Chapter 3- Madison’s Past ~ Draco the Warrior
*Twilight Town*
“O.OThat was…weird” said Zelfar at he stared at Sakura.
“Tell me about it, it’s like reliving a nightmare^^’!” said Madison as she laughed nervously.
“Well, this can’t be good…” said a mysterious voice from behind the group.

Who exactly are you?” said Trey as he stood in front of Madison, protecting her.
“Yea, who’s the hottie?” said Mlixey as she winked at him.
“The name’s Draco, at your service” he said as he turned red and introduced himself.
“Cool! More people in our party!^^” said Zelfar as he greeted the new person happily”
“And by the looks of Dexona, we’re gonna need all the help we can get” said Strixas as he scratched his head.
“Well, anyway, where should we go now?” said Meiling as she thought about the answer.
“I don’t know, I mean there’s so many places to begin!” said Naminé as she laughed nervously.
“Now let’s see….where was it that “The Compass” card was pointing to?” said Lee as he paced around a bit.
“>.< Why didn’t you say this before?” said Meiling as she yelled at him.
“Maybe he was afraid THAT would happen” said Yuki in a low voice.
“What did you say?>

…” she said as she everything around her turned dark and she became big.
“Nothing” said Yuki as he reverted into chibi form.
“I remember now! The arrow pointed South!” said Lee as he jumped up.
“For that, we owe you” said Riku as he thanked him.
“South….i guess that means….Radiant Garden?” said Sora as he scratched his head.
“Radiant Garden, the place where DiZ supposedly faded into nothing…” said Roxas as he thought of what could be important in that place.
“Maybe there’s an artifact we have to find there?” said Kairi.
“Well maybe it’ll help us defeat Dark Clow and restore her to normal” said Mlixey as she thought up of ideas.
Suddenly, they were all interrupted by Trey. “Maddy, what’s wrong?” he said as he held her in his arms.
“T-Trey?” she said weakly as she opened her eyes and began to glow.
“Whoa! What’s wrong with her?” said Sakura as she worried about her friend and ran to her side.
“Nothing, her true abilities are awakening…” said Draco as he got closer to the group.
“Trey, I’m okay, everyone, I’m fine….really!^^” said Madison as she got up, only now she had white rabbit ears on the top of her head.
“A viera descendant?!?!O.O…”said Zelfar as he stared at her.
“I guess your father was half-viera, did you ever know him?” said Draco.
“My…my father…i…never met him” said Madison as a tear ran down her face.
“Don’t cry, Maddy, it’s going to be allright” said Trey as he hugged her, dried her tears and kissed her eyes.
“Well anyway, if your okay, then we should press on” said Yuki as everyone began to head towards Radiant Garden.
*Meanwhile, at Olympus Coliseum*
“Very well, Dexona, you have managed to capture another dark being and transform it into a card…” said Dark Clow (in Dexona’s mind)
“Yes, that makes 4 so far, The Witch, The Flame, The Trickster and The Sneak, our next target is The Urchin…” said “Dexona” as she emotionlessly opened a dark portal and went through it to Atlantica.
To Be Continued…