Bump, sorry didn't want to double post.
Chapter 1 ~ Nightmare To Go
“ Please God, strike me with lighting.” A girl of sixteen with midnight violet hair and grape colored eyes stared at herself in a mirror in an abandon house with two other girls, sitting in new couches about a week old.
“ They can not make us wear this stupid uniform five days a week!” The girl was stretch out on the couch, her flaming red hair falling of the end of the couch.
“ Guys, they’re not that bad.” She sat Indian style on the couch, sipping tea out of a porcelain tea cup, silver blue hair falling to her waist. All the girls were wearing black dress shirts, red miniskirts, burgundy knee high socks, and black loafers.
“ I still hate it. The guys have way better outfits. Don’t you think, Blackfire?” Blackfire ignore the comment and unleashed her’s.
“ Which reminds me, we have to meet Red, Slade, and the others at his office.” The pair of night blue and gothic purple eyes rolled at the previous comment with disgust.
Why can’t she call Xavier by his first name?
The red head spoke this in her mind so the other girl could read her thought.
‘Cuz she doesn’t want us to know she likes him, Tibby
Tibby response was simply, Like DUH, she practly drools every time she looks at him, Ava.
They carried on with their conversation meanwhile, Blackfire went up the stairs, opened the door and close it, then jumped on her bed. She laid on her pillow, memories from that night flashing in her head. She clenched her pillow and her muscules tensed to no end until her eyes grew hot. The gory night of the palace with blood, screams, tears, and painful memories filled her head until her eyes grew wet.
I will not cry, I will not cry.
She continued this chant until the nightmarous memories faded to a peaceful memory. It all focus on a beach with two children running around in the water, laughing and hurling water at each other. A little brunette girl with big brown eyes shouted, “ Stop it Ax, stop it.” Ax had, what looked like long, spiky, red hair and neon green eyes, yelling to the girl, “ I’m going to get you Amber-“ Blackfire bolted up in the bed in realization to the name.
Amber? Didn’t I know an Amber? How long ago was that memory?
All the questions kept piling up in her head when Ava knocked on the door.
“ B., shouldn’t we be getting a move on?” Blackfire stood up and faced her friend, “ Yeah.”
All day long, Blackfire kept asking herself, Who’s Amber and Ax?
I promise you it will make sense when I post the KH chapters on IHP