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Fanfiction ► The Hybrid

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Darky Dee

Dec 13, 2004
Bah, in english, teachers and professors and most readers like to see finer details in the work, what they don't like to see is scavaging for words that don't make sense, but they do welcome adjectives, because readers can take mental notes on the surroundings easier.

If you wanna advertise, you should advertise the people's figures and the objects around them, like "Laura touched her breast." It would be a lot better if you would write "Laura massaged her right breasts smoothly because the wirey wool made it itch like a sick mpother fuuu." :p

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
heartlesshunter said:
It was wonderful yet again. But I do agree with Darky. Adding a few adjectives helps give the reader a more clear view on what is going on and stuff. You don't have to go over the top but a few subtle adjectives would make this own even more then it already does.

Thanx for readin'. I'll keep it in mind. ^^

Phenomenon X

New member
May 19, 2004
I'd say loadsa people read it, and just didn't post.

'Else you're all tasteless idiots.

It rocks dude.

Darkness Princess

Paper Bag Heaven
Aug 24, 2004
St. John's
Sorry SS for not posting earlier I've just been really really really busy... Anyways amazing chappy. *rereads entire thread over and over again*

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Heroes for the New Millennium
Part 5: Killswitch > The Hybrid

“You’re not?” Chris asked as he climbed down of Steve’s shoulder, I don’t know if he’s trying to anger Killswitch, or if he is actually that stupid.
I pulled the knife from my knee before I got down from Steve’s shoulder.
“Kid, I’m the World’s Deadliest Assassin, it’ll take more than that to take me out.” Killswitch said as he stepped out of the giant chasm, he and the Mole created.
“Yet you let that happen to you in the first place! Even The Shadow could have avoided that!” Laura mocked, as we all stepped towards the monkey.
“If The Shadow was trying to beat you, maybe; but if he’s only trying to stall you, he’ll take as long as he can.” Killswitch announced, revealing why he was here in the first place.
“Stalling? Who hired you? “X”?” I asked as I stepped slowly towards Killswitch, fists clenched, sweat dripping from my pores, my knee was still pretty damn sore, it had finally stopped bleeding though, but the wound was still open.
“Ah, ah, ah, that would be telling, and I’m no snitch, my dear boy,” Killswitch teased, as he picked up one of his swords, that lay at his right foot, maybe we should have taken him down while we had the chance.
“Look, just tell us who hired you, and we’ll let you go,” I said, as I stopped in my tracks, heart racing, lying for my life.
Killswitch simply stopped in his walk, and gave me a dirty look and barked “That’s disappointing Speedy, on so many levels – 1: Your heart is pumping like a jack-hammer, 2: I just murdered 43 people …”
“45.” I interrupted.
“Whatever … as I was saying, I murdered “45” people, I doubt you would have let me just walk away and 3: Hell, it’s just not your style,” he finished as he winked at me and smiled, at this very moment I hate this monkey, more than a thousand of Chris.
“Do you know how pathetic you and your little team are, bargaining with me, because you can’t beat me, it’s sad really, beat me and you hero status is set in stone, but bargaining with a mass-murderer, when it’s 5 on 1, it’s just pathetic, and doesn’t say much about the leader,” Killswitch quipped, as he spun his katanna around in his hand, not even considering us a threat right now.

I was so angry know, I was afraid if I fought him, I’d kill him, it’d be no big loss though.
But, it’s against my morals, as is bargaining with him … it’s not what he said that fuels my rage, it’s the fact that he’s right.
“Leadership?” Erika asked, as she stood forward “You want to lecture Rob on leadership?
“Funny, the M.A.C files on you say you used to lead a team of mercenaries, remember that?” Erika screamed at him, as a big metallic fist began to form around her own, what was she planning?
“You did whatever you were paid to do, you took out Presidents, Kings and Politicians, and if the money was good enough, you’d kill each other, isn’t that that right monkey?” Erika asked, as Killswitch began to look uncomfortable, did she hit a raw nerve? She did her research that’s for sure.
“How much were you paid to kill them? All 5 of them? Hell, you knew two of them for 10 years, how many people would be a friend to psychopathic monkey for 10 years? Long after the novelty passed.” Erika snapped, as she brought the steel fist behind her, trying to hide it.
“Was it worth it?” Laura asked, playing along, I think I get what’s going on now; well I hope I do anyway.
“And you try to criticise my leadership, for shame.” I mocked him, as I folded my arms, a broad smile stretched across my face, he was angry, first time I’ve ever seen him lose his cool, we hit a very raw nerve with this one.
He may be the Deadliest Assassin Alive, but everyone loses their cool if you dig deep enough, another advantage of working for M.A.C.

“I’ll kill you all for this!” the monkey screamed, as he lunged at me, while simultaneously throwing his sword in Erika’s direction.
Before he could grab me, I had moved out of the way, as I heard the sword shatter on Erika’s metallic fist, she was prepared.
“Hybrid, he’s a slave to his emotions now, he should be easier to take down!” I shouted, as I ran at him, ready for a fast shoulder charge, as the rest of my team sprung into action.
“That’s what you think,” Killswitch mumbled, as he stopped my shoulder, with one of his hands, he began to squeeze on it, Sweet Jesus it hurt.
“Leave him alone!” Laura ordered as she shot a thin laser at Killswitch, who simply used my shoulder to springboard up onto a streetlamp, which he jumped off, and landed right in front of Steve.
Before Killswitch could attack, Steve grabbed his face with one hand and lifted his other fist, clenched it, as his arm began to shake with rage, if this punch connects Killswitch’s skull will become juice. Eww.
Suddenly, Steve fell to the ground, clenching his stomach, writhing in pain, what the hell happened?
“Internal bleeding, you might want to get that looked at,” Killswitch said angrily, as he began to run towards Chris, who held two of his own katannas, ready for the inevitable attack.
“Time to prove I’m the best martial artist alive” Chris said, as he tightened his grip on his two long swords, which had shiny gold handles, with his “symbol” on them.
“Think again” Killswitch corrected as he threw his fist towards Chris, who blocked it with his elbow, then blocked the kick that followed with his knee.
“Firecracker, NOW!” I screamed, as Laura stared at the ferocious battle between the two agile foes.
She soon snapped out of it, and shot a large ball of yellow energy towards Killswitch, what was that? Electricity or something?
The ball connected with Killswitch’s back, sending him crashing to his knees.
Chris pointed his katanna at Killswitch’s neck, close to cutting it.
“Stick a fork in yourself, you’re done,” Chris quipped, we sighed, and not with relief.
“After what your little hussies said …” Killswitch said as his tail wrapped around the blade of the sword “… never!” he shouted, as his tail tightened its grip, breaking the sword in two.
Chris didn’t have time to be shocked, he knew that, he swung the other sword for Killswitch’s head, but he ducked out the way and punched Chris in the groin.
Five seconds before you feel the effects, Chris made the most of it, as quick as he could. He drove the broken sword through Killswitch’s chest, puncturing a lung for sure.
Both Killswitch and Chris fell to the ground, one grabbing his crotch, the other holding his chest.
Credit where credit’s due, Chris did the best anyone could in his position.
Steve ran towards Killswitch, and belly flopped on top of the monkey, as blood splashed out between them.

Steve lay there waiting for us to approach, to take him down, I quickly ran into the ship to get the arm cuffs, I came out of the ship to find Steve lying on top of Laura, and Killswitch about to attack Erika.
“What the….?” I exclaimed, as I ran to Steve, and tried to roll him off Laura, I couldn’t, this guy likes his steak, as do I …I wish I was at home right now eating a steak.
“He lifted me, his chest was flowing with blood and he lifted me,” Steve said, as he picked himself up off the ground.
“You, you’re talking!” I gasped, as I looked at Steve, perplexed, so much for the not talking thing.
“The fights over.” Steve said as his head dropped.
“No, Steve, the fights not over ‘til Killswitch has been taken down” I corrected him, as I helped him to his feet, well, tried to.
“Erika hasn’t given up, Chris didn’t, Laura didn’t, I’m not gonna, why are you?” I said, as I glanced at Erika, who seemed to be holding Killswitch back with her tentacle things, she really likes them … if I said that out loud, Chris would make a dirty joke.
“It’s over, we’ve thrown everything at him, we did enough to take Rip down, and this guy will be exactly like he was before the battle in five minutes!” Steve declared, as he stared at the ground, not daring to make eye contact, still showing a little nervousness.
“Look, while we’re here chatting Erika’s fighting him, by herself, and as her leader, I’m going to help her, we both know she can’t hold him off by herself, never mind beat him” I replied, as I smiled at him, and got ready to help Erika out, she can handle herself for two more seconds, I just need to get the big guy back in the game.
“Y’know you can never tell her how you feel if she’s dead?” I asked, as I winked at him as his face went bright red.
“I don’t like her … not in that way, I mean, we’re just friends,” Steve said, as his face went so red, it looked as if I could dry my clothes on him.
“Yeah well, if you don’t get your ass in gear, it’ll be “I didn’t like … in that way,” I said, as I sped off towards Erika, who held Killswitch off well.
“You’re up I see?” I said to Chris, as I swung for Killswitch, who dodged me easily, but moved into Chris’ fist.
“Please I’ve been kicked there, by girls, enough times to get over it quick enough,” Chris said as he tried to punch Killswitch again, who grabbed his fist and kicked him in the chest, as a pair of hand cuffs formed around Killswitch’s wrists, keeping him chain to Erika.
I punched Killswitch as much as I could, before he shattered the chain, as soon as he did, he had me in his grasp, and Erika pressed against the wall with his foot, as Chris lay on the ground.
Looks like the rage made him better, more focused, thanks a lot Erika.
“Well, well, well, looks like your don …” before Killswitch could finish his sentence, Steve’s fist was wrapped around his, his grip tightening.

Killswitch let go of me and his leg dropped to the ground releasing Erika, but Steve didn’t let go of Killswitch, he was gonna squeezed ‘till he popped.
Erika quickly wrapped shackles around Killswitch, and cuffs on both his hands and legs, all linking back to her … human hand cuffs, new superhero name?
Steve dropped Killswitch to the ground who gasped for breath, “You know this won’t hold me?” he shouted, as we dragged him towards the jet.
On our way towards the ship, Steve picked up Chris and Laura, and dragged them by their arms; guess they don’t get the shoulder treatment.
As Steve carried Chris and Laura and Erika dragged Killswitch, I pulled out my communicator and messaged Weinstein.
“We got him, Sir,” I reported, as General Weinstein stared back at me through his communicator, did I do something wrong?
“Good work, take him back to base” he ordered, as the screen went fuzzy, he hung up.
I contacted him again, “Um … sir…” I stammered.
“Mr. Armstrong, I have a lot on my plate right now, I’m happy you got him but I can’t spend all day chatting,” Weinstein barked; wow, he’s in a foul mood.
“Sir, we need a clean up crew over he, Killswitch, he, he……..killed 45 people” I said, as I closed my eyes, I couldn’t bare to look at him.
“What?!?! How did you let this happen?” he screamed down the communicator.
“It happened before we got here, there was nothing we could do” I muttered, I didn’t want him to hear the weakness in my voice, I respect him too much.

“Speedy, put down the phone, your wanted over here,” I heard Killswitch say, I turned to him, to find him standing over Erika, a sword in Steve’s back, and Chris and Laura laid out on the road.
How fast is this guy? I don’t think I could kick four asses that fast, well, World’s Deadliest Assassin and all. I threw down my communicator and began to run.
“Do you ever stay down?” I exclaimed as I ran towards him, but, he was ready for me, he hid a katanna behind his back, and before I could stop it was in my left arm, the sword had a gold handle … I just got stabbed by Chris’ sword, my anger cannot be explained.
I continued to swing for Killswitch with my right arm, he dodged easily, I had slowed down greatly, he kicked me in the chest, sending me, ass first to the floor.
“Your first mission a failure, how sad,” Killswitch teased as he stood over me.
“How …did … you know it … Was our first mission?” I stuttered, as I tried to stand, only to be kicked back down.
“”X” gave me a lot of good information, Robert,” Killswitch said as he smirked at me, pulling the sword out from my arm with his tail.
“You know my name?” I exclaimed, as I tried to shuffle backwards, but Killswitch just followed me.
“Oh yes, I know all your names, the fact that you’re being funded by M.A.C, everything,” Killswitch giggled, as he placed the blade of the sword right at my Adam’s Apple, I’m going to die by Chris’ sword? That’s just not fair.
“Now I’m going to kill you all, I was only told to stall you, but killing you would stall you permanently … tell the guys I said “Hi”,” Killswitch, said as I felt the blade nick my throat ever so slightly.
“What? Why not? Yes you’re paying me enough! Fine!!” Killswitch said to himself, as he pulled the sword away from my neck … methinks my monkey friend is a schizophrenic, the first talking monkey assassin … with schizophrenia.
“That was “X”, as you like to call him … you’re being spared, well you are, I can’t say the same about young Chris over there,” Killswitch declared, as he kicked me, onto the ground as I tried to pull myself up. My arm was healing slowly, he must have tore more muscles than I thought…… sometimes being this buff has its downside.
Killswitch strolled towards, Chris’ sword in hand, I couldn’t get up, I had lost a good bit of blood, by the time I get it all back, he’ll be dead.
He raised the sword above his head, ready to lop Chris’ head off.
Suddenly, a thin black rope wrapped around the sword, and it flew out of Killswitch’s hand, and landed on the ground about four feet away.
Standing over the sword, was none other than Chris’ “Daddy”, Wharp.
“Hello Betty, long time no see,” Wharp said, as he looked at Killswitch, no expression on his face, same as always … Betty?!?!? What the %$£*?

Next Up:
Part 6 of 6

"Heroes of the Millennium" concludes.
Can our Heroes (and Wharp) take down the Deadliest Assassin Alive?
Betty?BETTY? What the.....?
“X”? Who the %$£* is “X”? Why won’t I tell you?
Join me, next week to find out.
Same Hybrid-time, same Hybrid-channel![/QUOTE]

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
So good she shouldn't have to share a post with the story.

Big thanx to Teh Doofster for proof-reading #1,3 & 5.

4 & 2 coming soon.

Thanx Doof! ^^

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Madam Doofie said:

Np, SS. Just...give me more than an hour next time... x_X

Sorry, but by the time I finished it, I couldn't find ya. D:


Ashy to Classy
Mar 12, 2005
Carson, CA
Well.....its time to get Desprate. I'm reading your fic again, but in exchange, will you read mine? Its called Rebels and Ravens.....

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
Shady-DVS-Hoody-Child said:
Well.....its time to get Desprate. I'm reading your fic again, but in exchange, will you read mine? Its called Rebels and Ravens.....

I'll check it out, no promises I'll continue to read it.....not because of quality, just coz I'm busy, but PM me the link and I'll se what I can do.
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