So how would this make unbirth not exist after bbs.
The ultimate question about the Unbirths.
How they failed to continue to exist?
Well I can't answer that. I just thought of the concept of Unbirths having no point of creation, nothing more, nothing less.
Heart = Heartless
Nobody = Body and Soul
Unbirth = ???(Soul)
The soul, like the heart and body, are aspects of the whole being.
Imo, Unbirths are most likely having to do with the whole being.
Also, without the soul, there is only death and Unbirth/Unborn does not mean absence of life, but absence of origin or point of creation.
It doesn't fit as much as we like to think it does.
Well if we think about this question in a less philosophical way, and stick to the KH universe then if you remember from KH 1, Xehanort says that (in his opinon at least) all hearts are born from darkness. If we took this statement and thought about the unbirth or unborn question with this in mind being unborn could mean that you weren't born or didn't originate from darkness. I might be thinking to hard about it though.
You have earned yourself a rep.
Very interesting idea.
@Mr. Amire: Nothingness is the absense of existence, not begining.
As such, your Unbirth concpet would only be the soul/memory/sense of self.
Idk about the sense of self, it doesn't make sense at all and as for memory.
Memory does seem to me as being able to take a physical form with life, though it and the soul could achieve something like that, maybe...