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Fanfiction ► The Key and The Flame: Between the Years ~ D ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

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Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Hello and welcome to all you of you who have decided to browse through this AU Fan-Fic I am your writer DR. First off, as it is insinuated this story is about the flamboyant and saucy Axel-Lea, and his partner the wild card and walking mood swing Roxas-Sora. Second, this is a request by xiolio_tiessa628 which I will try my best to do for her. Third enjoy, I hope ya'll like it, first post will be up real soon ;D

Edit: Rated 13+
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Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Can't wait till the story gets started. Anyway, good job with it.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Well the true story doesn't happen for a while, but this will be the start of the Fan-Fic, enjoy ;D

Rated: 13+

Day 355: Escape from TWTNW

Year: 2

The heart-shaped moon glowed golden above and behind us as we started to walk down the entry of the dark alleyway. Was it midnight or morning, the afternoon or dusk, neither of us knew. Our hoods were up and it looked like it was about to pour. To our left were buildings eyes staring and watching us from every fogged up window, I could feel them almost as if their eye were on me, I could only assume that's how my partner felt.

To our right was a green skyscraper about 10 stories high bright yellow light in every window. We took a left turn and stopped in the middle of the squarish area feeling their pressence. And in but a second the came out of the darkness, Dusks. The walked out one-by-one 32 in all circling us once and then their zipper-end mouths opened and we heard them say telepathically.

We have come for you our liege ...

We have to come to bring you back ...

Or exterminate you here and now ...

Will you refuse?

I looked at my partner to the left he looked at me to the right. I held out my right hand and he held out both of his hands. I summoned my Keyblade in a flash of light and he summoned his Chakrams in blaze of fire as they spun to life. My Keyblade was a silver shaped Key-like blade, a yellow square shaped safeguard surrounded the black handle which I gripped, a chain was at the bottom outter center that had a silver keychain that ressembled three circles in a triangular pattern, and a dark blue ring separated the blade from it's safeguard.

His Chakrams were 2'6 in length and height, they ressembled two suns each with 8 silver spikes, in the center were two black handles each in the shape of a cross which he held them in between, separating them were were four circles one point in the common direction; East, South, West, and North. Red on the parts and silver on the outter parts.

You call forth your weapons ...

You wish to bring harm to us ...?

Very well ...

You have chosen obliteration.

Their heads tilted and began to shake before they came towards us in that weird way they rushed their prey, maybe in a way to lower their prey's guard. Axel began to juggle his Chakrams as he charged at three of the silver-white empty shells eliminating them without even batting an eyelash. Four of them came at me from behind, probably thinking they had a clear shot when I turned around and slit them at their chests and then taking out two more who were about two inches away from me.

The fallen were quickly replaced by three Assassins; purple, silver-white, and steel blue creatures, pointy silver-white feet with hooks at the ankle's center. Purple bodies with what looked like extremely short hakamas with a black and silver belt in the center, purple helmet-like heads with a thin blades about 0'8. Silver-white backs, five sleeves four with blades going from; steel blue, silver-white, purple, silver-white again, and purple again, silver-white arms like the it's feet. And a silver-white and purple tongue with the organization's symbol in the bottom center.

Six Samurai; dark gray cylinder heads with six slanted holes three on each side, grey jumpsuit-like bodies, their bell sleeves had the organizations symbol at each bottom, and black pointy fingers. Thin like a nymph, dark gray belt patterns around it's waist, diamond shaped pant legs, black root-like feet, and two swords which were kept in a very thick straping on it's back. Axel took one look at them, "Tch. Seems like even our varieties have turned against us"

I scowled from underneath my hood, "Oh yeah, well bring it on!" "Don't antagonize them, Roxas!" Axel yelled not wanting things to get worse.

Never thought ...

That our own bro would be on our hit list ...

But that's what you get ...

When you turn on the organization ...

Sensei ...

From your womb were we born ...

We shall never betray you ...

We shall fight by your side ...

Until the end ...

Even if it means ...

Fading ...

The Samurai grabbed their swords and began to slash at the Assassins and Dusks. "What the hell are they doing?" Axel asked as suprised as I was, "Uh, ... Helping?" Where the Dusks and Assassins fell Berserkers; cylinder silver wrists and dark gray bottom legs with faded purple leg braces. Silver body at the bottom and muscular bronze at the top with a faded purple double-sided diamond on the top of it's helmet, black blocky hands with a black handled faded bronze T-shaped Claymore being held in their right hands.

And Snipers; much like Xigbar it has pointy light purple shoulders, black eye patch that covers it's right eye, and in it's hands was a steel blue sided, silver and golden arrowguns that looked almost exactly like Xigbar's weapon. White-silver body, light purple cap over it's head, bell-ish violet gloves with orgaization's logo printed on it. Black legs that were violet at the bottom, a thin purple body, and grey spikes short triangular hips with a circular cut near the legs.

I felt so frustrated, "This is endless!" as if on cue a round portal light red on the outter part, yellow in the center, and black and light green dividing the two colors appeared between two wind ow to our far left. "Who made that?" I asked looking toward Axel as a drop of rain hit the black sidewalk. "Who cares? At least we have a way out!" He ran towards me grabbed my coat by the hood and started running for the strange portal, "Gyack!" was the sound I made as my collar began to choke me. FREEZE FRAME!


"Alright, by now you're probably going like, 'What the hell's going on' Or something less or more powerful. 'Why are Axel and Roxas being chased by nobodies?' Or 'Day 355? Isn't that the day Roxas left the organization?' To answer these questions we'll have to go back to a little over a year ago, before I was found by the organization and work our way to the spot in time that we are now"

What does everyone think?
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Bronze Member
Aug 23, 2008
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

pretty neat, is this basicly going to be like 358/2? or is it similar with a different story on what happen? i love the discriptive


Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Interesting, but what made you chose this part? I'll let you continue. Nice job by the way.


The Radiant Hero
Jun 23, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

You definitely need to separate the dialogue of different characters. When a character (say, Axel) is talking and then a different character (Roxas, for example) starts talking, there needs to be a new paragraph. Otherwise, it's kinda hard to tell who's saying what. And then you have to remove yourself from the scene to figure out who's actually talking.

Also, I find it odd that the Samurai Nobodies, who talk very eloquently most of the time, use the word 'bro.' There are a few grammar errors ("I held out right hand"), but not bad overall.

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

This good but press the enter button when people are talking. It's kinda a wall of text.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Magic: The beginning is similar to days, the real story is a little bit different (If not really different). Glad to know you're enjoying it ^_^

Xiolio: A numeber of reasons:

1. Xion is still on the run.

2. A huge change of events happened near the exit of the castle.

3. Best time I could get Axel and Roxas to leave.

4. Wanted to erase Deep Dive (A.k.a. Riku V.S. Roxas).

5. There are some major changes that led to Axel and Roxas leaving together.

Few more reasons that I've forgotten and thanks :D

Ragnell: Well it is kind of insinuated, but edited. You must have been a bit confused, seeing as the order of nobody speacies depended on which came first. The Samurai called Roxas; Sensei. The Assassins called Axel; Bro. I wanted the Assassins to have a personality matching close to Axel's as possible. To have loyalty to something you need to trust them, to trust something you need a heart, that is what seperates the Samurai from other lesser and higher nobodies.

I'm irritated that I can't get the the telepathic messages to stay in the places I wanted them to be T^T

Day 267: Make sure the raft is safe

Year: 1

Point of View: Kairi

It was monsuning when we arrived, the sky was dark white clouds could be seen below the dark ones, and in the center a black hole with red in the eye of it was sucking up everything but the rain. We jumped out of our boats and on to the wooden pier which was dripping wet. I slipped, "Wh-whoa!" Riku grabbed my right hand with his black gloved hand with white sidings.

"You okay?" He asked I struggled myself upright and nodded slowly, "Uh,Yeeah" I looked into his baby blue eyes, at his peach skin, and his ash colored hair all somewhat captivating. "You sure?" A yellow bolt of lightning that hit the surface of the water snapped me out of the trance, "What are we doing, we have to get to raft!" I said before taking off, "Wait, Kairi?!" he said trying to stop me holding out his right hand for a second before sighing, "What a strange girl" he shook his head and then chased after me.

Princess Kairi ...

I tried to stop but ended up slipping, "Whoa, not aga-" followed by tripping. I was forced onto my back the back on my white shirt that was taking in the water on bridge, the blue jewel on my necklace was on the top of my lips. My hands, the left having a violet band next to my shoulder and a yellow one around my wrist, the right two smaller ones a black one at the top of the wrist anda yellow at the bottom. I had my purple skirt with a blue belt tied around it was above my entire face, and the toes of my white slip-on shoes with purple caps were touching the wooden boardings, Please don't let Riku have seen that I thought embarrassed.

"Kairi, wait up!" Riku said running my way his hair soaking wet. "Kai-" He started before stopping and then looking away beat-red. I rolled to my left side and got up, "Did see anything?!" I demanded. "N-no, j-just get going to the raft!" I shook my head, "How is it I keep slipping, yet you're able to run?" He looked my way, "Water-Ressistant-Shoes" I looked down at his shoes gray at the bottom heels dark blue at the top of them, black velcrow with white siding blue underneath with white going down the middle, and a dark white between them that had a yellow lacing that held the velcrow together. The water was only on the surface the rest was dry. I looked back up at him, "Do all of them that stupid?" He scowled but then smiled and asked, "Are you sure you're not just jealous?" I turned away red thinking of a good comeback to use.

Come ...

To the door ...

I looked around, "What door?" Riku tilted his head, "What? I didn't say anything about a door" I kept looking around until something caught my eye, next to the overflowing fountain full of fresh water was a white door a head larger than me. I walked over to it feeling the the chalky surface before opening it, to reveal the small hole that led to the place where me and Sora used to draw when we were younger. I crouched down and crawled into the small tight space. When I had found my way into the the alcove, I put my hands on the ground in order to have my right leg ahead and push myself up using it and my hands.

I walked slowly letting the nostalgia sink in, put my right hand on the drawn-on wall feeling it's smoothe surface. "Good memories"

Look to your left ...

Looking where the voice had told me I noticed a wooden door; oval shaped, light brown on the outter area, dark brown in the center, a yellow design dividing the two. In the direct center was a large golden keyhole, an S on the left side of it, a backwards S on the right side of it, and what looked like a pair of angel wings underneath. Taking a catious step towards it I could hear a heart beating, "Behold the Keyhole of this world" I turned around to see a man in a black coat, "W-who are you?"

The man took a step closer towards me, I back and tried to run before his right hand grabbed me by the wrist. "Damn you, let go!" I demanded trying to wiggle free. His left hand drew closer until it penetrated my body, the feeling was excruciating. He wrapped his hand around my heart and sqeezed it, I then found myself half-asleep. His hand was removed, after he summoned a black void of some kind to my right, and threw me in.

That is one change, Kairi's heart never migrated to Sora's vessel.


Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Good job. It's looking great so far. So, I guess Namine was never created then, right?

Deleted member

Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Okay, I'm confused. So, is this some kind of alternate timeline or something? Because Axel never left with Roxas and Kairi didn't lose her heart like that. I'm not saying the story is bad (I think it's a great story and can't wait to see where you go with it), I'm just saying it's confusing. Well, I hope everything will be explained soon. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

If her heart never migrated to Sora then shouldn't Roxas be non-existent? 0.o *confused*


Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

We're still in the beginning of the story. Maybe, give the story some time to continue. Good job by the way, Dawn Rebirth.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

LR: Read this next one and tell me if I put it the way you suggested.

Xiolio: That would be right (sigh)

TwiRiku_13: ... With all due respect, ... It was pretty obvious this was an AU, heck it's in the beginning paragraph of the thread.

Max: Depends what you mean. Non-existence is lacking a heart, a nobody is formed through seperation of parts or all of their own heart (Ex. Namine was born when Kairi's heart left her body or Namine is the equvilent of Kairi's heartless).

Xiolio: Thanks ^_^

Day 309: Operation: Obtain Sora's nobody

Year: 1

Point of View: Xemnas

We had gathered in; 'Where Nothing Gathers' a white round room, with 12 chairs in total each with a different heigth my own being the highest. To my right was Axel; spiky quill-like red hair with point side-burns, bright green eyes, and two upside-down violet tear-drop tattoos underneath his eyes. Xigbar; black hair with gray streaks in a ponytail, left eye golden his right eye damaged but covered by a balck eye-patch, and a jagged scar on his left cheek. To my left was Saix; wild long blue hair with two even longer bangs, golden eyes, and an X-shaped scar going across his face above his nose.

"Gentleman. Today, is the day we begin the operation that I've been fading to put into action"

Xigbar shook his head.

"Is that some kinda joke? Cuz' I don't have a heart to laugh at it. Not to say that it was funny"

I shot a warning glare at him and he stiffened up. Saix had his arms folded.

"Ignoring the fool. Please elaborate"

I nodded with a pleased look on my face, my eyes were shut.

"My thanks. We are currently in development of building up our numbers, and Zexion has confirmed of a perfect addition. Sora"

I opened my eyes to see Saix pondering the notion while Axel and Xigbar exchanged quizzeted glances between them. I hate them all I thought through closed eyes and a murderous look.

"We are going to make him a nobody ... And then recruit him"

Saix opened his eyes, Xigbar and Axel faced me finally listening again.

"Using Kairi, we can pull on the strings of his heart and lead him to darkness. Be it through anguish or pure rage, matters not"

Saix peared into my eyes.

"And where exactly is Kairi?"

A smug grin touched my lips to hear him ask that.

This takes place around when Monstro ate the Gummyship for all those wondering ^_^
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Bronze Member
Aug 23, 2008
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

I opened my eyes to see Saix pondering the notion while Axel and Xigbar exchanged quizzeted glances between them. I hate them all I thought through closed eyes and a murderous look.

He cant hate, remember Nobodies have no hearts, so XP just pointing it out. Other wize still going good, Why would riku just let kairi wonder off by herself? how is riku still with kairi? expecially if that world was still left in the darkness, since your saying the time line is where the gummi ship gets eaten by monstro? I think if you want to rewrite the story, you need to go father back in time. Its awsome to find out what you think org 13 was doing during the time of Kh1.

Still so many questions unanswered, but i guess.. this is just like kingdom hearts always leaving so many questions answered Keep it up

One more thing, i agree with that other guy about the characters talking, when they do dialog please seperate from the para so we dont get confused about whos saying what

Deleted member

Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Okay, I get that this is an AU, but I'm still a little confused on the timeframe. So, this is during KH1, COM, and Days, right? That is kind of what I am gathering from this. Also, is Xemnas the one repsonsible for what happened to Kairi? Sounded like it. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Magic: That's what happened, Kairi opened the white door and Riku then realized that the door was open (To cross other worlds) In otherwords he knew she'd survive, more like thought, but you have to look back to point where Sora finds Riku on the island.

I honestly don't know what you;re askin' me to do with the text if that wasn't it.

Eraqus' heart is within Xemnas just as Ven's heart is within Roxas, kinda gives into reason why he is so intimidating to them and why he is allowed to look down upon the rest while the look up to a leader with what they want; a heart. As for why he thinks that is quite simple, many fans seem to misunderstand Xemnas (Ex. His obsession towards KH is considered a fetish. Some consider him an idiot, and the anagram of his name), so it hit me so would the rest of the organization, after a while it got pretty old and so he has a lot of rage towards them (Might be the misunderstanding that has Saix and Marluxia trying to overthrow him)

Sora said both of their boats were there, so I would assume that they both made it there at the same time. ... Dude, they take place 42 days apart from eachother (The parts), that was the day the island was destroyed and the one after was when the Gummyship got eaten ... I suggest not always skimming if that's what you're doing (Any of you who read this).

True dat.

This next part happens in place of Maleficent's advice to Riku.

Day 329: A deal

Year: 1

Point of View: Riku

I stood in the captain's quarters; wooden exterior, behind me was shelf with an assortment of knives. Ahead of me was a wooden desk; on it was a treasure map, a bottle of black ink with a paint brush in it, and a small rack with seven or so books on it. Underneath the desk was a red carpet with yellow feather and dagger designs. To my right a block golden lining mirror and a red couch. On my left was a bed with a lantern near it.

Surrounding the room were 9 windows in total on each side besides behind me, Kairi kept pacing back and forth. "Riku ... I can't believe you're going along with this. Up until nine years ago you and Sora were best friends, but now you're letting Maleficent trick you" I opened my eyes, "The only person Maleficent is fooling is herself! I'm doing this for you and no one else!" She looked at me with a sad expression like she was going to break out into tears, "For me? You're giving yourself to darkness for me? That's a lie and you know it" A tear fell down her left cheek.

I came closer to her in order to comfort her as I reached out my hand began to say her name, "Ka-" She glared at me, "Stay away from me" I backed away out of her intimidation. "If you want to do anything for me ... Then stop this. You both care about about me, so set aside your differences. Or I will never speak to you ever again, til the day that I die" I wasn't sure what she was getting so worked up about, "Whoa, Kairi easy. I only cooperated with Maleficent in order to see you again. Was that so wrong?" she stormed past me, turned the knob of the door, glared at me with seething anger, opened the door, and slammed it shut behind her.

"You do know that she could never be your's" I turned my head to the left. "What?" The man with red hair walked closer, "Not while Sora's still around, that is" I glared at him then looked down with a sad expression, "I know. Kairi just can't get it through her thick-skull that Sora would rather goof-off than spend time with her or me. Our replacements fit his style just way too much for him to care"

The man gave a sly grin, "Then how about a proposal? My boss is really fond of Sora and if you cooperate we could take him your hands, and Kairi will be all your's" I looked up with a suspicous glare, "And what do you want me to do?" he looked suprised. "We have reason to believe Sora still has some very strong feelings toward Kairi. Deep from within his heart. If we can use Kairi as motivation, his heart might succumb to the darkness" I was confused. Didn't he say that his boss wanted sora? His emerald eyes looked within my own, "Oh I get it. It's like this, when one becomes a heartless they lose their humanity, but every so often someone with a strong heart loses their heart before they perish, resulting in a by-product called a nobody. Nobodies, unlike heartless are able to think rather than rely on pure instinct. And say the person who became a nobdoy had a strong will ... Then they retain more of their somebody's original form. Get it?"

I nodded, "So you're a nobody. And you want Sora's?" He nodded. "Let me guess you're still worried about his heartless. Well don't be. We'll put it into a 'Zero Darkness Containment Cell' as the name suggests darkness, like oh say ... Corridors of Darkness are completely useless. The cell locks out the use of anyone's darkness completely. We only use it on the really stubborn members as our 3rd degree punishment, though there are five in total, but those really only apply to us members. If you play along, Sora will sucummb to the darkness, be out of your hair forever, and our boss will get what he wants. Everybody wins"

I looked away, "One more condition" he looked at me with a bored stare. "What?" I looked at him with a raging glare, "Kairi doesn't get hurt" He shut his eyes and snorted out a laugh, "Wow" he said rubbing his left eyelid as he opened his right. "Youuu driiiivve a harrrrd bargin. Okay then, you play your part, Kairi doesn't get hurt, Sora sucummbs, heartless locked up tight, Nobody our's. Anything else your majesty?" He sounded pretty annoyed. "No" He held his right hand out, "So, deal?" I held out my right and shook his, "Deal"

For all those wondering, it's Axel who's doing Xemnas' dirtywork (Nothing personal, though he's still heartless because he hasn't met Roxas ... yet ;D


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

It's a little confusing right now, but I'm sure that's just because this is the beginning.
You need to separate the dialog of characters though. Like This:

Instead of:
Surrounding the room were 9 windows in total on each side besides behind me, Kairi kept pacing back and forth. "Riku ... I can't believe you're going along with this. Up until nine years ago you and Sora were best friends, but now you're letting Maleficent trick you" I opened my eyes, "The only person Maleficent is fooling is herself! I'm doing this for you and no one else!" She looked at me with a sad expression like she was going to break out into tears, "For me? You're giving yourself to darkness for me? That's a lie and you know it" A tear fell down her left cheek.

It should be:
Surrounding the room were 9 windows in total on each side besides behind me, Kairi kept pacing back and forth. "Riku ... I can't believe you're going along with this. Up until nine years ago you and Sora were best friends, but now you're letting Maleficent trick you"

I opened my eyes, "The only person Maleficent is fooling is herself! I'm doing this for you and no one else!" [I said.]

She looked at me with a sad expression like she was going to break out into tears, "For me? You're giving yourself to darkness for me? That's a lie and you know it" A tear fell down her left cheek.


Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

I can't wait to see the part where Sora becomes a Heartless. I wonder how he is going to succomb to the darkness.

Deleted member

Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Okay, I do not like where things are going right now. I mean, it's bad enough that Riku is making deals with Maleficent, but now he's making one with Axel and the Organization. Man, I have a really bad feeling about this situation. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: The Key and The Flame: On The Run ~ Days, BBS, and perhaps Re:Coded Spoilers are included

Luap: (sigh) It's unraveling as it goes (As I try to do with all my stories)

Xiolio: This next part hints at what will happen.

TwiRiku13: Well he kinda paid Malefy and Axel is acting as a scout to get Riku not to interfere, but at least he isn't in the position that Dr. Facilier was in.

Day 359: Signs of succumbing

Year: 1

Point of View: Sora

I put my hand on the window, "Is that Hollow Bastion?" I asked looking out the window from the cockpit of our Gummyship.

Outside the window was a large castle with many fumes blowing out what looked like blue flame, in the center of the castle was a hole that from far away it looked like the heartless symbol, and below as a blue sphere of water.

Donald whose arms were crossed answered in an annoyed tone, "How should I know? Now Sora, don't push anything" Donald instructed me.

I turned my head, "Aw come'on, what would I do?" I asked him with a saucy look.

Donald began to tap his foot, "Remember Deep Jungle?" he looked at me suspiciously.

I thought back "Hey, Donald, maybe King Minkey's down there" Goofy said pointing at a green jungle, a treehouse on top, and a
waterfall running down into space.

Donald crossed his arms "In a backwater place like that? No way!" He said turing the Gummyship around, "Let's move on"

I looked at him upset, "Hold on. Riku and Kairi may be down there"

Donald scowled, "Forget it we're on an important mission!"

I stomped my foot in frustration, "Just land!"

Donald shook his head, "No!

"Come on!" I demanded.

"Aw phooey!"

I started to press buttons "We're landing!"

Donald went nuts, "Don't touch that! Noooo!"

The Gummyship started up and blasted off, we were all forced to the wall, "Doo youu s-s-seeeee whaatttt you'vvvve donnnne?!"

"We'rrre gonnaaaa crashhhhh!" I yelled my cheeks beginning to flap at the speed we were going.

"Oh yeah, well do you plan on holding that over my head forever?"


We were to arrive on the only piec of gravel in the entire world, surrounded by rising water, ahead three bubbles, and floating icebergs. Above the sky was orangish-pink, ahead was a the castle we saw before, and behind us more rising water. "Well in my defense, Donald, had I not done that we would have never found the gummy piece and we wouldn't be here" We appeared as if being encoded into the world.

"Well-" Donald began.

Goofy looked up, "Huh? Whose that?" he asked scratching his head with his left hand.

I looked up on the floating piece of ice was a figure in a black coat, I summoned my Keyblade, "A heartless already?" I asked ready to fight.

It jumped down, I swung my Keyblade, he caught it, and yanked out of my hand, "How the-" I held out my right hand trying to call it back but no dice.

It approuched me, looked at me as I tried to see underneath his hood. He held out his left hand slowly and then with out warning jabbed it quickly into my body. His hand was over my heart? It felt like it was something else, I could feel something empty being put around it he removed his hand and disappeared in a black egg-shaped portal. "Agh!" I winced in pain, "What did he do to me?"


"No vessel, no help from the heartless ... So tell me, how'd you get here?" Riku asked behind a stoned gate as his voice echoed off the walls.

"I simply believed" He monster said clutching his heart with his eyes shut, "Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her" He opened them with a scowl, "So, here I am. She must be here" He began to grind his sharp teeth, "I will have her back!" Yelled.

Riku clenched his right hand, "Take her if you can"

The monster let out a roar and lunged at him, Riku did a back flip in order to dodge the attack, and then slashed at him. The monster fell his stomach with a deep wound, I struggled with own pain to stop Riku, "St-stop" I said holding my chest.

Riku looked my way a drop of blood dipping from his weapon; a sabre black on the left part that looked either like a dragon or a phoenix, blood red on the right that looked dull near the edges, and in the bottom near the hilt was a blue stone that reminded me of an eye it was the same shade as Riku's eyes. Near the top of the hilt were four small stone tiles on each side and the black hilt reminded me of a belt. "Is there some reason you're holding your gut?" Riku asked with an eye brow raised.

I sighed, "I got ambushed by someone in a black coat, give me a break" I started to glare.

He laughed sounding amused, "Really? Well then maybe you wouldn't mind I took back my Keyblade then?"

"Your Keyblade?" I summoned it, "I'm the one who summoned it!"

"Because the darkness had consumed my heart, in that process you stole my Keyblade. In a sense that weapon of your's is my light" he held out his hand, "So about about you I just take back" The Keyblade vanished from my hand and appeared in his.

I gasped, "What?! But I was told I was the Keyblade Master!"

Riku rolled his eyes, "A Keyblade doesn't make you a Master, the only thing you were was the delivery boy"

I glared into his somewhat emotionless eyes, "I'm what?!" I demanded shaking in anger as I clenched my fist darkness began to raise from my body.

Yes, see the change in Sora? (Also I know I did nothing for Beast's description, I plan to put that in, in the next part he's in)
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