Name: Gale
Age: 27
Gender: M
Appearance: 5'9. Caucasian male. Black hair (that easily gets ruffled). Is starting to grow a beard. So he has little stubble now. Deep green eyes, green collared shirt, with baggy light blue jeans. these shoes at the moment. A nasty scar that stretches diagonally from his back.
Personality: Usually pretty cheery, but has a hella temper. He has kind of been toughened up by his hard childhood. And has no sympathy for those who screw up badly and ask for a second chance. A very efficient person, pretty ironic since he's horrible at organization. But somehow he makes it work. Also has a great sense of humour. He loves to read and is very very loyal and patriotic
Side: AotSA
Rank: Soldier
Place of Origin: USA
The First Mark: A tatoo of a bald eagle on the palm of his right hand. He can summon what looks like a staff with a blade on each end. The blades are curved and look like cutlasses. This makes for a somewhat unorthadox fighting style. He can also split the ends so he has two staffs with each their own blades. He can summon another blade on each end so he has dual mini versions of his weapon. He can throw his weapon and then summon it back from the place. However if it gets too far, like say a mile away. He can't do it.
The Second Mark: A tatoo in the shape of a jaguar on the top of his left hand. He is set on fire along with his weapon. He is unharmed though. He can somewhat manipulate fire, but it's linked to his weapon. IF the weapon isn't in his hand then he can't manipulate fire.
Bio: As a child he was abandoned at the age of 5 . He fended for himself and was shuttled from foster home to foster home. One day he ran away and lived on the streets. He then was found by the AotSA and they helped him at the age of 13. He was caught selling drugs and the police saw his mark. He was then sent to the AotSA, at first he was scared, but then he realized that he finally had a home where people actually cared about him. He was changed from that moment on and now loves his country and the AotSA. He is now somewhat of a loved veteran and has taken interest in a certain child, who reminds him of himself at a young age when he first joined the AotSA, Levin. He has taken it upon himself to mentor the child and has become somewhat of a father figure to him. He has noticed the same change in Levin who isn't as shy or defensive.
I'm going to post levin soon
Other: (Any extra information you'd like to add about your character.)
Name: Levin
Age: 18
Gender: M
Appearance: , blue eyes. Caucasian male. Curly brown hair. 5'6. A blue hoody dark blue jeans and big yellow shoes.
Personality: Is kind of rough around the edges, if you don't know him, he'll come off as a jerk at first. but eventually he'll warm up to you. I guess you could call him social, but only with his own friends. He tries to seperate the battlefield from personal life. He is also very studious because he blames himself for his previous life. And beats himself up often when he makes mistakes.But tries to cover it up with a cheerful demeanor. However this doesn't work all the time, he hates crying but does it in private. He sometimes has to stuff his emotions deep down inside himself, which is bad for you. He has somewhat of a crush on Dawn and is thinking about asking her out.
Side: AotSA
Rank: Student
Place of Origin: Canada
The First Mark: A streaming meteor on fire, which is on his palm. He can basically summon a black glove on his marked hand. This glove extends three wolverine esque claws. He is able to retract the claws so that he can do acrobatic maneuvers
Second Mark: He has just learned this so it's still kind of experimental and he can't always control it. But basically he can summon electricity from his glove and control it from a range of about 5-10 meters.
Bio: Kind of the same as gale. His dad died in war, his mom was addicted to painkillers after his birth and it wasn't noticable until he was about 7. Then he went into an adoption agency, then foster homes. Until AotSA got him. He blames himself and thinks that his dad didn't have enough to go back to and left on purpose because he couldn't handle a son. and his mother hated him and took painkillers to escape.
Other: Very acrobatic. Can do like midair flips and stuff.