the chasers, r they made of light?is that a good thing or a bad thing?
it's asking me for your photobucket'lwitch8251! said:THIS MAKES SENSE!!!!!!!!!!I mean if you look at my link on my sig, you'll notice there is no keychain on that guys keyblade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of kh:CoM, Riku tells DiZ that he chooses the dawn side which is between the dark and light. so he must have walked that dawn road and came to the scene in the secret ending. lol that was so pathetic. i not really good @ theories.-Roxas- said:the chasers, r they made of light?is that a good thing or a bad thing?
the keyblader said:that is a pretty good theroy but i think that the chasers were lookin for Xemnas becuz when you see them they are around that big dragon/ship thing that you and riku have to fight at the end of Kh2, maybe theres a past about xemnas or maybes Xeahanorts past that we dont know about but yea there keyblades could be fake since they dont have keychains
Heartless Angel said:If that is the dragon thing from the fight (which, looking at it now, it may be), then that means those people in the secret ending were in Kingdom Hearts, because that's where the battle took place, right? It's supposedly full of darkness, and seeing as how it looks all desert-like, maybe the darkness is gone. It could be that Sora, Riku, and the King defeated it, which is why their Keyblades are at the center. The three that pick them up may be their successors (meaning they're good), and the one in the distance is one of the evil Keyblade warriors that brings chaos. I guess the evil guy could be possessed by "the memory of Xehanort." I don't know, I'm just kind of rambling. Does it sort of make sense?
King Sora_Strife said:After thinking about the name and the secret ending, I think I now know what the Chasers are. I believe, The Chasers are a group of individuels who seek the power of the keyblade. I also believe they wield false keyblades that lack the real keyblade's power but the Chasers want to drain the real keyblades power to make their falseblades all powerful( and that would make The Chasers all powerful as well).
Nos Lived said:I was gonna quote Kire12, but that'd take way too long.
Anyway, Let me just throw my main theory into the mix.
The only thing that I could think about that is worth chasing is a keyblade or a heart.
But what are drawn to both?
Remember, the term "Heartless" wasn't used until Xehanort's heartless began his experiments.
So then, when one becomes a heartless, body is left behind, body becomes Nobody, and Ansem states that if the soul is lost, so is all life, so we can rule that out.
Now, heartless trying to get to the heart, or keyblade means that there is something that is missing. Something that we are overlooking.
On another note, Nomura says that Xehanort's name has not one, not two, not three, but two annograms.
No Heart
Could this mean Another with No heart?
Or No heart with another?
bond of flames said:well, did u know that when u rearrang the letters in xenohart, u get no heart and another im thinking that maybe xenohart was a chaser
bond of flames said:well, the game never said anything about souls.just body heart and darkness i probably wrong