Chapter 1 - More Cardcaptors?-The Strange Clow Card
*It's 7:30 at Sakura's House*
"A brand new day..." said Sakura as she got up, stretched and yawned. "Kuro...can you get me my slippers?" she said sleepily as she sat up in her bed. She waited for a while, then called the guardian-lion once more. "Huh? that's weird!" said Sakura as she got out of bed and got dressed in her normal clothes. "Oh well...guess he musta left to hang out with Spinstel Sun" said Sakura happily as she ran down the stairs. "Hey Yue, what's for breakfast?" she said as she ran to the kitchen, but to her surprise he wasn't there. "Yue?...but if he went to Ruby Moon, i would of known by now!" said Sakura as she wondered where her friends were. Suddenly, she got a knock on the door. It was Meiling, Madison and Lee who had come to visit her. "Guys! we have an emergency!" said Sakura as she explained to the three what had happened.
"You should probably be more nice to them!" said Meiling sinically.
"WHAT?!?!" said Sakura as she looked angrily at her.
"Just kidding! We all know your a great person!" said Meiling as she laughed a bit.
"Okaaay...anyway, we should probably search for them, don't worry, we''l find them" said Lee as he kissed Sakura on the head and hugged her.
"We should probably let Eli and Layla know, guys" said Madison happily as she padded Sakura on the back, assuring her they would find them.
They began thier search at the park, where they unexpectedly met up with Eli and Layla.
"Eli? what brings you to these parts?" said Meiling to Eli.
"His guardians vanished this morning! said Layla to Sakura.
"Hey...wait a minute...weren't you taller?...and...older?" said Madison as she stared carefully at Layla.
"Ahem...well...that's what happens when you fight a new card!" said Eli nervously as he turned a little red and looked at Layla.
" i'm your age...but i actually don't mind being this age again! i think i liked when the card turned 5 years of my life back^^" said Layla cheerfully as everyone continued searching.
Suddenly, they came across a sector of the park they hadn't seen before.
"Huh? This wasn't here before!" said Sakura as she came across the new path.
"Guys,look! over there!" said Lee as he pointed to two young warriors battling two monsters- one of Water element and the other of Ice element. "I think we should help them!" he said as they split up and changed. By the time they had returned, the two warriors had trapped the monsters and turned them into cards.
"Return to your original state!" the two of them said as they pointed their weapons that looked like keys, (only one looked like half- clow capturing staff and half keyblade) transforming the monsters into cards.
"That was an intese battle, was it not, Trey?" said one of the warriors to the other one.
"Yes...good thing i have wolf reflexes, Yuki, or he would of gotten us when he attacked us from behind!" said Trey, a warrior who had wolf fangs, tail and ears.
"Trey..."said Madison as she slightly blushed.
"Yuki's not bad looking either" said Meiling as she also blushed.
"What are you two talking about?" said Eli as he creeped up from behind them.
"AAH!! they said nervously as they jumped up.
"Riiiiight..."he said.
Suddenly, Trey and Yuki stood before Sakura and her friends.
"Hello, Sakura" said Trey to the Cardcaptor.
"Do we know you?" said Lee as he unsheathed his sword and stood in front of her.
"Don't worry, they're friends!" said Madison nervously as she extended her arms out in front of Trey.
*thinking*(Madison...i thank princess)"Yeah, were on your side!" said Trey as he smiled and turned red a bit.
"Oh yea and we have a card for you" said Yuki as he took out a red and orange card that he gave to Sakura.
"The Heartless?" she said, confused when suddenly, a giant lack hole opened underneath them and they all fell through it. When they landed, they ended up in a Tropical Place.
"What is this place?" said Layla as she held on tightly to Eli.
"Hey, where's Meiling and Madison?" said Sakura.
"There they come" said Trey as he jumped up and catched Madison as she fell.
"I gotcha!" said Yuki as he held out his arms to try to catch Meiling.
"Waaaaaahh!>.<" said Meiling as she fell on top of Yuki.
"O-ow...." said Yuki as he got up. "Glad my body could break the fall" he said sarcastically as he shook the sand off his body.
"My prince..."said Madison lowly as she looked at Trey's eyes as he landed. "What's that, Maddy^^?" said Trey as he looked at her happily. "Oh...nothing! just...thank you!" she said happily as she kissed him on the cheek, making him turn red.
"The place you are called Destiny Islands" said a young warrior with silver hair, and behind him were two other guys-both with spiky hair, one's was blond and brown and the other's brown, and two girls- both with long hair, one was blond's and the other's brown. "My name is Riku, that's Sora, Kairi, Naminé, and Roxas" he said as they all introduced themselves.
"So you guys are the CardCaptors, right?" said Sora.
"And you guys are the Keyblade Wielders?" asked Sakura.
"Yup, that's right!" said Kairi as she smiled at Sakura.
"So, what brings you to Kingdom Hearts?" said Riku as he asked the group.
Suddenly, a portal opened and Ven, Aqua and Terra came through it.
"That will have to wait...i think we have company!" said Lee as he stared at the 3 Keyblade Knights...
To Be Continued...
hopefully more ppl will join the story as it progresses...