Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included
Luap: (sigh) It's unraveling as it goes (As I try to do with all my stories)
Xiolio: This next part hints at what will happen.
TwiRiku13: Well he kinda paid Malefy and Axel is acting as a scout to get Riku not to interfere, but at least he isn't in the position that Dr. Facilier was in.
Day 359: Signs of succumbing
Year: 1
Point of View: Sora
I put my hand on the window, "Is that Hollow Bastion?" I asked looking out the window from the cockpit of our Gummyship.
Outside the window was a large castle with many fumes blowing out what looked like blue flame, in the center of the castle was a hole that from far away it looked like the heartless symbol, and below as a blue sphere of water.
Donald whose arms were crossed answered in an annoyed tone, "How should I know? Now Sora, don't push anything" Donald instructed me.
I turned my head, "Aw come'on, what would I do?" I asked him with a saucy look.
Donald began to tap his foot, "Remember Deep Jungle?" he looked at me suspiciously.
I thought back "Hey, Donald, maybe King Minkey's down there" Goofy said pointing at a green jungle, a treehouse on top, and a
waterfall running down into space.
Donald crossed his arms "In a backwater place like that? No way!" He said turing the Gummyship around, "Let's move on"
I looked at him upset, "Hold on. Riku and Kairi may be down there"
Donald scowled, "Forget it we're on an important mission!"
I stomped my foot in frustration, "Just land!"
Donald shook his head, "No!
"Come on!" I demanded.
"Aw phooey!"
I started to press buttons "We're landing!"
Donald went nuts, "Don't touch that! Noooo!"
The Gummyship started up and blasted off, we were all forced to the wall, "Doo youu s-s-seeeee whaatttt you'vvvve donnnne?!"
"We'rrre gonnaaaa crashhhhh!" I yelled my cheeks beginning to flap at the speed we were going.
"Oh yeah, well do you plan on holding that over my head forever?"
We were to arrive on the only piec of gravel in the entire world, surrounded by rising water, ahead three bubbles, and floating icebergs. Above the sky was orangish-pink, ahead was a the castle we saw before, and behind us more rising water. "Well in my defense, Donald, had I not done that we would have never found the gummy piece and we wouldn't be here" We appeared as if being encoded into the world.
"Well-" Donald began.
Goofy looked up, "Huh? Whose that?" he asked scratching his head with his left hand.
I looked up on the floating piece of ice was a figure in a black coat, I summoned my Keyblade, "A heartless already?" I asked ready to fight.
It jumped down, I swung my Keyblade, he caught it, and yanked out of my hand, "How the-" I held out my right hand trying to call it back but no dice.
It approuched me, looked at me as I tried to see underneath his hood. He held out his left hand slowly and then with out warning jabbed it quickly into my body. His hand was over my heart? It felt like it was something else, I could feel something empty being put around it he removed his hand and disappeared in a black egg-shaped portal. "Agh!" I winced in pain, "What did he do to me?"
"No vessel, no help from the heartless ... So tell me, how'd you get here?" Riku asked behind a stoned gate as his voice echoed off the walls.
"I simply believed" He monster said clutching his heart with his eyes shut, "Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her" He opened them with a scowl, "So, here I am. She must be here" He began to grind his sharp teeth, "I will have her back!" Yelled.
Riku clenched his right hand, "Take her if you can"
The monster let out a roar and lunged at him, Riku did a back flip in order to dodge the attack, and then slashed at him. The monster fell his stomach with a deep wound, I struggled with own pain to stop Riku, "St-stop" I said holding my chest.
Riku looked my way a drop of blood dipping from his weapon; a sabre black on the left part that looked either like a dragon or a phoenix, blood red on the right that looked dull near the edges, and in the bottom near the hilt was a blue stone that reminded me of an eye it was the same shade as Riku's eyes. Near the top of the hilt were four small stone tiles on each side and the black hilt reminded me of a belt. "Is there some reason you're holding your gut?" Riku asked with an eye brow raised.
I sighed, "I got ambushed by someone in a black coat, give me a break" I started to glare.
He laughed sounding amused, "Really? Well then maybe you wouldn't mind I took back my Keyblade then?"
"Your Keyblade?" I summoned it, "I'm the one who summoned it!"
"Because the darkness had consumed my heart, in that process you stole my Keyblade. In a sense that weapon of your's is my light" he held out his hand, "So about about you I just take back" The Keyblade vanished from my hand and appeared in his.
I gasped, "What?! But I was told I was the Keyblade Master!"
Riku rolled his eyes, "A Keyblade doesn't make you a Master, the only thing you were was the delivery boy"
I glared into his somewhat emotionless eyes, "I'm what?!" I demanded shaking in anger as I clenched my fist darkness began to raise from my body.
Yes, see the change in Sora? (Also I know I did nothing for Beast's description, I plan to put that in, in the next part he's in)