I never said i hated life just for liking guys. I said liking guys is making me hate life.I just have this crush on this guy that's all.
I don't hate life for just liking guys now, I'll get past it.
Haha, thanks. I don't mean to brag,'re not the first to tell me that. D:
Like I said, it's all about meeting the right guy, I guess. xD Honestly, I haven't met a whole lot of gay/bi guys irl. I somehow manage to never really meet any? Then the ones I have met and got a crush on weren't interested. xD Though one of them it's probably a good thing he wasn't interested, he's big on partying and I'm really not. I'm actually one of the most conservative people you could meet. xD
Rich said:I live in North Carolina. (about bible belt)
And haha, I won't cut my hair. xD
You would be surprised, actually. They are out there, I've met a couple of them and heard about how many are out there, apparently. I just never meet them, for some reason. xD
Despite living in North Carolina, I live in Charlotte, which is the biggest city, so it's not like rural conservative south. We actually have a fair bit of diversity. But can you believe that out of my 22,000 student college I've only met 2 guys who were interested in other guys?