Guess what AJ! I'm ALIVE and B-bumpifyieng the topic

(Althought I should be getting back to school work but screw that now, I wanna have a break. )
And I've readed the chapters I missed, MAN your writing never disappoints me! @_@
If I had your skills I'll be selling books instead of making sketches that never gets finnished xD
I'm definiatly going to love the girl's chapters, >D the way you describe the characters and actions are amazing! I really get into the story and it's addicting xD Really!
About the organization drawings I really was enthousiast into doing it but as you can see I'm VERY rare online, and school is not giving me a break at all.
I do am drawing but I forget what I'm suppose to be drawing and draw something else instead of what I am suppose to be doing and while I draw something else it'll be A) never gets finnished, B) is finnished and forget to show it or C) I forget I even have it at all!
I would like to try it again but under some conditions, I need some kind of manager who has to kick my butt whenever I'm lazyieng away or being distracted.
maybe It'll be a job for Nelo xD, althought it's just a suggestion, I really want to but I need someone to kick me back to work on drawings I should be finnishing XD
ANYWAYS! Take your time with chapters, so far it's really cool and impressive! I really love your writing! ^0^