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- Jun 23, 2005
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This is a comedy, because... This... Is a comedy... So, yeah.
Ketso jumped a foot into the air when his computer started beeping. He sat up on his bed, rubbing his blonde hair with a gloved hand before dropping his videogame console - the newest ZPrism Cubed by NinSondo - and sat down in his rotating office chair. Moving some junk off of his desk, he opened up his e-mail and, skipping over the various tea-party invites from Sora, read an invitation out loud.
" 'Greetings from Air Ship Pro., where our slogan is "Kicking the Pants Off Gummi Ships In a Completely Non-Offensive, Law-Suit Provoking, or Brag...Ful Way.' Hmm. Not very catchy." Hollow printed the invitation out and kept reading. Closing the door of his room, he left the small island-shack he was residing in, staring confusedly at the letter in his hands.
" 'You've been invited to participate in an exclusive tournament involving many worlds but few fighters. Those invited will compete in a quest - a race to decide who among them is the Best and Brightest Fighter. They'll be defending their honour in four races: Land, Water, and Air, followed by an all-out Fighting segment.' It could be fun," Ketso thought. "I wonder if I'll know any of the competitors."
" 'Attendance is mandatory,' " Hollow said, raising an eyebrow. " 'You have no choice in the matter.' Well, they certainly know how to persuade someone. This has to be a joke." His eyes slid down to read the list of opponents deemed worthy of this competition.
"Sora?" Hollow asked, astounded. "Sora? As in, 'wears a tutu and sings "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" while brushing his hair into pigtails with berets that have little teddy bears on them" Sora? No. This is a joke. This has to be a joke." Hollow stared at the list, rubbing his temples. The 'Heartless King,' as he'd been dubbed in Megan Yasai's hit magazine, "Bishie Interplanet..al," slammed a dark, Neoshadow-like hand on the table as he sipped his soda. This was stupid. This was an outrage.
Pulling his hand through his dark hair, his yellow eyes frowned at the page in front of him. "Mandatory, eh? We'll see about that." Then he glared into his glass, reading the date of the competition.
"Tonight?" Kanynt asked, astounded. "The competition starts tonight? 'Bring many pillows and light pajamas, so that you can attend the Super Bishie Fun Pillow Fight.' Oh, that must've been Sora's idea. Is he sponsoring this?" Kanynt squinted at the list of fighters. "No, he's in it. Who's sponsoring this?"
The invitation read:
"Sponsored by Bishie Interplanet..al Magazine
and Air Ship Pro, along with help from
Xough Industries, in hopes that
All will survive."
and Air Ship Pro, along with help from
Xough Industries, in hopes that
All will survive."
"This," Kanynt said, throwing the invitation into the mud beneath his jet-black motorcycle's front tire, "Is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard of. And I'm stuck in it. Great." He pulled his helmet on and tore back onto the street, to where the contest was supposed to be held. "Super Bishie Fun Pillow Fight. Yeah, right."
Sora almost jumped up when his hot-pink computer booted up automatically, but he reminded himself that ladies never jump. Standing, he smoothed the wrinkles out of his magenta shirt and walked slowly to the cushioned, salmon-coloured seat, where he placed himself, tucking one foot behind his other leg. Then, he placed his hands over the keyboard.
"Home keys. Home keys. Which ones are the home keys?" Sora thought aloud, tugging a lock of hair stuffed inside a pigtail. He clipped one of the teddy-bear hair fixtures on his head - a nervous reaction. "Well, I'll just use that mouse thingy."
He grabbed the mouse, turning it upside down to stare into the red, harmful ray of light that poured into his retinas. "Well, that's painful. But I can feel my I.Q. rising just staring at it." Then, he gave a giggle.
"Ooh, an e-mail!" Sora laughed, clicking it with the 'little pointy hand thing.' He prayed that it was from Riku, wishing he'd reply more often to Sora's constant Diary Entries. "I even made a blog for him, but he just filed for a restrainful order." Sora wasn't sure what a Restrainy Order or whatever it was called was, but he knew it wasn't a "Yes, Sora! I'd love to come to your Tea Party!"
This, however, wasn't from Riku. It wasn't even from Marluxia. Sora read the title aloud.
"REE. Little dot on top of the other dot. T-to... Mis...ster... S-sora. To Mister Sora." The brunnette thought for a moment. "To Ms. Sora." Then he giggled. Somewhere, millions of fan girls willingly injected the Bird Flu virus into their bloodstreams, deciding that it wasn't worth living if Sora wasn't going to act how he had in KH2 anymore. But that's not this story's story.
Soon, Sora'd read the whole invitation, pretending that it had sparkly purple stationary and was written in spiraly, pink ink. He saw the names of many boys and that his favourite magazine, Bishie Interplanet..al, was sponsoring the contest. He sent a reply immediately, not before changing his font to a bright "Eye-Splintering Party Dress: For Men" style.
"Of course I'll come, Sillies!" Sora typed. Then, he sent the e-mail, pulled on a pair of white gloves, and skipped down the hallway, leaving his house and heading to the competition.
Kemuri met up with Kanynt, Ketso, Hollow, and Sora. "Well, you guys got the invite, too? This is the place... I'm scared. Some Bishie-crazy chick is gonna make us pillow fight."
Kanynt scowled. "This is stupid. And why is he here?" He pointed to Sora, angrily.
"She," Sora corrected, twirling his pink parasol.
"It," Hollow growled under his breath. Kemuri stifled a laugh. Hollow looked around. They were in front of some worn-down warehouse, big enough to hold at least fifty people on the first floor happily. The invitation had said almost nothing, and the only way they'd known that this was the right place was the banner hanging that said: "Welcome Hawt Guys!"
A few other boys were approaching. It seemed that a lot were getting the invite. Hollow had to admit that he was scared, too. The only thing that scared him more than Sora was that Megan Yasai. She had a bishie list long as the wall of China, and all the people here seemed to be on the top ranks of it. He heard them all swallow, and they looked around, seeing other boys nervously pulling up in front of the building.
Hollow sighed. It was going to be a long day.
Sora won't usually be controlled by me. I just wanted to introduce him, because he's weird. >.< Anyway. That's the first chap. We'll decide who updates next. Gah, first chap wasn't that funny. Forgive me.
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