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Tangled The Series would be great in a future KH game



Nov 8, 2018
Now we are speaking my language here. Yes, this world 100% fits KH like a glove! The plot for the world essentially writes itself out nicely to fit in KH, ESPECIALLY if there are 2 visits for the world.

SPOILERS FOR SHOW! If you want to see this show, do not click, but I have given this whole world a lot of thought, and I wanted to type out how I think this world would play out if 2 visits were given.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

That there is a very very VERY rough thought of how I think the world would work and work really well. I left out a lot, just trying to make a rough draft on it, as well as the show not being done this may be reworked heavily and change some, but as of this very moment, this I feel works really well!


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
In regards to antagonists there is the Stabbington brothers who got snubbed by Marluxia
Yeah, the film and it's follow up television series did had the Stabbington Brothers appearing so given that in KH3 not only did Marluxia took their places but they also drastically changed Flynn/Eugene's character as well in the game compared to his role in the movie, so obviously they're not going to make appearances sadly.

Another issue is regarding the Pub Thugs cause we did had some of them as recurring characters in the series, mainly Shorty. I also would like to point out that I don't think that Rapunzel and Flynn ever went to the Snuggly Duckling and the Dam off-screen like in the film upon separating from Sora, Donald and Goofy in KH3, and the world did raised more questions than answers cause in the film Maximus recruited the thugs to help liberate Flynn from being hung by the guards, in the game presumably Maximus broke him out of prison without recruiting the thus, so who can say how Flynn escaped. Then again Mr. Gibbs (Pirates of the Caribbean) wasn't in Kingdom Hearts II for the Port Royal level based on the first Pirates film (which he was in) but he officially appeared in Kingdom Hearts III.

IF the world does return, it's more than likely going to be a straightforward story based on the 2nd or the 3rd season of the show, but to be blunt, that's up to Nomura and his team if they want to decide to incorporate elements of the show and if they want Kingdom of Corona to return for Future KH games. If it's going to return it might go the route of the Big Hero 6 world in KH3, where it's an original story not related to the television series, if you ask me.

Even one of the co-creators of Big Hero 6 The Series, Bob Schooley spoke out to certain users on Twitter that they weren't involved in the development of the story for the Big Hero 6 world in Kingdom Hearts III.

Again this is up to Nomura and his team if they want to decide to incorporate elements of the show (Tangled and Big Hero 6) and if they want those specific worlds (San Fransokyo, Kingdom of Corona) to return for future KH games. As in most KH games, Nomura and his team discuss and decide which Disney films/properties they want to put in as worlds and which Disney worlds they want to reuse again for the game (be it for the story, the themes that the world based on the film has with the KH game in general, Sora's growth, variety etc..).
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Nov 8, 2018
If it's going to return it might go the route of the Big Hero 6 world in KH3, where it's an original story not related to the television series, if you ask me.

Even one of the co-creators of Big Hero 6 The Series, Bob Schooley spoke out to certain users on Twitter that they weren't involved in the development of the story for the Big Hero 6 world in Kingdom Hearts III.
Wasn’t BH6 the last world confirmed for the game? And it was officially announced in 2015? The show aired in late 2017. Very possible the show wasn’t even a thought at the time KH3 was in its world decision phase, or at least not long into production.

Though when it comes to BH6, we now have the problem of the second Baymax back, where in the show (that I have not seen), he’s not there? I’m under the strong belief that BH6 will end up being replaced by Incredibles, though I wouldn’t mind it returning.

I haven’t seen the show, idk if it has an overarching plot like Tangled, so idk how well it would fit? But the fact the show is not in KH3 can be explained that the show was most likely in very very early production around the time of KH3’s development. Still, they can always retcon in game.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I have to respectfully have to disagree with you on the last comment, Like I pointed out in my earlier post, if we come back to the Kingdom of Corona they need to be a way to have the original characters (Cassandra, Varian, etc..) in the style as the movie or simply change the world's visual style to the style as the show. Square Enix could reuse one of the character models of the CG Disney characters (from KH3 or from one of the CG Disney animated films) as reference to create a new model for the original characters introduced in the show, maybe using Hiro's model (Big Hero 6) for Varian, and Go Go (also Big Hero 6) for Cassandra.

Finally it will come down to IF Nomura and his team are aware of the show and want to utilize elements from the show along with f they are interested and want to have Kingdom of Corona return for future KH games.

Honestly, I do see elements of the other television shows based on the 2D films such as Lilo & Stitch the Series (including Leroy & Stitch) and the Lion Guard (based on Lion King) to be very likely included in future KH games, given that we got the Experiment 221 for the Deep Space Level in Birth By Sleep.

Although Olympus was literally a loose retelling of the movie once we reached KH3's events of the world, although Olympus story is still debatable cause their was some continuity errors, changes and retcons the world and if this was "set after the movie's events" given KH1 and KH2's story for Olympus, but I'd say this was literally following the events of the movie.

With Monstropolis, Halloween Town, San Fransokyo and Toy Box, it was easily obvious that the story events of this world were original and took place after the events of the original movie, especially the former 3.
I'm talking about certain art styles working for 2D to 3D. I can't even imagine what Kim Possible's art style would look like in the 3D quality available nowadays. Tangled would be easier I think because the whole series is based on a CGI film, but something like Kim Possible or American Dragon Jake Long which were TV series without the budget feature films had to detail the backgrounds -- in my mind -- would be harder to recreate in 3D. By recreate, I mean capture the essence of their shows' animation style and have Sora and company fit in without looking strange.

I definitely am not an expert on graphics or CGI or any of that, so I hope one day KH does Kim Possible and makes it look amazing. I'm just theorizing that the lack of 2D worlds in KH3 was a sign that they were shying away from selecting 2D worlds because they may be harder to stay true to with the modern day graphics.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Wasn’t BH6 the last world confirmed for the game? And it was officially announced in 2015? The show aired in late 2017. Very possible the show wasn’t even a thought at the time KH3 was in its world decision phase, or at least not long into production.

Though when it comes to BH6, we now have the problem of the second Baymax back, where in the show (that I have not seen), he’s not there? I’m under the strong belief that BH6 will end up being replaced by Incredibles, though I wouldn’t mind it returning.

I haven’t seen the show, idk if it has an overarching plot like Tangled, so idk how well it would fit? But the fact the show is not in KH3 can be explained that the show was most likely in very very early production around the time of KH3’s development. Still, they can always retcon in game.
Big Hero 6 was one of the first worlds revealed. I believe it was the second Disney world after Kingdom of Corona. I think it was the last world selected or the most recent film selected, which tipped fans off that the other worlds would be films before Big Hero 6 and nothing after it.


Nov 8, 2018
Big Hero 6 was one of the first worlds revealed. I believe it was the second Disney world after Kingdom of Corona. I think it was the last world selected or the most recent film selected, which tipped fans off that the other worlds would be films before Big Hero 6 and nothing after it.
Yes, that's what I meant! Thank you, got tongue twisted there. But yes, it being the final world decided on when they were planning worlds, I can't possibly see the TV show even having been that far in development, or even in development. But what do I know, I don't work in the industry. I'm just going off my thoughts.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Though when it comes to BH6, we now have the problem of the second Baymax back, where in the show (that I have not seen), he’s not there?
Spoilers for Big Hero 6 season 2:

Spoiler Spoiler Show


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
Wasn’t BH6 the last world confirmed for the game? And it was officially announced in 2015? The show aired in late 2017. Very possible the show wasn’t even a thought at the time KH3 was in its world decision phase, or at least not long into production.

Though when it comes to BH6, we now have the problem of the second Baymax back, where in the show (that I have not seen), he’s not there? I’m under the strong belief that BH6 will end up being replaced by Incredibles, though I wouldn’t mind it returning.

I haven’t seen the show, idk if it has an overarching plot like Tangled, so idk how well it would fit? But the fact the show is not in KH3 can be explained that the show was most likely in very very early production around the time of KH3’s development. Still, they can always retcon in game.
As face My Fears said it herself, Big Hero 6 was the last world chosen during the development of Kingdom Hearts III, according to Nomura in an interview following the Toy Story reveal at D23 Expo 2017. On top of that, it was a request made by Disney and/or Roy Conli (the producer of Big Hero 6) to be put in the game following the release of the film in late 2014, but as it was a last minute request he only had to create the concept art, as they had not started work on the world:

Last time at D23 [2015], we announced the Big Hero 6 world, however it was a sudden request so I could only draw up one small illustration.

Development is coming along fine, but it was the last world that we decided on, so compared to the other worlds we have planned, Big Hero 6 will have to wait a little longer.

The Television series was announced in March 2016, but developed by Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley (who are the creators from Kim Possible). Lastly as I said, Bob did told certain users on Twitter that they weren't involved in the development of the story for the Big Hero 6 world for Kingdom Hearts III, so literally don't expect the Big Hero 6 series to utilize elements from KH3's story given that the series is a separate from KH3's canon of the Big Hero 6 world.

Spoilers for Big Hero 6 season 2:

Spoiler Spoiler Show
Spoiler Spoiler Show

@Chaser, @Oracle Spockanort @Face My Fears Again, that is up to Nomura and his team if they want to decide to incorporate elements of the show (Tangled and Big Hero 6) and if they want those specific worlds (San Fransokyo, Kingdom of Corona) to return for future KH games. As in most KH games, Nomura and his team discuss and decide which Disney films/properties they want to put in as worlds and which Disney worlds they want to reuse again for the game (be it for the story, the themes that the world based on the film has with the KH game in general, Sora's growth, variety etc..). Plus they have to speak with the showrunners of the show themselves if I'm being blunt with most of you.
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Oct 20, 2016
It’s such a shame, I’ve been with the show since it first aired, it will certainly feel weird knowing no more episodes after 3/1.

But because it has a ending, it surely will be very well executed. Who knows also, maybe we’ll see them return in KH (I can only hope).


May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Wish they could do an extended version of the tangled ever after short. Always wanted to see how Cassandra and some of the other new characters would look in CGI...and it would help Square too in making it easy to adapt the series


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Goku's newest form
Ah. I don’t know anything about all that but in Rapunzel’s case she got an upgrade where she can make her hair glow and send shockwaves, shield herself and others, and her eyes go like that when she’s chanting an incantation relating to the stones.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
Tangled the Series would definitely be a good fit. I feel there hasn't been a KH fan that watched the show and hadn't thought, "man this would be epic in a KH game".

Honestly I feel that way for both BH6 and Tangled. the shows developed so many cool ideas that could really work well if we were to ever return to those worlds.