I miss That's So Raven. I pretty much grew up watching that show. :cLOL, you serious? xDDD
Well Cheetah Girls was okay, because Raven was in it, but then she left. ;W;
I know! Krista's fc had some funny ones! "Krista likes dressing like a boy!" and some other ones I remember from there. xD
Needs a soundtrack now! :{D
Above statement is true.ugh! lol i made the best tags xD
i have like old disney classic CDs, with alll those. It had only 2 pocohontas i think
Hello! Stop playing KH3D and do your essay! >:{D
Well Cheetah Girls was okay, because Raven was in it, but then she left. ;W;
I really need to watch it now. ._______________________________________.
coconut cream money milk?idk, i forgot lol SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!
i did lol when i was little
idk, i forgot lol SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!
i did lol when i was little
coconut cream money milk?
haha I could see this.
Fiiiiiiiine. :< My mom will not even really let me play KH3D until I do it. I am just wasting time on here lol
Cheetah Girls was cool until Raven left. It all went downhill from there. I still know most of the songs from the first movie.
You are making me want to go and watch Pocahontas! XD And that is a movie I actually own.
Lol, you gonna get in troubleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. T.T
Like Sparks said, I miss That's so Raven. ;W;
Lucky! I still want more Disney movies in those streams they used to do. Still waiting on that Pocahontas world. : p
I have been trying to gather as many Disney movies as I can, but I still do not have that many. Maybe we will get one in KH3? Meeko <3
EDIT: Apparently I know too much random Disney movie info. XD Pocahontas went to England and ended up marrying a guy named John Rolfe. She thought John Smith was dead until she ran into him again in England. Btw that actually happened to the real Pocahontas.
i think they told her he died, but he didnt really???? i forgot
Still waiting for it. Never going to happen. They will run out of things eventually, so it's only right! xD
Lol, yeah that's what I thought. I just wasn't sure how it really went. It's just been so long that I watched that stuff. Can't really blame her too much.