A long time ago, there were two magical scrolls that could grant any wish. Two princes, both brothers, went to look for these scrolls, but only ended up finding one. The older prince deceived his brother by knocking his own brother unconscious and leaving him for dead, just so he can have the scroll for himself. This evil prince wished for him to rule the world, and his wish was granted. Now, the whole world is under his control, and he is practically unstoppable. He has millions of armies, all destroying homes and taking lives.
A group of teenagers stand against this, now, King. The only way to defeat him and his armies is to find the Last Scroll and wish the world back to normal. The only problem is, there are other people trying to find the Last Scroll, including the King himself. This Scroll is their only chance of survival and no one knows where it is. Now these teenagers will go on an epic adventure to find the Scroll, defeat the King, and save the world.
No God modding
Max People= 10
Romance is allowed I guess
Each character must be original so no one can be like Cloud Strife or something like that...
Bio must be at least a paragraph (doesn't have to be LONG)
No power playing
No killing off someone else's character unless you have their permission
No changing storyline
No swearing
If you read the rules put "Scroll" before your template.
Name (remember ORIGINAL):
Age (15- 21):
Fighting Style:
Side (good/evil/neutrel):
Bio (include what you wanna do with the scroll):
Here's mine
Scroll (of course)
Name: Zion
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Fighting Stlyle: Swordsman
Weapon(s): Two swords
Side: Good
Personality: Kind hearted, serious at some times, determined, cold when it comes to his family
Appearance: Brown messy hair with two black bandanas on his forehead making an "X", black zip up short-sleeve, black jeans, white shoes, and a white jacket
Zion became a swordsman at the age of 12, when his father, one of the Two Princes, told him the story about his evil uncle. Zion is mostly found at the balcony of his home, staring off into the horizon. All he wants is to find the Scroll and bring peace back. Another of the things he longs to do is to defeat his cousin, the son of the King, and the King himself. Deep down he knows he can't do it alone, but outside he looks determined to do it. His uncle, a few months ago, kidnapped Zion's mother and killed her, and Zion won't forgive him for that. Sometimes, he will become cold-hearted at the mention of his mother, or anyone in his family for that matter. Zion wants to do everything it can to avenge his mother's death, defeat the King, and bring peace... even if it means sacrificing his own life.
Oh, and Zion's a prince as well since his father is also a king.
A group of teenagers stand against this, now, King. The only way to defeat him and his armies is to find the Last Scroll and wish the world back to normal. The only problem is, there are other people trying to find the Last Scroll, including the King himself. This Scroll is their only chance of survival and no one knows where it is. Now these teenagers will go on an epic adventure to find the Scroll, defeat the King, and save the world.
No God modding
Max People= 10
Romance is allowed I guess
Each character must be original so no one can be like Cloud Strife or something like that...
Bio must be at least a paragraph (doesn't have to be LONG)
No power playing
No killing off someone else's character unless you have their permission
No changing storyline
No swearing
If you read the rules put "Scroll" before your template.
Name (remember ORIGINAL):
Age (15- 21):
Fighting Style:
Side (good/evil/neutrel):
Bio (include what you wanna do with the scroll):
Here's mine
Scroll (of course)
Name: Zion
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Fighting Stlyle: Swordsman
Weapon(s): Two swords
Side: Good
Personality: Kind hearted, serious at some times, determined, cold when it comes to his family
Appearance: Brown messy hair with two black bandanas on his forehead making an "X", black zip up short-sleeve, black jeans, white shoes, and a white jacket
Zion became a swordsman at the age of 12, when his father, one of the Two Princes, told him the story about his evil uncle. Zion is mostly found at the balcony of his home, staring off into the horizon. All he wants is to find the Scroll and bring peace back. Another of the things he longs to do is to defeat his cousin, the son of the King, and the King himself. Deep down he knows he can't do it alone, but outside he looks determined to do it. His uncle, a few months ago, kidnapped Zion's mother and killed her, and Zion won't forgive him for that. Sometimes, he will become cold-hearted at the mention of his mother, or anyone in his family for that matter. Zion wants to do everything it can to avenge his mother's death, defeat the King, and bring peace... even if it means sacrificing his own life.
Oh, and Zion's a prince as well since his father is also a king.