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Fanfiction ► The Final Chapter To "Another Story"

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You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
Okay, this is my last chapter, I was letting the other one die, I might write a sequal someday, when I get done with Symphonic Darkness, which might be a while...It's the final Chapter to this Another Story...Okay, here goes!!:laugh:

Okay, This will be the final chapter of my old FF, Another Story...I hope you like it...

Final Chapter: The Ultimate Showdown

"Man, that world was pretty rough," Kharg said, "Hey, watch out!!!!!" The two of them see a huge fleet of gummi ships, and a few missiles destroying a few worlds, like "The Kokiri Forest," "The Mushroom Kingdom", etc.

"I'm not afraid..." Rocket said, frighteningly.

"All the way bud, we've been through so much together!" Kharg said friendly. The missiles were not headed towards them, the ships were mostly white, and grey. Suddenly a large all black ship came up from behind the entire fleet.

"Oh no!" Rocket screamed.

"Don't worry, just co- pilot with me!" Kharg said, determined. They then see ships coming from all the worlds they've been to. Looks like the people from the destroyed worlds got away...

"Don't worry bud," Link said, with a talkie.

"Okay, together we can do it!!" Rocket said. The both of them suddenly see a ship coming from a black world. It was the world that they encountered, that was inside the Door To Darkness.

"Who is in that ship?" Kharg asked.

"I don't know...Looks like, ZERETH!?" Rocket replied.

"Zereth was your bud right?" Kharg asked.

"Yes, but I finally found him..." Rocket said.

"That's great and all, but what are we gonna do about the fleet?" Kharg asked.

"I don't know...We'll have to bust our way through, Zereth came out of the black world behind the fleet..." Rocket stated.

"Hey there bud, let's rescue Kairi, Have everyone else handle the fleet!" Zereth said. Zereth's ship pulled right next to Rocket's, and Kharg's. Rocket transfers via a warp machine, as long as you have a ship next to you, it works.

"Zereth, I'm glad to see you're all right...!" Rocket said.

"Yeah, ditto, and you too!" Zereth said. The new duo flies through the fleet, dodging any and every missile!

"Hey," Rocket said to all of the ships, "I'm resuing my other friend, take care of the dark ships!"

"Yes sir," X and Zero said.

"Okie Dokie," Mario and Luigi said.

"Alright, then let's get this show on the road!!" Zereth said. They reach the world of darkness.

"Haha, so you've come back for more darkness, Zereth?" A strange voice came out as they stepped on the world's earth.

"No way, Ansem!! I'm going to rescue Kairi, with my friend!" Zereth replied. The voice must be Ansem. The 2 of them walked out, onto a rock path, leading to a mouth of darkness. "Watch out..."

"I know..." Rocket said, without a doubt.

"Okay, then let's go..." Zereth said. Heartless start spewing out of the mouth of drakness.

"Ha!" Zereth yelled as he drew out his own Soul Eater.

"What's that?" Rocket asked.

"I'll tell you later, for now...Fight!!" Zereth yelled. Rocket's keyblade soon appeared in his hands, they start cleaning out all the dark heartless, but more just keeps coming.

"They won't stop!!" Rocket yelled. Kharg soon appeared out of his Gummi Ship.

"I'll take it from here, you guys go on ahead...!" Kharg said, knowing it could cost him his own life.

"Okay, we'll go...Be careful!" Rocket said. They both enter the mouth of darkness.

"Huh? This place is just a huge abyss of darkness..." Rokcet said. Suddenly a huge monument of something appears, and a dark hole appears before it, Ansem rises out of the hole.

"Welcome, to Forever Darkness!" Ansem said.

"I'm pulling in...Too close..." Zereth whined as he was suddenly drawing near the hole.

"No!" Rocket yelled, as he tried to help Zereth get pulled back.

"Not a chance!" Ansem yelled, thrusting his weapon at Rocket!

"I won't let you pull all of the worlds in darkness!" Rocket yelled, as he blocked with his keyblade.
Ansem overhead striked, but Rocket still blocked. Ansem thrusted again, and with one swoop of the keyblade, Rocket knocked Ansem's darkness staff out of his hands.

"Now! FEEL THE PAIN!" Rocket yelled, as he kept slashing Ansem, nearly wouldn't stop, "Of the human lives you try to swallow in darkness!"

"Ugh!" Ansem said, as he disappeared into the light.

"Zereth! I'm coming!" He said as soon as Ansme disappeared. Zereth's soul soon was gone, but his body was inside...The Door To Darkness soon appeared.

"Rocket, you did great, you vanquished the darkness from you own heart, and Zereth's," a strange voice said, "Here is The Door To Darkness..."

"Kairi?" Rocket asked. Kairi appeared in front of the door.

"Hurry, you can still save Zereth!" Kairi screamed! Suddenly, Ansem appeared.

"No he can't!" He said with an evil voice. "This door is locked from the inside!"

"Zereth!!!" Rocket screamed at the top of his lungs! Suddenly the door soon opened but, D. Zereth soon appeared!

"No, the light..." Ansem said, as his body soon disappeared again, this time...For good. Zereth rushed out of the door.

"I can handle this, you go shut the door so that Ansem doesn't come back!" Zereth pointed his Soul Eater at D. Zereth.

"I guess we have to do this the hard way, I only came because Ansem saw the darkness within you," D. Zereth said. Rocket tried shutting the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Meanwhile, outside of the mouth of darkness,

"Ugh!!Ktz!!" Kharg screamed as he tried killing all of the heartless, soon, the heartless started piling over him! His body soon disappeared...

Then we go back to the inside,

"Die!" Zereth screamed as he slashed D. Zereth! Dark Zereth soon dodged the blow, and striked the real Zereth! Quickly defending, Zereth slashed, and soon started a chain of attacks against eachother.

"Ugh, this is hard to budge..." Rocket screamed. Zereth and D. Zereth were still fighting...But, soon enough, Zereth stabbed D. Zereth in the heart, releasing his darkness, killing because his soul was darkness.

"I'll help ya bud!" Zereth said. They were both pushing as hard as they could, and enough light was let in to release Kharg from his darkness prison, he soon came to help...The other's landed and came to help as well, after they destroyed the huge fleet.

"Thanks you guys," Rocket said, "You're real friends" Then suddenly they see Jack, Ridly, and Ganz all helping as well. The door pushes shut. "We did it!"

"Okay, well, it would seem that our worlds are back, those missiles were only darkness missiles, consuming them, we can go back now...See ya bud!" Link and the others said their goodbyes, and returned to their own worlds.

"Kairi, I'm glad you're safe!" Rocket and Zereth both said.

"Ditto" Kairi said, "we can go back to our island now right?" Kharg's world was destroyed, during the attack by a real missile...So he didn't leave.

"What about Kharg, should he stay with us?" Zereth asked.

"I don't see why not..." Rocket, and Kairi both said.

"Thanks guys!" Kharg said. They all traveled safely back to their Island.


That was the end, hope you liked it! I could have the potential to make a sequal, but not until I finish my other one!! Tell me any Grammar, or spelling errors, I'm using wordpad, so I don't know...

EDIT: Seriously, this is why I had stopped before...NO ONE'S REPLYING!
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"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
lol, you used part of my idea for the end. dont use the word ditto so much is what i can say. and nice sig, lol.
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