~The KHI Academy Awards~
Welcome to the 1st Annual KHI Academy Awards! Different from the box awards you'll receive for doing this and that around the site, the KHI Academy Awards are a set of categories in which your peers nominate you to win a particular award from the categories listed below! What's that? You think it sounds a bit too much like a Popularity Contest? Worry not, my friends! In order to prevent this popularity contest or an exploit in the system, we've limited the entire memberbase's participation to a Nominations process!
Each member can nominate any member for an award. These nominations are based on anything related to the year of 2012, so think all the way back to last January and work from there! The members or media with the most nominations from their peers will be considered for the award, which will be given to a winner as voted on by an unbiased group of members – The Academy! The Academy will look over all nominations thoroughly before announcing the winners in late February. All winners will receive a special “1st Annual Academy Awards” award to be displayed in the postbit under your username!
Below are the categories that you may nominate a member for. Be warned that you may only nominate one member per award, so choose carefully! And no, you don't have to nominate someone for every award; feel free to pick and choose!
- Best Digital Artist
- Best Traditional Artist
- Best Writer
- Best Roleplayer
- Jack of All Trades (Most Overall Creative Member)
- Most Helpful Member
- Funniest Member
- Friendliest Member
- Best Debater
- Most Avid Gamer
- Most Dedicated Fan
- Most Improved
- Hottest of the Hot: Males
- Hottest of the Hot: Females
- Staff of the Year
- Member of the Year (staff of the year and member of the year are not mutually exclusive!)
- Best Username
- Best Avatar or Signature
- Post of the Year
- Thread of the Year
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