lol Neither was I but I say that sounds really funny!You weren't there
Yes, go for it, I mean its completely off topic but who care's? lolwell... then tell your story..
Yeah, it is off topic...
So after you tell your story, we'll go back to discussing the fanfic xD
Oooo, That was cold... *Shivers*haha!
Knowing you, he still would have got you out xD
Yes.. The Fic, Right! Im on topic! ... Stop looking at me like that...Anyway, back to the fanfic.
Let us discuss the phenomenon that is T0m Cr00z
lol That's it! The cardboard, apple, crusty sponge Moose.. lol Why did I think of a Donkey? Ahhh Meh, lol I rekon it'd be intresting to see a picture of im' U an artist?He is a pet moose made out of various random objects
Oh rats, That sucks! lol It would have been really funny to see. I've often considered perhaps illustrating my fan fic, I reckon I'd b cool, still, Im a pathetic drawer, and mine's set in the future so I dont have pictures for it lol. I might add though that I do draw some pretty awesome stick figures!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am good at drawing really random pictures like that.
It's just a shame I don't have a scanner...