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The Edna Mode script: Let's make a draft!

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New member
Jun 23, 2013
Before you decide to post, make sure you read the GENIUS of an idea from kupo1121:

Okay, on the topic of costumes in general, I was thinking, and stick with me here. As much as I want to see the new costumes, I'm also curious how everyone will be getting new costumes. I mean, in KH1 Sora started out with his clothes, KH2 it was given to him by the 3 Fairies, and in DDD it was from Yensid (and the sigil from Xehanort) so it seems like every time he changes clothes, it's from a new person. Well, I wondered who might possibly give him new clothes in KH3 and I thought, what about Edna Mode?!?!?


I mean, she is clearly very experienced in making battle-appropriate attire and I think The Incredibles, as a world, has a high chance of appearing in the game. Perhaps it would be one of the first worlds you visit and Yensid will send you there to get new clothes from "an old friend."

Not only do I think would she make the perfect fit, but she could also make the clothes individualized or make them similar to each other so that everyone would appear more like a team.

FINALLY! Why I really want her in the game is because I think it would be hilarious if they threw in this quote:


because it could be a throwback to how TAV were supposed to have capes. Perhaps at the end of the game she could meet TAV, give them new duds, and when asked about capes, say no to them lol I don't know, I just think she'd be so perfect considering she is a very funny character who could easily lighten up the very dark story of KH thus far.

With many positive responses to this, I think it'd be fun if we all drafted a potential script (and some circumstance for before/after) for this. I can compile posts that we agree upon, as well as colour coding the different characters as follows:

Sora: (Dialogue from Sora)
Goofy: (Awesome goofy laugh)
Donald: Awwwww phooey

For other characters, we'll figure out colours as we go along. Any action, setting, or anything not dialogue related will be in the same colour as this (Teal). Well then, let's begin!

*Sora, Donald, Goofy enter Edna's clothing room*

Sora: *Looks around the room*
Sora: Wooah

Donald: *Rolls eyes*
Donald:This doesn't look as good as the King's Castle

*Turrets appear from the ceiling and are pointed towards the trio*

Goofy: Umm guys...I think you should pay attention

Sora: *Ignoring Goofy*
Sora: Aww come on, just because it's not a palace doesn't mean it's bad

Donald: *Ignoring Goofy*
Donald: But I don't see any fountains around here

Goofy: Hey guys, you're gonna get us in trouble!

Sora: *Ignoring Goofy*
Sora: Geez Donald, stop being such a quack

*Turrets begin to spin*

Edna: *Voice from speakers*
Edna: You have 10 seconds to explain your presence before my turrets will tear you to shreds!

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Jul 28, 2004
in my mind
*suddenly gun turrets appear from the ceiling all targeting the trio. just then a loud voice speaks as if it was right in the room*

Edna: you have ten seconds or either explain your presence or leave before the automated turrets tear you to ribbons. your ten seconds start now.


New member
Jun 23, 2013
*suddenly gun turrets appear from the ceiling all targeting the trio. just then a loud voice speaks as if it was right in the room*

Edna: you have ten seconds or either explain your presence or leave before the automated turrets tear you to ribbons. your ten seconds start now.

I think I'll use that, but I'll fix it up a bit first
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