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Fanfiction ► The Entity of the Keyblade

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New member
Apr 21, 2008
I hope this one gets more feedback then my previous one though I have to say I really didn't know where my previous one was going but with this one I have more of an idea. I hope you enjoy and I hope I get some feedback.

Long have I been a slave to the Keyblade Masters. My powers entombed inside their tool. My Being trapped by the First Keyblade Master and forced into eternal servitude. Many millennia have past and I still wait for the day that some fool shall set me free and I shall be able to exact my revenge.

-The Keyblade​
Chapter 1: Dream

“John, wake up you lazy bum.”

“Huh?” I replied groggily opening my eyes to the harsh sunlight.

“I said get up you lazy bum.” she said, gently kicking my ribs.

“Oh. Morning Cat.” I mumbled, briefly glimpsing her softly undulating brown hair and sapphire blue eyes before I rolled back over to go to sleep. She let out a sigh of exasperation. I smirked.

“Think it’s funny do you?” She asked. “Well when the water is up to you waist because you slept till high tide don’t come crying to me.”

“Rawr,” I replied as I got up sleepily and stumbled up the beach and sat down.

I guess an explanation is in order. Cat and I were at the beach, mostly because she wanted to go. She had an infatuation with the beach. The soft blue sky. The salty breeze. The cries of seagulls. Why she loves the beach is beyond me. I only tagged along because well… she gave me the puppy dog pout. How could I say no? So I came with and found a nice warm spot of sand to snuggle in and fell asleep.

We sat there and she showed me all of the seashells she collected and told me how she found this really shiny pretty purple one. Needless to say I didn’t her any of her one hour long seashell rave.

“Oh oh and I found this one--” She was saying.

“Cat maybe we should be heading home,” I interrupted. “Those look like storm clouds and I don’t want to be stuck on a beach in the middle of a storm.”

“Storms clouds? Where?” She asked.

“Right there.” I said pointing with my index finger at some dark ominous looking clouds that were definitely out of place among the soft blue sky.

“Oh I knew that.” She said, faking.

“Yeah and I’m going to be sucked into some sort of adventure that involves fighting some entity that’s pissed off cause it got trapped in something and was forced to serve people that it hates.” I said rolling my eyes and dragging her to the car.

Twenty minutes later we were at her house and I was walking her to her door.

“Today was nice.” She said, her eyes sparkling.

“Yeah.” I responded not really listening.

“We should do this more often.” She offered.

“Sure.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

I gave her a hug and then walked to my black Honda as the first drops of rain fell from the sky. I jumped in the car, started it up, and drove it home. I pulled into the driveway of my house, about ten minutes later. I mad a dash for the door through the onslaught of watery missiles. I slammed the door behind me kicked of my shoes and shook the rain out of my longish black hair. I ran upstairs into my room and threw my coat onto my desk chair. Then I jumped straight into my bed. It was really pour outside now. The raindrops like bass drums surrounding my house.

“So recap. Went to the beach with Cat. Fell asleep and had a strange dream. Zoned out during Cat’s really long seashell speech. Then came home and jumped into to bed. Yup that’s what happened.” I said out loud to myself. “Though that was a curious dream.” I muttered. I closed my eyes just for a second to rest.

Sora. Keyblade. Kingdom Hearts. Heartless. Over and over. Each word has it’s own image. They paraded in my vision endlessly. A brown spiky haired kid. A curious sword in the shape of key. A large white door with stain glass windows. A creature that seemed to be cut out of shadows with two yellow beads for eyes. Again and again.

I woke with a start. The beating of my heart in synch with the beating of the onslaught of the rain outside. “Such a strange dream.” I muttered rubbing the images out of my eyes then turning over and going back to sleep.
If you're lost just feel free to ask. I should have the next chapter up soon. That is if I don't get like writers block or something T_T
Oh and tell me if I misspelled or forgot a word or something cause I spent like 10 minutes going over this.
Odd little fact: I had the LOZ Dungeon theme playing in my head while righting this


FanFic Slayer, K.Theorist
Sep 25, 2007
Some place I can peek from the dark.
Somehow, I find it creepy. Mostly because Sora would possibly be dead, mascarred, whatever, and that at the start of the story I knew it won't be good for Sora. And with that, Kairi as well. And with that, I don't like it.

Sorry. I really don't like our heroes to have tragic lives.


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Somehow, I find it creepy. Mostly because Sora would possibly be dead, mascarred, whatever, and that at the start of the story I knew it won't be good for Sora. And with that, Kairi as well. And with that, I don't like it.

Sorry. I really don't like our heroes to have tragic lives.

well uhmmm Actually this story pretains to time long after Sora died(However he died)
Really Sora has a part to play in the story but he won't be dieing a tragic death o.o
Maybe the second chapter will clear things up I'll try to get it up soon.


FanFic Slayer, K.Theorist
Sep 25, 2007
Some place I can peek from the dark.
That's why I don't like it (No offense to your work). Why must Sora be dead? He's so adorable *sigh* and Kairi T_T

Although I don't really think of Riku. Kinda makes me feel bad about it.


New member
Apr 21, 2008
That's why I don't like it (No offense to your work). Why must Sora be dead? He's so adorable *sigh* and Kairi T_T

Although I don't really think of Riku. Kinda makes me feel bad about it.

Now your just making me sad about not having Sora be "alive" :glare:

Well heres the next chapter. It kind of explains the roles of the characters.
Chapter 2: The Tale Unfolds

I woke up the next morning to the relentless beating of the rain on my house. I groaned at the idea of a long rainy and muddy day. I jumped out of bed scratching at my bed hair. I threw some clothes on to my bed and turned the water on in the shower. In moments the whole entire bathroom was filled with steam. I jumped into the shower and was soon lost in the warm water and soothing steam. The ringing of the phone broke into my train of thoughts. I reluctantly shut off my shower, grabbed a towel and picked up the phone while drying my head. “Hello?”

“Hey, John. It’s Cat.” She answered cheerfully.

“Morning Cat.” I said all to aware of what her next words were going to be.

“So you’re coming over right?” She asked making it seem as though I had a choice.

“Yeah just give me like an hour to do some things.” I replied with a yawn.

“Okay. Bye John.” she said her voice now filled with joy.

“Bye.” I said and then hung up the phone. I finished drying my hair and the rest of my body and threw on my black T-shirt and Jeans. I then commenced with my morning exercises of fifty push-ups and sit-ups, thirty squats and then ten minutes of jump roping. Yeah call me a freak but I liked being in shape. After that was all taken care of I grabbed a package of pop tarts and darted out the door to my car. Ten minutes later I was barging into Cat’s house to find shelter from the rain.

“Hey, John. How did you sleep last night with all this rain?” She greeted me as I burst through her front door.

“Twas fine except for this really weird dream I had.” I replied.

“Weird dream?” She asked confusedly.

“Yeah. These words and picture just kept floating around and around. It was really weird.” I explained a little confused myself.

“What were the words?” She asked curiously.

“Well one was ‘Keyblade’. Any idea what that is?” I asked. No reply. “Cat?” I looked over and she was just standing there as if she were frozen.

“Keyblade” whispered a voice.

“Who’s there?” I shouted. As if out of nowhere there appeared a kid of maybe fifteen with brown spikey hair. He was clothe in a white robe with many black tendrils splattered on it. For some reason one word popped into my mind. “Sora?” I whispered unsure why I did so. He nodded his head and then lifted up a curious looking weapon.

“Keyblade.” He whispered again. He then handed it to me and said “We shall meet again.”

“Keyblade?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I said staring at the spot where Sora was standing just a moment ago.

“You probably had something bad for dinner that’s all.” She joked.

“Yeah probably.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

God knows why I didn’t tell her what had happened. Maybe I didn’t want her to think I was crazy. Maybe I wasn’t sure if it even happened. But those final words “We shall meet again.” gave me a chill too real to be imagined. Not really wanting to hear her speech on how I should watch what I eat and how certain foods can give you nightmares. I jumped onto her couch, curled up, and pretended to be asleep. She scowled and went of to make breakfast because she knew I hadn’t eaten any.

“You are a descendent of the Keyblade Master. A descendent by heart. If you look deep enough into your heart you shall find memories of past Keyblade Masters. Memories that don’t belong to you. You are the next Keyblade Master. Destined to keep the balance between Light and Dark. Your chosen weapon and tool the Keyblade. You face a great enemy the likes of which have only been seen once before. I, Sora the 54th Keyblade Master, sealed him away for many years, but he has broken free and seeks revenge. I will do my best to teach you how to use the Keyblade and prepare you for the battle to come. You must trust me or the world and everything else shall perish.”

I woke up in a cold sweat. I quickly scanned my surroundings for enemies but only saw Cat holding two plates for us. I quickly gobbled down the two eggs and bacon. After that I placed my head into her lap and spent the rest of day pretending to be asleep, while she stroked my hair, so I could think about my dream.

Bum Bum Bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Please tell me what you think. I know what Xuan thinks but he's/she's just picking at my Character choices. I really want to know if you like the writing or not. I'll get the next part up like probably tomorrow maybe today. I got to remember where I'm making this story go then think about how I'm going to get to it. So it might be a while.

P.S. Tell me if you like the Dream transitions cause I think they're a little choppy and wouldn't mind some advice.


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Yeah geee thanks :glare:

Chapter 3: Training Begins

Sora was sitting on a log under a weep willow that hung over a river with a dazzling sunset on the horizon.

“Hey, John, come have a seat.” He said beckoning me over.

“Eh whatever.” I muttered and sat down.

“I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no.” he said staring off into the distant sunset. “You are not going crazy. Everything I have told you is true.”

“Sure it is.” I said sarcastically

“Well maybe if you knew the full story you’d believe me a little.” He said and then began telling me his tale.
The next day I awoke to a dazzling sun. The storm that had brooded over our town decided to ditch us some time in the night. I got out of bed and commenced with my usual morning routine: Shower, exercises and pop tarts.

I decided to go take a long walk in the nearby forest. Not a surprise for anyone who knew me well. I was the kind of guy who always seemed sleepy and kind of out of it but in truth I was always alert and watching. People who didn’t know me might call me stupid, but hey what can you except. It’s like walking in to a room of babies. You know one of them is going to spit on you or something. So how can you get mad?

I walked along, quietly admiring nature and enjoying it’s beauty. I kept walking for maybe and hour until I found my usual clearing. I climbed into my usual tree and sat on my branch and closed my eyes. I felt a poke in my ribs, a first for me because no one ever followed me on my walks. I quickly opened my eyes.

“Boo!” shouted Sora.

The sound of me hitting the ground echoed through the forest. “Jesus Christ! Why the hell did you do that?” I shouted angrily.

“I thought it’d be funny. Plus the last two times you saw me I was being all ‘You are the chosen one’ on you cause Kairi was being all like ‘You have to give him the idea of importance’ and all that. I thought you deserved to see the real me.” He replied chuckling at me as I lied there on the ground.

“Well thanks for breaking my neck.” I growled.

“Hey lighten up man. Twas just a joke.” He said taking a mock step backwards.

“Yeah, yeah. What do you want?” I asked still irritated at him.

“Well you have to learn how to use the Keyblade sometime. Or He will come and stomp your butt then continue to destroy the world. Really doesn’t make much a difference to me considering as how I’m really only a memory now.” He said somewhat seriously but still with an air of lightheartedness.

“What if I don’t want to?” I asked defiantly.

“Well uhmmm. What if I said I had cookies?” He asked sincerely.

“You have cookies? Hot dog.” I said with a sarcastic slap to the knee. I turned around and started to walk away. He kicked me square in the middle of my back. “What the hell was that for?” I shouted at him angrily. He didn’t reply and just simply slapped me across the face. I got pissed and tackled him. There was a brilliant flash of light and he held that Keyblade in his hand. “Whoa whoa. That’s cheating.” I said backing of immediately.

“Not unless you summon your own.” he laughed.

“Yeah and how am I suppose to-” A flash of light and in my hand appeared a Keyblade similar to Sora’s only the hilt was black and the blade was a glistening silver. “Errr right.”

“Phew,” he sighed. “I hate cheating.” Then charged at me with his Keyblade. I had all of two seconds to deflect it before he slashed at me again. He broke out into a mad collection of combos which I tried to parry and put in a few of my own blows. Needless to say I wound up on the ground groaning from various bruises. “Not bad for your first fight.” He said. “Well see ya soon.” His final words seemed to echo in my mind as he and the Keyblades left in a brilliant flash of light. I groaned as I picked myself up and started my long walk for home.

“He is so getting a beating the next time I see him and I have a Keyblade” I muttered.

I wouldn't mind another reader who comments No offense Xuan but really I expected an Audience of at least 2 :cry:


FanFic Slayer, K.Theorist
Sep 25, 2007
Some place I can peek from the dark.
Phooey, how could you give up so easily? I had no one replying my work for at least three days before they felt my fury as far as the North Pole and posted! And it was good too! (Exclude the most previous one, even I felt revolted)

You tempt me to push your misery further *evil laughter* I've locked Namine in Merlin326's thread and kicked her in a cell of rapists before, I wonder what I shall do here :D?

Nah, I'll let you go this time, the Sora memory is good enough. Oh, by the way, you know, if you that and that and this, then I'll this this this da da~ Beware of psycho!

Go and read my story, I just bumped it from the dead. You might get some pleasant surprise there. It's called, "An Epic Kingdom Hearts Short Story: The Mirror Game". I promise it won't be a disappointment.

And I truly bump it only for you, you seemed to be facing the same fate as I am, lol!
Last edited:


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Not a bad story. Wish each chapter was a little longer and I feel like you're rushing the story. A little more explanation could be a good addition. And if Sora's just a memory how's he talking to Kairi.

Xuan I truely believe you're psychotic.

Yay New Poster and Reader <(^.^<) (\(^.^)/) (>^.^)>

and yes I believe Xuan is pyscho too but hey Pyscho people are awesome.

Next chapter. It explains what John faces and why he even has to face it *Glares at Sora*

Chapter 4: Another Day in the life of the Goof

“Hey welcome back man.” Sora said waving at me from his log.

“I’m not talking to you.” I said sitting and crossing my arms angrily.

“Aww why not?” He asked pouting like a child.


“I got cookies.” He sang cheerfully.

“Yeah, yeah. And these bruises don’t hurt.” I growled still miffed at him for hurting me.

“Suit yourself.” He said with a mouth stuffed with cookies.

“Hey gimme some.” I said stretching out my arm for one.

“All out sorry.” He chimed after swallowing loudly.

“If there’s a point to this dream can we get to it?” I asked angrily.

“Well I was going to tell you about Him,” He said innocently “But someone’s not talking to me.”

“So who is this Him and does he have a name?” I asked ignoring his other statement.

“I dunno. He never told me.” he replied shrugging his shoulders.

“You’re loads of help.” I said throwing my arms in the air.

“Anyway. He was long trapped in the Keyblade and served as it’s main power.” He began “And-”

“Wait if he was the main power for the Keyblade how come we can still use our Keyblades?” I interrupted.

“Cause one I put him back and two the Keyblades main power source is Him but can also run on the power of the wielders heart.” He sighed. “Now will you shut up so I can continue?”

“Shutting up.” I said pretending to zip my lips.

He shook his head and continued. “And he escaped cause uhmm well…”

“Cause Sora was a goof head and wanted to “Unlock” the secrets of the Keyblade.” interjected a girl about the same age as Sora with flowing red hair and blue eyes you could just jump into.

“Kairi? Right?” I asked.

“Yup” she said showing off her brilliant smile.

“You wanna tell this story?” Sora growled angry that Kairi had revealed his act of stupidity.

“No, no go ahead.” she said sitting down and putting her hands in her lap.

“Anyway,” He said glaring at Kairi who just sat there smiling innocently. “I fought and defeated him. Trust me it was hard cause he was all like… And did this move that was all like…”

“Sora just get to the point.” Kairi cried in exasperation.

“Okay okay.” He said raising his arm in mock fear. “So I defeated him then managed to seal him back inside the Keyblade but my seal was nothing like the 1st Keyblade master’s. His was awesome. Mine simply held him back for a couple of decades and now the bonds are weakening. Soon he shall break free and wreak havoc on this land.” He finished with a sarcastic “Bum bum bum”

“So that’s where I come in right?” I asked.

“Yup.” He replied cheerfully.

“Gee don’t I feel special.” I said glumly.

“Hey cheer up dude it ain’t that bad.” Sora said smiling.

“Come on Sora we have to go.” Kairi said tugging on his arm.

Sora stood up. “Well see ya dude.” he said waving as he and Kairi walked away.
“John. John! Wake up you lazy bum.” Cat yelled at me while shaking my shoulders.

“Huh.” I said stupidly then shouted. “How’d you get in my house!”

“Spare key under the mat. Duh.” She replied. “Why are you still sleeping it’s 2:00 p.m.?”

“Cause I felt like it.” I grumbled then pushed her away so I could go back to sleep.

“Oh my god where did you get that bruise on your arm.” She shouted in my ear then grabbed my arm to have a closer look.

“Ow that was my ear,” I said overemphasizing things as usual. “ and it’s nothing.” I grunted.

“Who did this to you?” she asked concern spilling from her face.

“Can we discuss this sometime when you're not in my room.” I asked annoyed that she was still in my room.

“I dunno,” she said. “I kind of like it in here. The navy blue walls the quaint little desk in the corner. It’s all homey looking.”

I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head. “Can we talk about this later? I need to take a shower and I’m not getting out of bed with you in the room.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“Cause their my boxers and I don’t want you looking at them. Can’t you go to the kitchen or something.” I cried in exasperation.

“Fine.” she said a little disappointedly.

She walked out of the room and left me alone. I immediately jumped out of bed, grabbed some clothes and rushed into the shower. Twenty minutes later I walked out with steam trailing me, my hair still slick with water and a pair of jeans and a T-shirt on.

“How come there’s only pop tarts in your house?” Cat called from the kitchen.

“Cause that’s what I eat.” I said strolling into the kitchen.

“You’re hopeless.” She cried throwing her arms in the air. I just smiled.

“Wanna go for a walk?” I asked her still smiling.

“Sure.” She chimed smiling a little too.

“Well lets go.” I said and ran for the door. I looked back to see if she was chasing me and ran smack into the door. “Oof.” I groaned as I hit the floor.

“Oh my god are you alright.” she said jumping around me, unsure what to do.

I just gave her a thumbs up and sat upright. I crossed my arms and said, “Doors hate me.” She broke out in laughter. Heck I did too. She sat down next to me and we laughed together for some time.

“Well I got to go.” she said opening the door and waving goodbye.

“Bye.” I yelled as she walked home. Once she was out of sight I sprawled backwards, groaning over my bruises, while kicking the door shut. “I am so kicking Sora’s butt the next time we spar.” I growled.

Haha I laugh at you John oh wait that's me(Real name is Matt but my friend Cat(Cathrine) Calls me John which is my middle name) :mellow:


New member
Apr 21, 2008
I'm getting there. There'll probably be one in my next chapter. I would have put it in the last chapter but I didn't think about it till after I posted it. I guess I'll start working on the next chapter right now. I got an hour to kill till my Favorite show starts.


New member
Apr 21, 2008
What game?
I'm thinking about going back and playing some Drakengard II but the story is so much to get through again. Drakengard I was better more mindless killing then getting through the story.
Hey! My writing is not that bad :cry:
Next chapter

Chapter 5 Attack of the Squirrels: The Second Session Begins.

The dream was different this time. Instead of a log under a weeping willow by a river with a sunset in the horizon it looked like the spot Sora described during his story. Beautiful beach. Weird sideways growing palm tree. Dazzling sun setting into crystal clear water. Got to hand it to Sora. He always choose the most beautiful places to take me for my dreams. I ran towards the tree and leaped over it then sat down next to Sora knocking him out of his stupor. “Sup man?” I said energetically.

“Huh? Oh I was just remembering all the good times I’ve had here.” He said softly.

“Weird a memory thinking about memories.” I replied.

“Yeah well I’m a weird memory. Get over it.” He said pretending to be offended.

“So what’s on the agenda for this dream?” I asked my curiosity hard to hold back.

“Eh nothing really. I’d spar with you but there’d be no point since your body wouldn’t actually feel the fight and develop muscle memory or whatever Kairi said.” He muttered.

“Someone say my name.” Kairi said appearing from behind the tree and startling us both.

“Don’t scare me like that Kairi.” Sora said rubbing his chest.

She just smiled and said, “So what were you talking about?”

I smiled mischievously. “Sora was talking about how pretty he-” I said until Sora gagged me.

“How pretty he what?” Kairi asked.

“Nothing nothing.” Sora said loudly. “He’s just being goo- OW HE BIT ME!”

“He was talking about how he thinks you’re pretty Kairi!” I shouted before he could clamp his hand over my mouth. Both Sora and Kairi’s faces turned redder then the sunset in the distance.

“You really think I’m pretty?” She asked still blushing.

“I’ll leave you two love birds alone.” I said getting up. I turned to look one last time and saw them kissing in the glow of the sunset. “Great,” I thought. “Now I have to deal with them two lovebirds. What have I started?”

“Hey we’re sparring today. Meet me in the clearing.” Sora yelled just as I was leaving.

I woke up the next morning a little stiff from my fading bruises. I groaned as I got out of bed and stretched then jumped into the shower. Today I decided to wear my long sleeve black shirt with tattered sleeves that blew in the wind, My comfy black pants that had a random sliver chain sprouting from a belt loop to the inside of my pocket. I did my push ups and stuff then settled down to a breakfast of four pop tarts and a glass of chocolate milk or what the Spanish call leche de chocolate. I then set off for the forest clearing. I didn’t bother to hurry and took my time traversing the forest. I admired the mighty pine trees stopping every once in a while to yell at some random squirrel. I didn’t like squirrels. I swear they have a aspirations of world domination. Eventually I got to the clearing taking a little longer then I intended because of some stupid squirrel who decided to throw acorns at me.

“What took you so long?” Sora asked jumping down from a tree branch.

“Uhhhh. Yeah. Don’t ask.” I said rubbing the back of my neck.

“Whatever.” He said shrugging his shoulders then he lunged at me, Keyblade in hand. I was ready though and easily blocked. “Getting better I see.” He called before attacking again. I didn’t bother to reply and jumped clear of his slash then retaliated with my own. Our Keyblades met with an explosion of sparks. I pushed him backwards and sent him flying a yard or two before he landed on his feet and ran towards me again.

I smiled devilishly. “I’ve been practicing on my own ya know.” Then to Sora it seemed like I vanish and while he couldn’t see me I delivered a series of blows to him that left him on the ground gasping for breath. “I’m a fast learner.” I said cockily.

“You’re going to soft on him Sora.” Said a voice that seemed to be every where. Then he jumped out of the shadows, his silver hair billowing behind him, and ran towards me with a Keyblade in hand.

“Hello Riku. Pleasure to meet you.” I said smiling as we locked Keyblades in a shower of sparks. He just grunted then jumped backwards to charge at me again. Sora who had regained his composure was sitting in a tree watching us fight while eating some cookies. Where he got the cookies was a mystery to me.

“Shouldn’t let yourself get distracted.” He chuckled as he hit me in the ribs. I howled with pain. Rage filled my eyes and I started slashing away like a mad man. Riku just jumped next to Sora took some of his cookies and waited for me to cool down. When I finally cooled down he jumped towards me. At that instant I vanished and once again delivered a rain of blows upon my enemy.

“Maybe I was wrong.” He said as he collapsed panting.

“Yeah.” I said through my mouthful of cookies I took from Sora.

“You’re both a bunch of cookies stealers.” said Sora pouting like an infant.

Riku and I just broke out and laughter. “You’re alright John.” He said clasping my hand in his for a firm handshake.

“Think we should teach him magic soon Riku?” asked Sora who was still a little sad about us taking his cookies.

“Yeah, but not right now. This kid needs to go find his girlfriend and get some real food in his stomach.” Riku said chuckling.

I flicked his forehead. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Hmmm. She comes into your room. She wants to see you in boxers. You go over to her house. She feeds you. You lay your head in her lap. Sounds like love to me.” Sora said giving me the same smile I gave him only a few hours ago.

“I’m leaving now.” I said while walking away.


I turned around and they were both gone. “Maybe they’re right.” I muttered. Just then a squirrel jumped on my head. “GET OFF YOU LITTLE RODENT!” I yelled while shaking my head. The squirrel jumped off into a nearby tree and seemed to be shaking it’s fist at me. Not wanting to stick around I bolted for home.

You know I'm right. They are plotting world Domination. I AM NOT CRAZY!!! :glare:


FanFic Slayer, K.Theorist
Sep 25, 2007
Some place I can peek from the dark.
Squirrel attack is not a good idea... You make it an enemy I'll quit reading this...

Lovebirds. Gah. If they die a natural death (Age to death), then they shouldn't, and wouldn't be too red when kissing >.>


New member
Oct 18, 2007
Wandering outside in the cold, looking for someone
Hey man your writing's improved. I'm so happy and two new story's since yesterday, I'm impressed too.

Xuan, I forgot to mention I like your short story, the ending was hilarious.

I can't wait to read about John getting into real fights, if you want some advice I like to listen to songs and when I hear a good one I base the fight on that song. An example would be Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva, good for a fight.
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