Right well it appears that microsoft are having bigger problems on there hands now than the RROD or the disc scratching fiasco's, There is a new erroe on the scene and its name is E74.
This error has been around for a while now but was appearently a very occasional thing but now the xbox forums and many other places around the net are reporting this new error that makes their tv go all messed up looking and after the restart its 1 red light and a system fail message "E74 ERROR".
Full story here:
Xbox Evolved - Xbox 360, Info, Reviews, Previews, Videos and more at Xbox Evolved
N4G version here:
N4G.com : Error E 74?The 360's New Outbreak?
This error has been around for a while now but was appearently a very occasional thing but now the xbox forums and many other places around the net are reporting this new error that makes their tv go all messed up looking and after the restart its 1 red light and a system fail message "E74 ERROR".
Full story here:
Xbox Evolved - Xbox 360, Info, Reviews, Previews, Videos and more at Xbox Evolved
N4G version here:
N4G.com : Error E 74?The 360's New Outbreak?