*can't waits* also to prevent firefox from doing that try writting your stories in ms(microsoft word) it works for me but save every few minutes cause you never know what could happen 
Ok, this is really only a HALF fanfic. It involves Kingdom Hearts, and is completely fictional, but it's not actually a story.
ShadowRikuRising has been my best mate (out side of KHI) for as long as I can remember. He's heard these, So I know that there is at least one person who likes these
It's actually a group of 'secrets' I found in Kingdom Hearts (I and II). It's completely stupid, and should not be taken seriously in any way, shape or form. If you have ideas, feel free to share, but don't say 'OMG THAT WUS STOOPIDS YOU ARE A NOOB'
It's really not what i wanna hear. If you don't like it, give me CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Also, don't yell at me because you don't like it. I can't suit everyone. Remember that =D.
Ok, without further ado, here comes....
---Chapter 1: Agrabah (KH1) [The SoftServer]---
Note: You must have not defeated Kurt Zisa yet. You must have Aladdin and Goofy in your party
You have to be level 86, with the Omega bangle equipped, and the Oath keeper equipped.
In Sora's items, you need 3 potions equipped.
Aladdin's and Goofy's Items don't matter.
Now, defeat Kurt Ziza by only using Firaga and no summons (obviously, when he disables magic, just use melee attacks)
Once he is defeated, a cut scene will take place.
"Goofy will trip over, and Sora will jokingly tell him that his name suits him.
Goofy will then vow to stop being so silly, so he changes his identity to 'Goophie McCheese'
Aladdin will miss this event, as he has got his.. *ahem* his 'Little Genie' stuck in the soft serve creator of a Mr. Whippy van."
You will have a chance to save, change items before you verse the Mr. Whippy van.
KEEP THE OATH KEEPER EQUIPPED! Otherwise you will not be able to hit the ice cream van at all.
Sora will have all spells taken away for the battle, and Goophie McCheese will become facinated by a nearby butterfly, so the battle will be fought alone.
The van doesn't move, but has 16 bars of health. Also, Aladdin has a health bar, so hitting him will deplete his health. Also, It will probably hurt that 'Third Wish' of his, If you get my drift.
Once the van is defeated, It will ask you to do the nutbush.
Play Heart Heart Revolution to complete the steps of the nutbush.
When the van says to dance again, throw a mutated frog at it.
Stats: Wpn Atk: +12
Magic: -3
You will need this keyblade to lock the second Keyhole in Halloweentown.
You thought that every world only had one Keyhole?
Well, Prepare yourself for the bombshell that is....
---Chapter 2: Halloweentown (KH1) [The Second Keyhole]---
Writers Note: If this series is popular, I'll continue. If you like it, Please don't hesitate to say so. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside X3
Real Life Story Time
SRR and I (well.. our whole class) went to Canberra for a week. And one of the things we did there was visit the national art gallery.
One of the works of 'art' was three small squares of canvas, painted black, and lined up in a row.
On the first square was a sock, stuck to the canvas.
On the second was a peice of toast.
And on the third was a CD player that had been ripped out of a car.
That is NOT art... >:[