Sword Art Online
On November 6, 2022 an online game by the name Sword Art Online was released to the public in Japan. The game was played on a piece of hardware known as the Nerve Gear. The Never Gear used Beta waves to affect the brain and make all five senses react to how the game was being played. On the day of the launch 10,000 people logged into the game for the very first time. Upon playing the game and trying to log out, they found they could not. That same evening the game master, a madman named Akihiko Kayaba told the players their consciousness would remain locked in the virtual world. If anyone was to die within the game they themselves in real life would die as well. Also if someone was to try and remove their Nerve Gear the gear would release a high dose of micro waves that would fry the brain and kill them instantly.
Only when they defeated the boss at the 100th floor would they be able to leave the game. Two years passed in the real world, the number of players had dwindled from 10,000 to near 6,000. A group of players known as Knights of the Blood, aided by the players Kirigaya “Kirito” Kazuto and Yukki Asuna fight their way higher and higher to the top. At the 74th floor Kirito begins to suspect the leader of the Knights, Heathcliff is not what he seems. Kirito confronts him and reveals him to be Akihiko, the same man who trapped them in the world. After a fierce battle Kirito and Asuna both die, but not before Akihiko is defeated and the game is over, the time period of two years leading to it being late 2024.
Two months after the players had been released from SAO, it comes to light that 300 of the players who had been a part of the 6,000 left alive in the game have yet to awaken from their coma’s, their Nerve Gears still attached, Asuna being one of them. Kirito gets info that Asuna has been spotted in the program of another game known as ALfheim Online, a game that runs off the same engine as SAO. Kirito in an effort to rescue Asuna becomes a part of the conflicts that plague the players of this new game. Upon rescuing Asuna it is found out that another madman hell bent on having Asuna as his bride, named Sugou Nobuyuki. It is found out that Sugou had netted several players as they were about to be logged out of SAO and was using their minds for experiments to sell to America for warfare. Kirito puts a stop to Sugou both in the game and in real life. Kirito and Asuna are reunited in the real world and continue with life as it should be.
While Kirito was in ALfheim Online a programed version of Akihiko appears before him and gives him an item known as the World Seed. The item holds all the world data of Aincrad, the SAO floating world. Kirito gives it to a friend who uploads it’s data and releases it onto the net. Soon many different worlds and games begin to appear, all connected to each other and all free to play. Aincrad is revived and opened to players all over the world.
2034. It’s been 10 years since SAO was defeated and the players were released. The World Seed has produced many wonderful games over the years and Aincrad has been played to many of the higher levels and beyond. A new group known as “The Council” oversee the many worlds inhabited by players and maintain order in the worlds. As a remembrance to the horrible events that befell the 10,000 players and the 4,000 who lost their lives, The Council is removing all player data from Aincrad and storing it away, the world will be reopened for a tournament.
Only when they defeated the boss at the 100th floor would they be able to leave the game. Two years passed in the real world, the number of players had dwindled from 10,000 to near 6,000. A group of players known as Knights of the Blood, aided by the players Kirigaya “Kirito” Kazuto and Yukki Asuna fight their way higher and higher to the top. At the 74th floor Kirito begins to suspect the leader of the Knights, Heathcliff is not what he seems. Kirito confronts him and reveals him to be Akihiko, the same man who trapped them in the world. After a fierce battle Kirito and Asuna both die, but not before Akihiko is defeated and the game is over, the time period of two years leading to it being late 2024.
Two months after the players had been released from SAO, it comes to light that 300 of the players who had been a part of the 6,000 left alive in the game have yet to awaken from their coma’s, their Nerve Gears still attached, Asuna being one of them. Kirito gets info that Asuna has been spotted in the program of another game known as ALfheim Online, a game that runs off the same engine as SAO. Kirito in an effort to rescue Asuna becomes a part of the conflicts that plague the players of this new game. Upon rescuing Asuna it is found out that another madman hell bent on having Asuna as his bride, named Sugou Nobuyuki. It is found out that Sugou had netted several players as they were about to be logged out of SAO and was using their minds for experiments to sell to America for warfare. Kirito puts a stop to Sugou both in the game and in real life. Kirito and Asuna are reunited in the real world and continue with life as it should be.
While Kirito was in ALfheim Online a programed version of Akihiko appears before him and gives him an item known as the World Seed. The item holds all the world data of Aincrad, the SAO floating world. Kirito gives it to a friend who uploads it’s data and releases it onto the net. Soon many different worlds and games begin to appear, all connected to each other and all free to play. Aincrad is revived and opened to players all over the world.
2034. It’s been 10 years since SAO was defeated and the players were released. The World Seed has produced many wonderful games over the years and Aincrad has been played to many of the higher levels and beyond. A new group known as “The Council” oversee the many worlds inhabited by players and maintain order in the worlds. As a remembrance to the horrible events that befell the 10,000 players and the 4,000 who lost their lives, The Council is removing all player data from Aincrad and storing it away, the world will be reopened for a tournament.
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“Dear Players. It has been 10 years now since the horrible tragedy befell Japan and the original Sword Art Online players were trapped in the game and tortured with the prospect of finishing the game. To remember those who died and to celebrate those who lived “The Council” will be holding a tournament for any who wish to participate. The goal is to reach the top floor and defeat a special boss. The first person/team to defeat the special boss will gain a special prize. The rules are simple.
1. All players are to revert to the original design played by the original players of SAO. No fairies, elves, mechas or hybrids of the sort are allowed to be used in the tournament.
2. There can be 1 to 4 player teams. Either go it alone or have help from friends. The first team to the top and to defeat the boss will be dubbed the winner.
3. Unlike in the original game, there will only be bosses on every 10th floor. The bosses will appear as they did on those floors as normal.
4. Each team can have up to three chances to try and defeat a boss before they are disqualified from the tournament. Should all the players in a team die whether they have gone at it once or three times that team will be disqualified and removed from the tournament.
5. Players who do not wish to participate in the tournament, but still play in the world will be given an agreement that they will not interfere and will be given their player data so as to continue playing regularly.
We wish that many players will come and participate in this tournament and that all will have a wonderful time.
“The Council”
Need to Know Info
1. The RP will deal with two settings, both in game and in real life. The RP will be more centered around the in game aspect, but a little real life scenery is appreciated at least every few posts.
2. The game mechanics will be the same as any video game RP, turn based attacks between players. Free for all against NPC’s.
3. There is no magical powers in the RP, but there is a concept known as Sword Skills that use up stamina and sometimes health. You can create some if you like, or you can consult this site for some of the already known skills to be used. There are also passive skills that aren't needed for battle, but can help in making the RP more interesting. List of skills here.
4. There is allowed to be romance between players, both in game and real life. Please keep it PG-13 if you can. No sex scenes allowed. Anything caught sexual in nature will be deleted and you will get a warning. If it persists you will be removed from the RP and staff will be notified.
5. Please do not create an all powerful being. Please no god modding or power playing. No player deaths unless the player and yourself have talked it through and notified me.
6. Since not much is known about a lot of the enemies in the anime, you as the player can create your own enemy to fight. Please give a brief description of it before engaging it in battle. Explain its appearance, how it moves, how it fights and what sort of weapons it may have. The floor bosses will be created by myself and will be posted as people get nearer the boss floor levels. (If anyone has an idea or a suggestion for a level boss, send me a message and I will consider adding it in or using the idea in creating the boss.
7. Even though the RP is called Sword Art Online, doesn't mean you can only use a sword. Amongst Single Handed and Two Handed swords there are also Scimitars, Two Handed Battle Axes, Rapiers, Daggers, Throwing Knives, Katana's, Dual Blades, Shields, Maces and Hammers. You can also have the added bonus of Martial Arts, but don't let it be your main attack process. Also I don't want to see everyone being a dual wielding player, please be diverse.
8. Posts when the RP gets up and going will be standard 2 paragraphs and no less. More is appreciated, but don’t turn your post into a wall of text if you can help it.
9. Only non canon players. No canon players, this includes Kirito, Asuna, Heathcliff or any of the side characters. I want original characters only.
10. To make the RP slightly harder, all players can select which floor they will be on. Between floor 1-21. Making it so that at least two bosses have been defeated and many teams have already been beaten and disqualified. Making the next bosses higher up harder and more difficult to reach and defeat.
11. Have fun and I hope we can get this off the ground. When posting your template put “Remember 10,000” as a sign that you have read through this completely and understand the terms I have set.
1. The RP will deal with two settings, both in game and in real life. The RP will be more centered around the in game aspect, but a little real life scenery is appreciated at least every few posts.
2. The game mechanics will be the same as any video game RP, turn based attacks between players. Free for all against NPC’s.
3. There is no magical powers in the RP, but there is a concept known as Sword Skills that use up stamina and sometimes health. You can create some if you like, or you can consult this site for some of the already known skills to be used. There are also passive skills that aren't needed for battle, but can help in making the RP more interesting. List of skills here.
4. There is allowed to be romance between players, both in game and real life. Please keep it PG-13 if you can. No sex scenes allowed. Anything caught sexual in nature will be deleted and you will get a warning. If it persists you will be removed from the RP and staff will be notified.
5. Please do not create an all powerful being. Please no god modding or power playing. No player deaths unless the player and yourself have talked it through and notified me.
6. Since not much is known about a lot of the enemies in the anime, you as the player can create your own enemy to fight. Please give a brief description of it before engaging it in battle. Explain its appearance, how it moves, how it fights and what sort of weapons it may have. The floor bosses will be created by myself and will be posted as people get nearer the boss floor levels. (If anyone has an idea or a suggestion for a level boss, send me a message and I will consider adding it in or using the idea in creating the boss.
7. Even though the RP is called Sword Art Online, doesn't mean you can only use a sword. Amongst Single Handed and Two Handed swords there are also Scimitars, Two Handed Battle Axes, Rapiers, Daggers, Throwing Knives, Katana's, Dual Blades, Shields, Maces and Hammers. You can also have the added bonus of Martial Arts, but don't let it be your main attack process. Also I don't want to see everyone being a dual wielding player, please be diverse.
8. Posts when the RP gets up and going will be standard 2 paragraphs and no less. More is appreciated, but don’t turn your post into a wall of text if you can help it.
9. Only non canon players. No canon players, this includes Kirito, Asuna, Heathcliff or any of the side characters. I want original characters only.
10. To make the RP slightly harder, all players can select which floor they will be on. Between floor 1-21. Making it so that at least two bosses have been defeated and many teams have already been beaten and disqualified. Making the next bosses higher up harder and more difficult to reach and defeat.
11. Have fun and I hope we can get this off the ground. When posting your template put “Remember 10,000” as a sign that you have read through this completely and understand the terms I have set.
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Name: You can put a full name if you want, but a first and last are just fine.
Nickname: This is optional and is usable as your in game name, is so desired.
Age: Preferably between the ages 18-26, but if you really wanted to be older you can be.
Gender: Male or Female only
Weapon Type: Even though it is called Sword Art Online, there were other weapons other than actual swords.
Sword Skills: You can have as many as 8 sword skills, starting off with 3 and gaining more as the RP progresses.
Passive Skills: A maximum of at least 4 passive skills.
Real Life Appearance: You can post a picture, but a general explanation of what you might wear on a regular basis is required.
In-Game Appearance: You can post a picture, but a general explanation of what your in game character would be wearing. (Can change as time progresses)
Personality: Please at least put a paragraph. How they think, how they react, what their mind set is, are they romantic, are they standoffish? Explain to me in a little detail of who they are.
Bio: At least two paragraphs are needed, more if you like. I don’t want anyone claiming they were from the first group, but you can make mention of a family member being a part of it.
Other: Optional
Themes: Optional
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Name: Richard Xavier
Nickname: Lone; given to him as Lone Soldier from his nature to go most things alone and still come out victorious.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Weapon: Scimitar
Sword Skills:
Vertical Arc: A simple sword skill creating a 'V' shape trajectory.
Fell Crescent: A high-class charge-type sword skill that delivers a downward blow and covers a distance of 4 meters in 0.4 seconds.
Waning Cross: The sword strikes upwards in a straight line and finishes with a horizontal curve with the curve facing to the sky.
Passive Skills:
Cooking: The effectiveness with which a player can combine ingredients to create varieties of food, some of which can have medicinal properties. Higher level of skill allows the cooking of higher-ranked foods.
Extended Weight Limit: Increases inventory size and weight capacity.
Information Gathering: The ability to research a players name and get stats on their skills and experience. The higher the level the more stats and skills will appear, leading to even being able to tell what level they are at and what they have in their inventory.
Searching: The ability to find players in Hiding. Higher level of skill allows you to find players/monsters hiding.
Real Life Appearance: Richard has scraggly dark brown hair that no matter what he does with it, it still ends up messy. His skin tone is rather pale and notes to the fact that he doesn’t get out in the sun too often. Wire framed glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. His body frame is broad at the shoulders and tin towards his waist. Legs a bit muscular, but nothing like a tracks star. He is rather tall, standing at about 6’5”. He usually is seen wearing an assortment of colored cargo pants, lots of pockets. He wears t-shirts covered usually by a sweater hoodie. The hoodie never comes up, but he like it none the less.
In-Game Appearance: Lone stands about 6’11”, tall and broad. A strong chest and torso, thick legs meant for moving around quickly. He is quite the opposite of Richard in real life. His outfit is like a ninja’s, pants that are bound around his ankles, a long sleeved shirt dress and a scarf around his neck that trails off behind him. A scarf covers his mouth and part of his nose leaving the rest of his face uncovered. His skin tone is light, but still much darker than Richards. His hair is a dirty blonde, almost a light brown.
Personality: Richard is for lack of a better term, a geek. He is a book worm. He is actually fun and cheerful. Likes to laugh and joke. He even likes to swoon the ladies, even though he already has one. But that side of him hardly ever shows up. His front around public is standoffish. He puts up a wall around those he doesn’t know and comes across as weird to most. He can’t look a person in the eye and will try his hardest to escape a conversation with someone if he can. But to those who know him best know he is really a fun person to be around. Lone is more of a silent hero, but not quite so silent. When Richard logs online he transforms to a person who likes to be noticed, even though he pretends not to notice himself. He’ll stand out and be like normal, showing people up and acting like he did nothing at all. He is on one hand chivalrous and will help people in need, but without that person knowing can sometimes expect payback later on down the road.
Bio: Richard lives in a two bedroom apartment with his girlfriend. She is a lot like him, loving video games and books. She too plays on The World Seed, but sticks to more FPS type games. Richard runs a small bookstore that specializes in locating and obtaining books on order from clients and customers. As a matter of fact, their apartment sits just above this small shop. He was rather young when the first events of SAO happened. His cousin was one of the initial beta testers and one of the 6,000 survivors of the game. When he was younger his cousin would regal him with everything that happened over those two years while he was in the game. Richard was always so fascinated and would imagine himself in the game right alongside his cousin.
This is actually what sparked his love for VRMMO’s. He started off by playing ALfheim Online and Enchanted Story, two very fantasy oriented MMORPG’s that at the time were very popular. He then moved to start playing many of the other types of VRMMO’s. He dipped his feet in many different types, but he still found himself returning to the fantasy genre side of games. So as he got older he stuck to those types. When SAO’s world Aincrad was reopened to the public again he dove right into the story. He was actually very bad at the game, having played many games that dealt with magic. Having a game around weapons only took some getting used to. He had only reached the 56th level of the game when his real life caught up to him and made it harder and harder to get online for gaming. Now he has gotten an email stating the event and is planning on using his old player data to participate, putting his store on the back burner during these slower times to enjoy his favorite activity.
Other: He does tend to go it alone when playing games, but isn’t against joining a party when it is necessary. He does tend to fade into the background when he does, but will pull his own weight.
Themes: Battle!
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