well not quite i hope you enjoy it now though Geist. well folks i'm sure people know the drill by now xD enjoy the new chapter.
Chapter 11: The Exiled
The room was large and its color was a pale white. It’s structure was like a massive cube only with a circular area in the middle large enough to fill over 28 large chairs with small gaps in-between each chair. The chairs were all rather simplistic. Each had two large armrests, a rather wide stretching seat and a towering back to the seat as well. However the backs of the chairs were battered and old. The stone had been shattered and bits and pieces of it were scattered lying on the ground. Several symbols of the twilight were hung around the room some on the chairs and some on the walls. Each chair had a small but visible number written in roman numerals in front of it. Most of the seats were currently vacant only chair numbers 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17 and 18 were occupied at the current moment.
“He’s late,” number 9 muttered sounding a bit irritated.
“Should we send someone out to, ya know, find him,” number 18 asked sounding more like he was putting out a hit on the person.
“You’ve forgotten they’re late too. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet,” number 4 added calmly with an almost kind manor to her words.
“Perhaps, we’ll give him another 10 more minutes, no more and no less,” number 7 said.
“Why do we have to wait? I mean after all, if the intelligence reports were correct, then why would he even show,” number 13 asked.
“To show he’s not a complete coward,” number 9 answered swiftly drawing out a brief bit of laughter from some of the Exiled.
“We shouldn’t convict him before we’ve heard his side of the story. Besides, we have yet to hear from Rextanse as of yet, so we have no evidence to prove it,” number 17 explained.
“True. But it’s always the smart ones that end up being so stupid,” number 9 added.
“Regardless of whether he is innocent or guilty, we will wait,” number 6 said speaking up.
“Another 8 minutes and 50 odd seconds,” number 9 added in as both he and a few other of the Exiled smirked.
Suddenly a large black portal opened up around the number 23 seat as Xishn appeared where the portal had opened up as he sat down facing the other Exiled Order members that were present at the current time.
“So, you finally decided to show up,” number 18 said.
“Of course, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” Xishn replied taunting them already.
“Don’t be so arrogant. You are late after all,” number 9 added.
“My bad, no really it is. So to make up for it please accept my humblest apologies. I truly am sorry really, see these tears aren’t fake,” Xishn replied as he moved his right hand up and pointed to his right eye as he mocked his superior.
“Don’t make me remove you tongue,” number 9 said as he closed his left hand into a tightly curled fist.
“Why do you even bother to show any emotions? Don’t wear a mask if you’re not at a masquerade,” number 17 asked.
“That’s enough,” number 7 said interrupting the two. “We didn’t assemble here to argue, we came here to sort out the current issues with number 10. Where is he right now Xishn?”
“He couldn’t make it. So I’ll be his representative in his place,” Xishn answered as he moved his right hand and pointed his thumb at himself.
“What is he doing,” number 17 asked.
“He has a bit of a rat problem right now. You see he sent out the exterminator but since that didn’t work now we he has to use some homemade materials, to snap the rat’s neck,” Xishn answered.
“This concerns me. What do you think number 7,” number 6 asked as he turned to face his ally.
“I believe Salix should be here. However as you two are both close allies Xishn, I suppose we can allow you to speak wisely on his behalf,” number 7 explained. “Just keep the wisely part in mind.”
“Yeah sure what ever ya say,” Xishn replied as suddenly two more portals suddenly opened up around both seats 14 and 24 as two people in Exiled Order cloaks appeared. “Being fashionably late is so last year.”
“Shut up, what would you know about this,” number 24 retorted.
“More than what a little brat like you would know,” Xishn replied calmly.
“Silence your tongues,” number 9 said showing signs of some irritation.
“Agreed, we need to remember our places,” number 14 added.
“Moving on, I would like to know. What is Salix currently working on,” number 4 asked.
“As of now he’s continuing his research on the heart and Keyblade creation,” Xishn explained. “He’s also working on a prototype of one of the former wielders.”
“You mean he’s found a way to duplicate them,” number 18 asked.
“Yeah, or at least he believes he has. I’m not certain of how the results are moving along though,” Xishn answered.
“This is dangerous. We can’t have them running around freely again,” number 9 said.
“Yet it would be interesting to see the fruits of his labor, no,” number 14 suggested as he raised his right arm as if to pose a question.
“It would prove useful to us. That is if it’s a success,” number 7 added.
“But what if it escapes? What would we do then,” number 18 asked.
“Salix said he had a way to control, and if necessary destroy it,” Xishn answered.
“Even still, there are risks attached to it,” number 13 said as he waves his left hand.
“As I see it there are plenty of pros and cons to this “experiment” of Salix’s. However without any results, it may be difficult to decide,” number 4 explained.
“Perhaps then waiting until the prototype has been completed and tested would be the best action for now,” number 17 suggested.
“Yes, I agree,” number 4 replied. “So then it’s decided. Unless anyone disagrees.”
Number 4 looked around at the other Exiled Order members and waited for a response or question to be added to the conversation.
“Xishn, would you care to explain why the three Keyblade wielders are currently present at Salix’s stronghold,” number 7 asked.
“Once the prototype has been tested, they’ll unlock the real McCoy in exchange for their friends. It’s as simple as that,” Xishn explained.
“No, it’s not quite as simple as that,” number 9 said.
“He’s right Xishn. If indeed the Keyblade wielders are involved, this is certainly going to become much more difficult,” number 4 added.
“Those monsters were capable of defeating the Organization save maybe Xemnas. If he releases them again they could having their own freewill, come after us,” number 7 explained.
“Perhaps, but they will have limiters on them. Besides one of them has already been released, he just has yet to figure out who he is for himself,” Xishn explained.
“He released one already? Without the authority of the Order,” number 13 said irritated.
“Heh yeah in a way. It’s not like you have any higher jurisdiction over him or anything,” Xishn replied.
“Bah, he blatantly does as he feels and rarely acknowledges our presence. Why should we allow someone like him to remain in the Order,” number 13 argued as he slammed his left fist on the armrest.
“Because his knowledge is vast and extending, if you were to destroy or let him go, it would be a terrible waste. Besides soon the younger one will come to fruition,” Xishn replied.
“I assume you’ll explain this to us further,” number 18 asked.
“Well I could, but then I wouldn’t be able to make a joke about you assuming, now would I,” Xishn answered as he smirked.
“How many times do I have to tell you to silence your irrelevant babbling,” number 9 said as he raised his left hand in the air.
The air around the Exiled Order member’s left hand warped as an oddly shaped sword appeared in it. Tightly the sword number 9 took aim with the blade and threw it straight at Xishn. The blade and the hilt spun around in a circular motion as it flew at Xishn. As the blade was about to impact it suddenly disappeared into one of Xishn’s many mirrors. The sword then reappeared as a second mirror appeared above number 9. The sword dropped harshly on the left arm rest as the blade sunk into the cold hard stone. The sword itself was completely undamaged but the chair now had a rather large hole made from the sword’s impact. A bright flash of light surrounded the sword as number 9 made it disappear the same way it had originally appeared.
“Don’t bother making a move against me. My defense is truly iron clad,” Xishn said.
“Only to those who are ignorant of your capabilities, but not me, I’m more than capable of shredding your paper shield,” number 9 replied.
Suddenly two loud clanging sounds echoed through the air near the two as the two of them turned to see two Keyblades jammed into their seats. The Dawn Keyblade was jammed to the right side of Xishn’s head only a few inches away from physically touching him, while the Dusk Keyblade was jammed a few inches to the left of number 9’s head. Number 7 slowly let his arms fall down as they landed on his armrests he glanced at both Xishn and number 9.
“This is ridiculous, you both act as though you have hearts to feel hatred towards each other. However, being who we are it is clear that you cannot feel such,” number 7 said as he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers as the two Keyblades immediately vanished.
“Agreed, this kind of pointless squabbling won’t get us any closer to our real goal,” number 6 added.
“Which is why if you two don’t stop bickering, I’ll make you stop bickering,” number 7 stated.
“Now that, that’s over, could you explain what you meant when you spoke about the one he’s already released,” number 14 said as he tapped his right pointer finger on the armrest.
“Well to put this simply, he’s an amalgamation of many beings,” Xishn explained.
“So then, who was he formed together with,” number 4 asked.
“I’m afraid, even Xishn doesn’t know that,” a voice said as a portal opened up around the chair with the number marked 10 on it.
As the portal of darkness disappeared Xishn and the other Exiled Order members looked over to see Salix seated in his chair with his hood removed.