Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
He more then likely wasn't becasue he was a genius but if it was any other person well lets just say they'd be in a special place. Anyways i love the extended editions of the movie.
Thought I would let you know that my surgery went fine, and all I remember is not looking at the needle they used to put me to sleep -sighs- I hate needles. My mom says my heart rate sped up a lot.
I can type some stuff, but I still can't talk.
I'm going to go for a while, but I'll be back laters.
And LORD OF THE RINGS rocks, and Boromir was cool. Sam is one of my favorites though.
And my favorite character is Frodo, because he is just great for suffering that long, and perilous journey he had to take, and I like Aragorn he's cool, but Sam was cool too.
Thats good OSOD and i hope you feel better soon. I liked Gimli becasue he made a contest at Helms Deep. I also liked Aragorn casue you have to like the king and of course Gandalf. Who doesn't like Gandalf?
I liked the hobbits. Though they did change some stuff. Most people think that Frodo set off within like what a few days of Gandalf's news? Didn't he really have it for about... -thinks- well I knwo years are involved in the number.