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The Marked (Sign Up/OOC Thread)

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Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
The Marked (An Original DT RP)

[FONT=&quot]Story: [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The “Day of Rebirth” that was the day when it first began. It was on that day that the very first child of the new generation was born. These children from then on were marked for the rest of their lives. It wasn’t until 7 years after the Day of Rebirth that the very first of the incidents occurred. It was all over the news. “Child killed by freak!” No more than a day passed by before retaliation was brought to the surface. The families closest to the “freak” immediately took arms and in the fashion of the olden day mobs stormed the residence of the 0 Patient. After that only rumors followed as no one was allowed to speak of it. Some say the child ran away. Others say that no one could bring themselves to kill a human being of such young age. However one rumor stood above all others. It was this very rumor that people were forbidden to speak of ever again. It said that on that very night they tied the child to a tree and set them both ablaze. Quiet hatred spread throughout the world like a plague. It was in that moment that the United Nations sprung into action declaring an immediate evacuation of all determined and possible “Marked” beings. However there was a problem of determining where to “quarantine” them and so it was finally decided that instead of taking the risk of a new world war that those Marked would be placed around the world in foreign countries of highly classified locations. These locations were only available to top priority members of the UN, and so the secret was kept safe from the entire world for years and years to come. Two full generations have been formed since the so called “Day of Rebirth” and both the peace and secrecy have been kept. However in recent days a security breach has occurred, but it has been kept quiet as murders have been occurring across the globe in a steadily alarming rate. It was because of this very reason that the Academy of the Special Arts or otherwise known as the “AotSA” was founded. This special academy works with those that are Marked in order to train them into two individual categories, these being both soldiers and intelligence officers. It is hoped that these Marked beings will be able to put an end to the serial killings that are occurring across the globe once and for all.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Plot 1 (The Soldiers, Intelligence Officers, and Regular Citizens): [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Welcome to the AotSA or Academy of the Special Arts. This academy serves the purpose of training and teaching the Marked. The AotSA extends from high school to the end of college. However entry into the establishment is accessible at any time up to the beginning of college. After finishing the college levels of AotSA two routes are opened for the graduate. The first route is to enter the real world and normalize as a regular citizen. However on record it will be stated that all who accept this choice have received military training and have a college degree in whatever category they chose to study. The second route would be to become a member of the Special Forces unit attached to the academy. The unit is commonly used to subdue worldwide threats such as the current issue of grisly murders occurring internationally. In the unit there are two individual categories that of the regular soldier given special training under strict militant officers. Then there are also intelligence officers more commonly referred to as spies. The intelligence officers are trained more heavily in the art of extracting or deceiving into retrieving information rather than combat as the soldiers are. However they are also trained in various forms of combat such as martial arts in order to hold their own on the battlefield. As a member of the Special Forces you report information directly to the UN and take orders only given from them. As a regular citizen you have all the skills necessary to function as a normal person as well a few extra given from the AotSA, so combat shouldn’t be too much of a problem. However you don’t have the extra two to three years of training that a soldier or intelligence officer would have. It is also commonly known that upon birth the Marked possess a tattoo commonly referred to as “The First Mark” on their right hand which is also known as “The Weapon Mark” and is capable of summoning a weapon which is based on their personality. However like a normal weapon it can be broken and if broken it can be summoned again through the same tattoo. But the weapon cannot be summoned more than once at a time so as a result only one weapon is present upon being summoned not more or less than. There is also a surgically implanted mark on the left hand which is received upon graduating from the 12th grade to college and is commonly referred to as “The Second Mark”. This mark is exceedingly more powerful and dangerous. It is often referred to as “The Effect Mark” or more simplistically called “The Power Mark” and is used as a catalyst for an ability or power. This power more specifically uses the weapon as a conductor for the ability and through the weapon the ability is capable of being used. For example the power of duplication could be used to multiply the number of weapons so that you could wield more than one weapon at a time. In another example the power of invulnerability could be used to give the weapon an unbreakable feature so that it could not be broken under any circumstances unless the power was removed.[/FONT]

Plot 2 (The Serial Murderers):

[FONT=&quot]Unbeknownst to the UN or the AotSA the massive scale murders that are occurring around the globe are being conducted by a large group of individuals who are Marked but despise the way they are being treated. In doing so they have decided to get the attention of the world and strike back against what they refer to as the “Old Humanity”. They do this by killing all normal humans and even other Marked if they choose to stand in their way and cannot be converted. For whatever personal reason or otherwise they have become a threat worthy of immediate extermination and are being hunted/sought out secretly by both the UN and the AotSA.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]1.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]No god-modding.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]No power-playing.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]3.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]No machine gun posting.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Literacy is required. If you’re unable to do this then use Microsoft Word’s Spell Check.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]One paragraph per post is required. The length of a paragraph is typically between 5 and 7 sentences.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It is expected by everyone to remain active within reason in this rp. Which means at the least 2 posts per week. Should there be a reasonable excuse PM’d to DT then it will be allowed.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]7.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Romance is allowed. But remember to keep it reasonable.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]8.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]As long as the RP is still active anyone may still join.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]9.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]No killing characters without proper authorization from the character’s creator.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]10.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It is key to remember that no one is all powerful in this RP. Keep it reasonable.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]11.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Please try to be creative in the creation of your character(s).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]12.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]As to “The Second Mark.” If you are unsure if you could use the power or not then please ask before you put it into your template and I will get back to you on it ASAP.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]13.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Also “The First Mark” doesn’t have to contain a weapon necessarily. It can also contain an item from something simplistic such as a knife to something more weapon like such as a saw.[/FONT]
14.When done place the following above your template "Marked."


[FONT=&quot]Name: (Insert name or what your character is called here.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age: (How old your character is and remember to be accurate!)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender: (What sex your character is.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Appearance: (What your character looks like physically and clothes wise.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Personality: (How your character acts generally.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Side: (Murderer or AotSA member?)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Rank: (Intelligence Officer, Soldier, Former AotSA member, etc.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Place of Origin: (Where was your character born?)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The First Mark: (The First Mark is all about your character's weapon. Be it an image or a description I would like you to also think about and talk about it a little. Details please and also remember be creative.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Second Mark: (The power, ability or effect your character has if they even have it. Remember this ability is relied entirely upon your weapon so connect the two.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Bio: (A one paragraph at the least entry about your character/past of your character.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Other: (Any extra information you'd like to add about your character.)[/FONT]

Accepted Characters:

1. Dr. Ken Time - Pocket Watch - Time and Space

2. James Zachary Roberts - Scalpel - Replication - Tactile Electrical Manipulation

3. Richard Kiylu - 9 Individual Wires - Life Transference

4. Selena Uzuri - Combat Gloves - Super Strength

5. Dawn Yami - Mirror - Spirit/Dream Walker

6. Jobii - Large Black Sword

7. Levin - Detachable Claws

8. Gale - Detachable Bladed Staff - Fire Manipulation

9. Kay Rebel - Scythe - Enhanced Senses

10. James Lyon - Dagger

11. James Bowen - Black Katana - Shadow Walker

12. Capell Suzuki - Sword - Resonance

13. Sam Thompson - Chakrams - Poison

14. Clarissa Bravoure - Paint Brush

15. Hinata Uzuri - Necklace - Healing

16. Aero - Bladed Boomerangs - Wind

17. Andrew Wood - Pocket Watch - Hallucinations

18. Alexander Crane - Camera/Printed Photos - Reality Altering

19. Emily Grovolinni - Durable String - Promise

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Dec 7, 2009
I'll join later today. But I can't since it's so early now and I dun have time to make a temp.

Nyx Winters

The Dawn Fox
Oct 26, 2008

nickname dusk
[FONT=&quot]Age: 25[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender: male[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Appearance: black hair, grey eyes,2.25 meters tall,just above average build red shirt with a black jacket and light blue jeans [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Personality:he is usally a very social person always having a comment senceless or not [/FONT]
lucifer is a very glass half full person always trying to find a way to cheer his freinds/comrades up and of course the occasional flirt hey somtimes he even tries to pursuade the enemy to join him for dinner and a movie.
[FONT=&quot]Side: AotSA[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Rank: soldier[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Place of Origin:america[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The First Mark: a tattoo of a speeding bullet[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Second Mark: super speed tattoo of ventus's keychain[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bio:born in america to a army farther and nurse mother his life was pretty nice until his dad who was actually black op saw that he was acted odd then he saw what was really happening his son was showing signs of being one of the marked so one night arfter his 13 birthday he told his son to pack his stuff and get in the car his farther brought lucifer to the acadamy gave him a picture of his family and told him to "live on and dont regret" and left a scared thirteen year old boy in the rain as he drove away .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Other: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]charecter theme "Worth Dying For" by Rise Against [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]favoirite bands green day,linkin park,three days grace,bullet for my valentine [/FONT]
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Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
Superwes - ok. No worries.

thechasersblade - Keep in mind 21 is a bit young for deployment. You may want to change that and add on a year or two because of soldier training. You personality should be a bit more detailed. 2 sentences minimum. It isn't that difficult. ^^;;; Can you explain your other category a bit more clearly please? I said one paragraph entry 4 sentences minimum on your bio. More details regarding the second mark please as to how it's used in connection to your weapons. Keep in mind that the weapon is summoned from the palm of the right hand. Literally pulled out of the tattoo. It's your choice to have two katanas if you'd like, I just felt like mentioning this part to you. So until you fix these issues you aren't officially accepted yet. Also I'd reread the rules. ^_^


New member
Feb 26, 2006
Somewhere on the planet Earth. Hope that helps.
Name: James Zachary Roberts, a.k.a. "Jack", Jack the Ripper, The Surgeon

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jack is a very, very lanky individual. To sum him up in one word: Long. Very tall, very thin, looking to be on the edge of unhealthiness. Standing an impressive 7ft 10in, nearly everything about him is long. Very long, thin arms, long spider-like fingers, long legs, etc. He is ghastly pale, like one would expect some Jewish prisoners in WWII concentration camps to look like, considering how thin he is. Jack has a gaunt face and sunken cheeks and eyes, thin lips yet has perfectly clean/polished teeth, again aiding in his appearance as a living skeleton so to speak. His eyes might appear black, but in truth they are simply a very dark brown. He is completely and utterly bald, but employs any number of wigs and other cosmetics to hide his true appearance when "out in public." On his chest and back there are a number of faint, criscrossing scars of a dark origin. Some put on him, others self inflicted.

On his own, Jack prefers to wear a carefully tailored black suit, given his unique physique (Oh look, I rhymed, how clever of me.) Consisting of a black silk shirt and tie, he prefers a doublebreasted black coat and slacks with faint grey pinstripes. To continue with the motiff, he wears black socks and polished black leather shoes. This color scheme makes his skin appear bone white by comparison. His marks are on the palms of his hands, and the back of his neck. This shall be explained later.

When "out in public", Jack wears a wide wardrobe of different suits, clothes, jackets, slacks, and other such apparel to try and blend in with "norms."

Personality: By all standards, Jack is a freak. That is not being rude, it is plain fact. Sociopathic and deeply disturbed on a number of levels, Jack does not really consider the UnMarked as living creatures. He compares them to insects, always stinging, biting, and hungering for blood. That aside, he also doesn't consider himself to be a person, Marks or not. He seems convinced that he is in fact a mortal embodiment of the Angelus Morti, the Angel of Death, personified on this world to cleanse it, so that he may also better understand where the soul is located in a person's anatomy. To this point, his fingers are almost constantly twitching when he is idle, made more disturbing just by his physical build, and he mutters to himself, sometimes in English, sometimes in Latin. Never a positive message.

However, it is also assumed he is a sort of savant. When presented with the means and the orders, he can impersonate any sort of person from any walk of life in a disturbingly accurate fashion. As such, when given the proper order to, he completely erases his original persona, and adopts a new one, nearly convincing himself that he is actually his character. Occasionally, he will have to be pulled away from something, and deprogrammed to remember that he is not who he is pretending to be. This, however, has become less frequent over the years.

Every psychologist that has ever evaluated him has declared him as a danger to himself and others, with deep-seated dementia, paranoia, delusions, sociopathy. They have also noted his: masochistic, sadistic, and homicidal tendencies. One expert, who wrote an award-winning paper based on Jack's case study, was quoted as saying, "This is one person, I will admit, should be put down for the public safety and security.

Among Murderers, he is only helpful so long as he is kept on a leash. Sometimes literally.

Side: Murderer

Rank: Ward of the State/Inmate/Patient/Escapee

Place of Origin: London, emigrated to the United States at age 6.

The First Mark: Of all things, Jack's weapon is a scalpel. The simple surgical instrument. Perhaps only six inches long, half an inch thick, with a very small but very, very sharp point, the scalpel is very light, easy to hide, and mostly harmless in the hands of most people. Jack, clearly, is not most people. Stronger than one would expect from his slender frame, he can throw the scalpel, along with most small objects, with terrifying speed and accuracy. Thus, the scalpel is as useful to him in close combat, (which he lures people towards) or range.

The Mark itself, on his hand, looks like a vague, morbid interpretation of the Crucifixion made up of overlapping thin scars. The scar tissue is nearly blackened against his skin, as such "out in public" he uses several cosmetics to hide it, and any other marks he wouldn't want others to see to disrupt his character.

The Second Mark: Exactly how Jack managed to get more than just his first Mark has been debated by every agency that has investigated him, every Doctor that has tried to unravel his shattered mind, and every single one of his victims once they found out he was not with the UN. Many hypothesize that he might have bought the services of a disgruntled AotSA high-ranker to have them put on. More believe that he was a test subject when it came to Marks in his youth. However, the truth is far more disturbing, and shall be explained in the History. But as it is, his Second Mark is divided. Some would say he has two, when truly, it is as if he has three.

On his other hand, the Mark is a simple pentagram. The effect, however, being far more profound. It is a replication Mark. So, whereas he should only have one scalpel, Jack has as many as he wishes. This can be said to negate the fact that is a fragile and easily disposable weapon. He can spawn four to hold between the fingers of one hand, twice that much for both, or simply throw scalpels and never stop. However, every time he spawns more than one scalpel, it causes him pain, equivalent to a shallow cut over the skin. Multiply this sensation every time he spawns an extra one in addition to the original, and his mind tells him he is in mortal agony. He, however, would likely just laugh.

The Mark of great debate is located on the back of his neck, a complex weaving of lines and nonsense symbols. The effect is subtle, but profound. Through his scalpels, and through his scalpels only, Jack can toy with electrical charges. This does not mean he can call down lightning onto scalpels once he plants them somewhere, but he can use it in very versitile ways, i.e.: disrupting nerve signals in a victim with stabs, dropping scalpels in water to shock the surrounding area, running a rapid current in water-submersed metal to induce oxidation and erosion, et cetera. However, this also causes him quite a bit of pain, and can be assumed has that having Marks at all have deteriorated his already fragile psyche even moreso.

Bio: James Zachary Roberts, later to be known in the tabloids as a modern equivalent "Jack the Ripper" was born on a stormy August evening to a Doctor and his wife in London. There were complications during birth, and there was a healthy chance that he would be mentally incompetant later in life. However, he was raised with love and care anyway. That is, until he was six years old. On his sixth birthday, his home was broken into in the middle of the night. The intruder, a desperate and somewhat crazed drug addict, had been a patient of James' father, and came in with the intention of stealing perscription painkillers, oblivious to the fact that Doctors do not carry such things in their homes. James had this little habit of sleeping in his parent's closet during storms, and was hiding there when the intruder burst into the room, and demanded drugs from the Doctor. The Doctor attempted to calm the addict, and was promptly shot, along with his wife, while James sat in the closet, watching through the slat in the door. James' mother had diabetes, so their medicine cabinet was full of insulin and needles. The addict didn't realize this, and, while Jack/James was still watching, he killed himself via insulin overdose on the same bed his parents lay dead.

The next day, he was found in the closet, curled in a ball, his eyes fixed on the grisley scene by a neighbor who found the family's door brroken inward. The media made a big show of it, and the boy was sent to America to live with his only relative, a distant uncle James hardly knew of. By this point, he had stopped talking, and refused to for the next two years, where he was subject to abuse by his uncle, who, as it turned out, was a raging alcoholic. Not much is known during this time period, except that it ended when James was found in his uncle's trailer, standing over his body with a bloodied scalpel in his hand.

He was transitioned from hospital to hospital, with doctors attempting to "cure" him. That is, until after a solid year of transferring, he vanished during transition. The car he had been travelling in was caught in a three car pileup, and the door closest to James came unlocked. He took the oppurtunity, and ran. He ran long, and hard, into the maze that is New York City. He was close to 42nd and Broadway, the theatre district, and spent that night hiding in the costume shop of a small theatre. This, remarkably, was his 10th birthday. He spent two years as an urchin, stealing food, breaking into theatres, and learning. Learning from the greatest actors in America, even if he didn't realize it. For a few months, he convinced himself he was the actual Phantom of the Opera, given his lifestyle.

Some years later, he found his way to the AotSA. There had been a student, Vincent Nellis, who was one of the few people naturally about James' height. Like James, he was an orphan, and a bit of a reclusive person, but had done extremely well, and was about to graduate. James was envious. James wanted that life, but he technically did not exist in the records of society. James decided that he would have it anyway.

The Academy did not find out that they had Marked an imposter until two weeks after the fact. When someone went to Vincent's residence, and found him dissected for the most part, completely UnMarked. The staff on duty at the time had said that none of them had personally known Vincent, but the kid who walked in matched the description they were told to look out for. Tall, thin, very pale, not very social. These were early days, and such a mistake has not been made again.

This was the birth of "Jack." The better part of the next decade, he has killed, and he has killed, and he has hidden, and he has killed. While no one is certain how he managed to get back to London, he started killing people there, thus leading to the nomier which he kept, and more than lived up to. He has been caught a few times, and has managed to escape being forced in a patrol car most times. The other times, both driver and partner have been found killed. His face was put on the Most Wanted list early, and has not been removed.

Fun tidbit: his face was once put on the Most Wanted list twice, when forensics were not able to identify him through his disguise.

As of late, his murders have taken a new focus. As if something, or someone, were guiding him for once rather than letting his madness run rampant. Of course, there are always times for that as well...

Other: Jack has a beautiful tenor singing voice, and is a piano virtuoso. He enjoys doing one or the other after he kills. Sometimes during if he's in a particularly good mood.

((If you want me to edit the whole Marks thing, I completely understand. I was simply trying to test the waters.))

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful

Name: Dawn Yami

Nickname: Ghost

Age: 18, almost 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dawn has white hair that falls to her mid-back, gray beads in twined in her hair. Her bright silver-gray eyes always seems to be laughing, crackling with a mysterious fire. Pale lips, she has pale skin that seems to be like she hasn't seen the sun in months, an oval face and pert nose. Her brows are a gray color, in contrast to her white lashes. Long, slim limbs and long, thin fingers that are perfect for playing guitar or piano. She wears blue finger less wrist length gloves, concealing the mark that reveals she's gifted; around her neck is a light gray silk choker, which matches her knee length spaghetti strap dress. She wears a matching see through scarf. To finish her appearance, Dawn wears blue slip on shoes.
(the dress covers a little more on top)

Personality: Much like her nickname would suggest, Dawn is unusually quiet; able to fade into the background and remain hidden. Calm, she keeps a level head on her shoulders at all times, or at least tries too. Lonely on the inside, Dawn wouldn't reveal this even if you paid her, thoughtful too. Emotionally distant, Dawn has issues opening herself up to someone and trusting them. Loyal to her friends and family, she'd be willing to lay her life on for them in a heartbeat. A heart of gold, Dawn is very easy to get a long with.

Side: AotSA

Rank: Student/Spy

Place of Origin: Moved from Japan after she was adopted at the age of six.

The First Mark: Click

The Second Mark: She could be classified as a spirit-walker. Dawn is able to see people's dreams and guide people into the next life, both which take great deal of energy from her. She uses the mirror to "look" into someone's soul and see what's running through their mind. Her second mark is in the form of a star. A normal, every day star.

She can guide people over to the next life by acting as a window, which is quite literally what she is. She pictures a window in her mind, and with coaxing leads someone through it. She appears as a bright patch of light to the person that needs her help, she has to be careful with this or she may pass through the window with the soul that's trying to move over.

For her dream walking ability, she slips into someone's dreams silently, viewing them and sometimes helping them. It doesn't matter if she's in the same room or not, as long as she's near them Dawn is dragged into their dreams, trapping her until she's able to pull out of it or they wake up.

Bio: Born to a writer and singer in Japan during winter, Dawn unknowingly took the life of her mother; barely surviving herself. Orphaned at a young age, Dawn was taken in by a teacher at the Academy of the Special Arts. Growing close to their son, she came to think of them as an older brother; often going to them for advice when she was viewed as a "pet," "toy" or "servant" by the rest of her family. Growing curious on her eighth birthday, she asked him about this stuff.

"It's because you're different, Ghost."

Curious about that statement, she asked a few more questions which is when she learned the truth about the others like her. This helped to explain all of her gifts, the spirit-walking. It is also cleared up why most of the other kids avoided her, whispering "freak" when she passed. Dawn shrugged it off and decided to learn to control her gifts. Attending the school when she was of age, Dawn tried to keep a low profile about her gifts; not wanting to draw attention to herself; positive that even for the "Marked" even her gifts were out of the normal.

At the age of sixteen, she has learned some control over them, but still has some issues with it. Excelling in school when she's not stuck in someone's dream. She still has quite a long way to go, but it'll take time to get through this mess before she can start to claim her normal life back. Applying for college two years later, she was accepted into a local college so she could still be close to her family.


Theme Song: Permanent by David Cook

Alt. Theme: Home (Acoustic) by Chris Daughtry

Battle Theme: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park

Inner Element: Your element is nature! You are always very calm and tend to be very down to earth. Unfortunately, if this element takes over, people may see you as emotionless.

Your Inner Eye Color is Blue: you may be quiet, but your not shy. You probably are sorta rebellious and think things over. you are probably sensitive but don't like to show it. YAY go blue!

Aura: Your Aura seems Blue. Blue is the color of the spirit, meditation, and truth. All shades of blue are good. Artistic people are apt to have blue in their auras. Sometimes they may be a bit melancholy, but for the most part are spiritually-minded and dedicated to a cause or project.

Spirit Guide: Your spirit guide is the Wolf. Everyone loves wolves... or at least, they respect them. You are lonely, but at the same time, you have many friends. You earn respect. Most people like you, even though you don't really talk to those people.
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Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
Exvind - I understand the second mark. it's kind of a cloning effect. now how does he have a third mark? that seems odd. could you PM or post here if you'd like the explanation on it please?

Skitty - So you want to be a student? Hmm. Well i suppose if you want to you can. I'm going to prefer people act as either soldiers/intel officers/citizens or murderers though it isn't a really big deal. So she's kinda like a grim reaper/dream manipulator. cool stuff. nice limitations. Though how would you intend to use it in combat if a situation arose? or would you become a regular citizen?


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
This post shall be edited with my completed template within the day; feel free to correct anything/question anything I have down currently.


Name: Selena Uzuri

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Female


Personality: Bold and unafraid to speak her mind, Selena is known widely for both her inhuman strength and big mouth. She has a lot of confidence in her own body, and tends to come off as cocky. She is blunt (or as others call it, painfully honest) and will let others know what's on her mind. She tends to get very serious when it comes to her work, as she hates failure and screw-ups. Funnily enough, she is extremly feminist and most mistake it for being sexist, though this is contradicted by her constant droolong over hot guys. Despite her rowdy nature, Selena is always level headed and never panicks in a situation.

Side: AotSA

Rank: Intelligence Officer / Spy

Place of Origin: Barcelona, Spain

The First Mark: (See character Above for weapon appearance)
The tattoo first appears as a cresent shaped mark with two ribbons descending from it. Her weapon appears as two normal-looking gloves on her hands. As the mark activates, it blackens and surrounds both her hands, creating the gloves. The gloves offer some Invulnerability to physical attacks.

The Second Mark: The second mark appears to be a mirror of the first, only a small crown appears above the moon. This mark grants Selena incredible super strength, surpassing any of which the likes of man have ever seen. She has lifted buldings and crushed bones with ease, but with control--she is no beast.

Bio: Born to a wealthy tycoon in Spain, Selena always toyed around with her Mark, unbeknowing to her parents. When she entered middle school, Selena took up wrestling and easily defeated her opponents--something that started catching the eye of her parents. After explaining the "gift" she had, Selena was sent to the Academy to learn to control her power. Funnily enough, they discovered she always had perfect control--she even gained minor Invulnerability. She came out at the top of her class in Martial Arts and collected more information than armies could, thus becoming an Intelligence Officer.

Other: She loves drinking a little too much and adores karaoke, the only two times she admits that make her really happy.

Name: Hinata Uzuri

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Female


Personality: Like her sister, Hinata will let her opnion be known; however, she is more careful and not as loud about it as Selena is. She is thoughtful yet talks, but tends to go with the saying "Brains over brawn". Hinata is highly intelligent and isn't one to be fooled easily; however, she is trusting. Funny enough, Hinata also tends to be blunt, though this is more towards strangers and people she doesn't like. She tends to come off as cold because of this.

Side: AotSA

Rank: Citizen

Place of Origin: Barcelona, Spain

The First Mark: Hinata's First Mark is shaped like a small sun with two ribbons descending from it. Her weapon is a necklace with a thing chain that harbors a single heart shaped emerald.

The Second Mark: The second mark resembles the first, only a small star appears above the sun. This Mark grants Hinata the power to heal herself; by contact, she is able to heal another person, though if contact is broken and the wound is not completely healed, then it wil stop.

Bio: Born to a wealthy tycoon in Spain, Hinata always found herself around a lot of people; after the Academy, she longed for a life of peace and quiet, thus becoming a librarian. [to be finished? not much more to say though...]

Other: Hinata reads a lot of romance novels and is secretly a hopeless romantic.
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Ours is the Fury
Oct 27, 2009
Ill try to make a template soon. If not today then probably tomorrow. ^_^

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Skitty - So you want to be a student? Hmm. Well i suppose if you want to you can. I'm going to prefer people act as either soldiers/intel officers/citizens or murderers though it isn't a really big deal. So she's kinda like a grim reaper/dream manipulator. cool stuff. nice limitations. Though how would you intend to use it in combat if a situation arose? or would you become a regular citizen?

For now yes, she may become a spy later, not sure yet. As for combat, I don't know about that yet, I'm working on it as I go along.

Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
For now yes, she may become a spy later, not sure yet. As for combat, I don't know about that yet, I'm working on it as I go along.
Okie dokie then. Consider yourself accepted. I am a little concerned about you being so young in this rp but i'm sure something can be worked out. I look forward to how that's used in combat. One last question. your mirror how is it used in direct connection with your effect/ability?

Ill try to make a template soon. If not today then probably tomorrow. ^_^
Okay. I'll await such then Kiba.

This post shall be edited with my completed template within the day; feel free to correct anything/question anything I have down currently.
Nice thus far just finish and expand. good luck Flower. ^_^
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New member
Jun 2, 2004
In that place where I cook things


Name: Richard Kiylu (Doesn't mind what people call him)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: Richards body is quite slender at first glance, as he often wears a long coat to cover his body. However, underneath his clothes lies the body of a boxer. He stands at a height of 5'10, with a smile on his face, and hands normally in a pair of lose khaki's. His long brown hair is often found tied up in a ponytail, which reaches just to the base of his neck. Basically put, he is mostly unnoticeable. His facial features are that of an average man, which makes him good at blending in with a crowd. He likes wearing green shirts the most, which is a bout the only way you could pick him out from other people if you were really searching for him.

Personality: Richard is an especially happy man, and is not one to hide that fact at all. He can often be found trying to learn something new about peoples powers, or will sometimes take random passerby's and talk about his own day to them, which causes a high level of annoyance among many. He takes great care in talking to people though, and is polite in his speech and movement. He's also a very kind person, and will do favors for strangers and friends alike. It is a wonder sometimes how he could be a killer or an Intelligence Officer. That's where his second personality comes in.

When on a mission, or in a serious fight, Richard takes on a more serious manor. He becomes very quiet and tries to stay away from people in general. He is also able to think very clearly when in this state of mind. You could say his previous personality is his way of having fun with the life he was given, while this one allows him to kill and gather information without hesitation or doubt.

Side: AotSA member

Rank: Intelligence Officer

Place of Origin: Alabama

The First Mark: Richards first mark is in the shape of a Spider with nine legs. This allows him to summon a very long wire, about the length of his body. He uses this for stealth kills or for very minor traps. On occasion, he's been known to tie people up in the thread, and then proceed to use his boxing skills to beat people to a pulp.

Thread itself is relativly thin, but can be seen given enough concentration. However, normally in the time it takes to identify it, you be either tied up, or dead. It's made of 9 separate threads, but only the one can be used, since the threads cannot be separated on their own.

The Second Mark: Richards second mark is in the shape of the Egyptian Life symbol. Though Richard himself is confused as to why it's an Egyptian symbol, he has no questions as to how to use the ability.

The ability allows him to transfer some of his life energy to his threads, giving them the ability to move according to his will, since it's his life energy they're taking. This allows him to separate the threads so that all nine can move. They can be considered an extension of him, since he can feel what they feel, and also he can hear the things around the tips of his threads. This allows for more complicated techniques to be pulled off, such as making nets, tying people with ease, or sometimes being used as an effective whip. However, this power comes at a heavy cost.

By using the energy from Richard himself, the threads move, thereby giving less energy for Richard to use himself. Should he only use one thread, or all combined, he's normally fine. However, if he uses all nine at once, he is completely immobilized, and is open to attacks. Also, when one of the threads are cut, he feels incredible pain, as they are an extension of himself. Should all of the threads be cut at once, Richard would more than likely die on the spot. Burning or freezing the threads, no matter what happens to the threads, the same would happen to Richard. Nonetheless, since Richard has used the threads multiple times, he has learned how to keep them away from danger.

Bio: Richard was born into the lower levels of society. Though the area he lived in was that of a slum, he still was able to grow up appreciating life and what it had to offer. He was brought up to be polite and kind, even to strangers. As for his marked life, not many people knew of it besides his parents and close friends to the family. He lived a much desired life of tranquility.

Once he was older, his parents informed him of two interesting facts. The first, was they were actually quite rich. His father had been into investing stocks, while his mother was a famous doctor, who'd treat special patients sent to her in secret. The reason they'd never moved to a high class area or revealed it before, was because they desired a simple life, and also wanted their child to grow up not depending on money or power. Much to their surprise, Richard was fine with it, and showed no desire to change his lifestyle.

This made the second bit of news harder to tell him. His parents then went on to say that a friend of their family was part of a prestigious Academy, one that housed many students, that were much like Richard. When he was older, he would be going to this Academy, regardless of whether he wanted to or not. In exchange, they would be given the most peaceful life possible. Though Richard was not as enthusiastic about this news, he accepted that nothing could be done about it, and later was transferred to AotSA.

Other: It was said that at one point, Richard had more than nine threads, but these have only been confirmed as rumors right now.

Richard likes talking to animals as if they could talk back to him.​
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Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
Running only makes the chase and the kill all that more fun! If they just lie down and wait, well, where's the challenge?
Lol. Sounds like things are going to get fun.

As soon as my sugar rush kicks in I'll start making a temp DT.
Ok. I look forward to seeing what you've got Piercing Light. :D

Huzzah! I'll do my best. I don't know about Jacky though, think I'll stay away from him :3
Lol. Do whatever best fits your character. ^_^


Apr 11, 2009
I'll try to make a temp by tuesday, I'm pretty stacked this weekend so i can't make a temp yet, SAVE A SPOT FOR ME!!! lol
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