Gir shall never die! "Doo,deh,doo,deh,doo...WAFFLES!!!"
Sephy-kun said:Gir shall never die! "Doo,deh,doo,deh,doo...WAFFLES!!!"
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MINE, now I will use my powers to get all the GIRs in the world,annoy annoy annoy annoy annoy, yeah I found anthe........awe man it's a fakelittle chiyo said:What is it with you people!! Gir is mine!!
Sephy-kun said: Zim episodes this is the best Gir quote ever!
No, I am a guy, so you know that you are not alone.Sephy-kun said:0_o....... am I the only guy in this fanclub?
Sephy-kun said:0_o....... am I the only guy in this fanclub?
No, I am a boy as I stated before(hugs my GIR)and I can still love GIR in everyway that a fangirl loves GIR.little chiyo said:Well I think Gir is a guy so its all just rabid fan girls.....and 2 fan boys....I guess
Sora/Kairi/Riku said:What is GIR? (I hate those stupid minimum letter equirements)
That's kind of disturbing.......... Mushu is the #1 Reno fangirl! and I'm the #1 Winry fanboy!theannoyingthing said:I can still love GIR in everyway that a fangirl loves GIR.