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Fanfiction ► The First Incision - A sadistic ZexVex Fanfic.

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New member
Jan 9, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know? >:3
This is somewhat sadistic. The second chapter will contain bad language on two occasions. This does not contain any boyxboy action...yet. I'll warn you if it ever does. Here you go.

The First Incision - A ZexVex Fanfic - Chapter One.

Screams split the night. The boy’s limp form bound to the chair, straining at his bonds, was a blank canvas, as appealing to me as the sweetest flower, the most beautiful thing in the world. I smiled slightly, turning to the little wretch who thrashed and screamed, holding a gleaming scalpel, twisting it in my fingers to admire it under the dim glow of the bulb hanging overhead.
A sweaty sheen glistened slightly on the boy’s bare chest, yet still he kicked and cried out, his long fringe falling to obscure his contorting face. I leaned over the chair in which my victim, my gloriously blank canvas, was held captive.

“As much as I am enjoying the sound of your pitiful screams, you will have to be silent. We can’t afford to have somebody show up here, now can we?”
He looked up at me as I said these words, at my sinister smile, then deep into my eyes, which no doubt sparked with anticipation, and shuddered. He attempted to turn his face away, but was restricted by the clamp around his brittle neck. I leaned over a little more, a tendril of my own hair brushing the bridge of his nose, causing him to flinch violently.
“If somebody were to show up, I might, ah, forget where I am, forget how to hold myself steady. If I got carried away, who’s to say I couldn’t…”

I gripped his chin, forcing him to look up at me, half-choking him in the process. His face betrayed his sick disgust, and poorly disguised terror. I held the scalpel to his neck
A smirk twisted my face as I whispered the word.
I released the boy’s head, letting it slam back against the chair. Stepping back, I allowed myself to savour the view, then stepped smartly back into position, scalpel gripped tightly in my unwavering hand.
Though the slender boy strained at his ties, his face stricken with agony, he stayed blissfully silent as I made the first incision.


That was the very first time that I subjected Zexion to my intense desire for pain, other people’s pain. He was exposed to my thirst for agony, my hunger for victims that writhed as I bring my scalpel down onto seamless flesh, slicing and nicking, causing me to descend shamelessly into my personal pleasures.
That boy was one of the first to wander into my trap, he had beautiful porcelain skin, the kind that made me want to plunge my scalpel in deep until it scraped bone, to decorate it with intricate patterns until my stark white lab coat was soaked in crimson and the walls peppered with scarlet blood.

Of course, there had been others, other victims. Some who were just curious, some who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I enjoyed toying with them, it was wonderful, yet something about the slate-haired one, Zexion, drew me to him stronger than anyone had ever done before.
That was the reason Zexion ended up strapped to the very same chair as before, in the very same place, making, regretfully, the very same amount of noise. I soon put a stop to that.


piece of dying ember
Jan 9, 2010
Beautiful World

as i have said,

again, I WANT MORE!

i love sadistic vexy..

and lovely writing.

Deleted member

Holy cow, I think I'm going to hell just for reading that and actually liking it. Even though I am not into yaoi, that was really good. I actually like reading sadistic things sometimes, and that was quite sadistic. I'm actually quite surprised that you used Vexen instead of Marluxia; Marluxia definitely seems more of a sadist than Vexen, but, like I said, it was still good. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know? >:3
LM: Thanks, you were reading it on dA right? :L
Sadistic Vexen is fun to write, though I am definitely not a Sadist irl. Pain is not a turn on for me. ._.'
Thanks for commetning on here too! =w=

Twilight Riku: I love writing about Marly, and he strikes me as the sadistic type, but I thought Vexen might know more about surgery and things like that, plus I rather like ZexVex and all that. >.<
You're not going to hell... or are you? >D
Thanks again for commenting, it means a lot!

tiamod: Thanks! I have the next chapter right here... Though it isn't very long. >.<'


Apr 9, 2009
*gawks at utter awesomeness* that is what I call a TRAVASTIC SUCESS!!!!!!


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know? >:3
Thank you very much! :D
It means a lot to know that people like my writing, even if it is... odd. XD

SECOND CHAPTER IS UP ON DA, for some reason it says the link for replying is broken here? D:
ICannotDrawToSaveMe on dA. :)
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New member
Jan 9, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know? >:3
Chapter two. WARNING: Contains language on two occasions, and sadistic thoughts that are Vexen's, not mine XD

My array of tools shone dangerously under the scrutiny of the flickering bulb. The almost emaciated boy thrashed in the chair as I let my hands linger over each instrument, assessing what I could do with each one.

I weighed a particularly sharp blade on my palm in an almost apathetic manner, all the while surveying the exposed chest of the wretched boy in the chair. He had a delicious pattern of scarlet lines adorning the skin under his collarbone.

With my free hand, I trailed my long fingers over the raised marks where the sharp blade had sliced his ivory skin. I was pleasantly surprised at how restrained I'd been the last time I had the boy at my mercy.

A strangled noise made me whip my head up, tear my gaze from Zexion's wonderfully mutilated neckline to look at his face, which displayed an expression of perturbed horror. Following his disgusted gaze downwards, I stared at the chair, not entirely sure where I was supposed to be looking. Then I noticed the stains. The material covering the chair was, in places, encrusted with streaks of crusted blood.

"Ah yes, I didn't get a chance to... clear up... after your last little visit."
I let a twisted smile contort my face, grinning at the boy in a disturbing manner. Zexion looked as if he were about to be violently sick.

"Now, lie very still."
I pressed my palm against his vulnerable stomach, lightly pressuring the boy against the chair. He visibly recoiled, as if from a serpent about to strike.

My scalpel I had chosen slid gently over his lower chest, opening a miniature gulf out of which red rivulets spilled, trickling down the body of the blade and onto the cuff of my lab coat. The blood met fabric and blossomed into a crimson flower.

Zexion squeezed his eyes shut tightly, perhaps in silent prayer, I didn't know. The blade of the scalpel criss-crossed, parting flesh as easily as a knife through butter.

The boy squirmed in pain, yet I noted his silence. In fact, he had he made any noise beforehand? I couldn't recall it. Perhaps he had taken heed of my warning the previous session? I glanced at the boy's face, which displayed a look of determination, crippled with agony. Somehow, I couldn't imagine him backing down... But then, why was he lying there, quiet as the dead, as I carved into his delicate skin?

Suddenly, he cried out. I looked down sharply, seeing my blood-soaked hand pushing the scalpel in almost to the hilt in Zexion's stomach.
I tore my hand away, removing the blade in one swift motion, causing Zexion to attempt to double over in agony, restrained by his ties.
How had I gotten so distracted?

[It cut me off! Go read it on dA, this site is getting tedious.]

Deleted member

Wow, that was quite sick. Man, I know Vexen is creepy, but this is ridiculous; you have jsut made him totally insane. Well, be that as it may, it was still very good. The details were really great; almost felt like I was there, which kind of sends shivers down my spine. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more. Oh. one more thing, can you post the link to your story on DA? I would really like to read the rest.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know? >:3
Wow, that was quite sick. Man, I know Vexen is creepy, but this is ridiculous; you have jsut made him totally insane. Well, be that as it may, it was still very good. The details were really great; almost felt like I was there, which kind of sends shivers down my spine. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more. Oh. one more thing, can you post the link to your story on DA? I would really like to read the rest.
Aha yeah >.< Vexen is terrifying. I just enjoy writing his character, though I'm definitely no sadist irl.
Thanks a lot for the compliments, here's the rest of the chapter which somehow didn't post: http://icannotdrawtosaveme.deviantart.com/art/The-First-Incision-Ch-2-162852627
Thanks for being interested, even if it is... bizarre XD
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