehanort Saga, then we'll have a saga after that, and then a final saga. Each Saga will probably consist of 3 numbered titles (Although BBS is considered KH Zero by Nomura so Xehanort Saga techinacly has 4 numbered titles) It's possible that we may get 4 sagas though. 3 which revolve around Sora and one that tells about the Keyblade War.

I think once they get through 3-4 sagas, they will have included every prominent, popular, and memorable disney movies there is.


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
I was in love with what KH was before it became what it is today. I still have some sentimental feelings for it but I believe it had a chance to be quite better than what it is now. With that in mind, I won't be all that into the next saga (as of now). Because for all I know Nomura and co. can break out a totally badass saga that puts the current to shame. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong but from where I stand I don't see KH being redeemed (for lack of better word) but who knows? I could be wrong. Nomura says he's gonna make another saga? Fine. If he can make up another great villain like Ansem Seeker of Darkness was in KH1, then be my guest. If he can make the disney worlds synthesize with the plot and actually have relevance for change, go right on ahead. If he can turn Sora into a naive yet adventurous kid again instead of a brain-dead retard, by all means. If he can turn KH back into the deep yet simple, raw yet friendly, challenging yet fun game it used to be, I will gladly spend my money to watch my favorite childhood disney toons in a serious environment. *drops mic on stage and raises arms in "Come at me bro" fashion*


I choose the Middle Path
May 27, 2010
The next saga should have less sidegames then we have now, 1 side game betwen every main game would be nice. And now when the rules are set I don't think things will be too complicated again

And KH had it's first portable on a Nintendo consol so you can't really say
they seem to be pouring the series on to Nintendo more and more.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I was in love with what KH was before it became what it is today. I still have some sentimental feelings for it but I believe it had a chance to be quite better than what it is now. With that in mind, I won't be all that into the next saga (as of now). Because for all I know Nomura and co. can break out a totally badass saga that puts the current to shame. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong but from where I stand I don't see KH being redeemed (for lack of better word) but who knows? I could be wrong. Nomura says he's gonna make another saga? Fine. If he can make up another great villain like Ansem Seeker of Darkness was in KH1, then be my guest. If he can make the disney worlds synthesize with the plot and actually have relevance for change, go right on ahead. If he can turn Sora into a naive yet adventurous kid again instead of a brain-dead retard, by all means. If he can turn KH back into the deep yet simple, raw yet friendly, challenging yet fun game it used to be, I will gladly spend my money to watch my favorite childhood disney toons in a serious environment. *drops mic on stage and raises arms in "Come at me bro" fashion*

This also echoes my beliefs. If it is good, I will bite, but if I don't hear anything good about it I'm not touching it with twelve foot stick.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
I am one of the fans who hope KH3 to bring back the good in the the series, but I can only hope. My faith in that happening is zilch.
But, if they bust out a worthy title after KH3, why not play it?


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gokai Galleon
I am one of the fans who hope KH3 to bring back the good in the the series, but I can only hope. My faith in that happening is zilch.
But, if they bust out a worthy title after KH3, why not play it?

True......The new title would be worth at least looking into, but it just wouldn't FEEL like a proper KH game. KH is Sora's story. Without Sora, (I prefer Roxas, but that's just me) it isn't really KH.

If they DO use him again, it would just be filler. KH3 better be awesome....O_O


Omniversally considered a badass.
Jul 9, 2010
in twilight town watching the sunset
This thread is depressing :'(

Anyways I don't think that the next saga will be as convoluted as this one. You say that it would pale in comparison if this is so but ask yourself this "Is the series better or worse because of all the side games." I for one think if the series was a straightforward 3 part series then most of people's complaints will disappear. Even if CoM and BBS were separate games it would have been better IMO.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
I think Sora and Riku will become male escort gigolos and all the remaining games will detail their adventures in backdoor shenanigans

oh wait never mind


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Stuffed in a sack and being thrown through a magic
More KH hatred...:(
I, for one, have hope and faith for Nomura to pull it through. And even if KH3 isn't the most astounding thing since the invention of sliced bread and the light bulb, I'll be glad that we at least got a KH3. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, Nomura could just give up on us and say, "Oh, jeez, sorry guys, I don't wanna make the third game/the rest of the other sagas, so...have a great day! Sorry that you have been waiting for so long! Got to go and draw a billion zippers and belts on some character!". Be grateful that he still is giving us something to "feed" upon until the KH3 time comes, like, BBS Vol.2 and KH:DDD(lol, triple smilies). I mean, he's a human being, not some video game slave that has to make the games that HE wants to make just to suit what your "perfect" idea of what KH should be. Be respectful of his and his staff's plans and ideas for the series. I mean, if you were in charge of the KH games, I'm sure tons of people would hate parts of what you made. It happens with anyone who makes a storyline. Put yourselves in Nomura's shoes and understand that he has different ideas than us, whether it be for "milking and making money", or "creating something just for his fans".
And just to rant/bitch a little more.....
You know, unless you were blind by then, that you would see a new KH Saga game out of the corner of eye at some store(in a few years)and be at least SLIGHTLY interested in what story it holds. At least, I would be.
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