Wow. Got it up quicker than I thought

Bare in mind that this is a short chapter and is more thinking than actually action.
Copyrights: All characters, settings, weaponry, and magic in this story belong to Square-Enix. This story, however, is mine.
Chapter 6: The Lord of Castle Oblivion
Axel hadn’t returned from his mission until later on that evening, so I had spent a small portion of the afternoon with Demyx. Apparently news of Lexaeus’ defeat at my hands spread quickly (which I really wasn’t all that surprised about). The Water-bender was the first to approach me, giving me the thumbs up and exclaiming: ‘You rock!’ Uncertain of how to respond to his compliment, I simply smiled sheepishly and mumbled a ‘thanks…’
“No wonder the Superior thinks so highly of you!” he said happily.
I paused for a few seconds and stared dumbly at Demyx. The Superior… he held me in high standards? But I had never seen him, let alone actually know who he was. I was curious to know more about him. “He… he does?”
“Of course he does! You’re his Discovered Key.”
“What do you mean by that,” I snapped, sounding more sharply than I had intended. I just couldn’t stand people referring to me by that title. I hated feeling like a pawn.
“Ah!” Flinging up his arms, as if warding me off, Demyx took a tentative step back. His ocean-blue eyes looked at me with concern, more so for his well being than for me. After deciding I wasn’t really going to harm him, the young man lowered his hands and thought briefly before saying, “You know what? You’re a pretty intense kid.”
My gaze narrowed at him, but I said nothing.
“You need to chill out, man,” then, snapping his fingers he said: “I know just the thing!” Lifting his left arm into the air, stretching his fingers wide, a strange instrument appeared in his gloved hands. It had a long, narrow neck with a large, wooden body at the end. Four slender strings stretched him its head across the body. It was a Sitar. “A Sitar will calm you down. The music is very soothing.” Situating the instrument on a diagonal across his body, Demyx used his left hand to hold down the frets while his right fingers picked the delicate strings with a gentle accuracy. Indeed, the music that did come forth from that instrument was quite relaxing, but I didn’t want to stay around for this. I wasn’t interested in a personal concert.
“No thanks,” I said shortly, hoping he would get the hint as I left. Behind me, I could hear Demyx sulking.
Wandering around Headquarters, with no particular place in mind, I stumbled upon a seemingly empty hallway. Upon entering it, I thought it was deserted so I continued through until I heard the hushed whispers of two unseen enigmas. Immediately I stopped in my tracks, straining my ears to hear the voices. One belonged to a man and the other to a woman. Curious about the conversation and not wishing to be seen, I pressed myself against a nearby wall. My searching eyes spotted two shadows jutting from behind a pillar nearby.
“His strength is impressive. More than that. I would say it nearly equals the power of his Nobody,” these words belonged to the unseen man. “This plan is looking very practical.”
“How do you know this?”
“The Superior fought him.”
“When?” the woman demanded.
“About two weeks ago, after his birth.”
“And how did you acquire this information?”
There was a deep chuckle. “The Superior told me, of course.”
“Why would the Superior tell you?” she sounded skeptical, as if what the man was telling her was an utter lie.
“I will tell you the same thing I told Zexion: ‘The Superior holds me in very high standards.’”
“Xenmas is a fool.”
“I’m glad we agree on that. No matter. I have arranged to bring him to Castle Oblivion. There it will begin.”
“I don’t see why we need him,” the woman said. “We have his Nobody. They share the same power. Why not use–
“My dear, Rakushïnu,” the man laughed, adoring Larxene’s intelligence, “because he has no Heart. He will be of no use to us if we cannot control him. We need Somebody who has a Heart. Hearts are easy to break and bend. Even control. You, of all people, I thought would understand this.”
Larxene said nothing.
“I am assuming you understand why we need him, then?”
“He is a toy,” the woman said. I could hear the sick pleasure in Larxene’s voice.
“That’s my Princess,” the man said sensually. I could hear the folds of sweeping coats as the two held each other in an embrace. “Why do you doubt me so?”
“Marusha, I never doubted you,” Larxene said passionately to Marluxia. “But we do not know all the secrets of the Heart yet. What if our hypotheses are incorrect? What if we cannot control him?”
“Then I will give you the pleasure of destroying him. He is only a toy, after all.”
No more words were spoken as the sound of lips catching each other was heard. Unaware that they were being watched, I stood against the wall, unable to move. What were Marluxia and Larxene planning and who was this boy they needed? I didn’t know, but I felt that I leave before I was discovered eavesdropping. Feeling for the pathways of Darkness, I opened up a swirling portal behind me and sank into it as though I had never been there.
That evening I had been overjoyed that Axel returned from what was a likely successful mission. I had wanted to badly to tell him what I had heard in that wing of the Castle, between Larxene and Marluxia, but I didn’t get the chance. The entire Organization was summoned to the Great Hall for an urgent meeting. Somehow, I knew this had to do with the conversation I bore witness to.
Stepping through the hallway of Darkness into the great, white room, I quickly made my way towards my chair and sat down. Quickly glancing over all the members I saw that we were all here, with the exception of the Superior. Did he ever attend meetings? I guessed not. Sighing, my gaze rested on Axel and I was surprised to see his cat-like eyes staring intensely at Marluxia and Larxene. I had never seen Axel look at anyone so dangerously before. However, he must have felt me watching him because his sea-foam eyes glanced my way and a quick grin spread across his lips. Tentatively glancing at the pair not to me once more he looked away.
“Alright,” Saix said, addressing the two Axel had been staring to dangerously at, “what is the nature of this meeting you have arranged?”
Delicately clearing his throat, Marluxia stood from his chair and gazed swiftly about the group. “Larxene and myself have been conducting our own research, with permission from the Superior himself. I have decided I wanted to our research to go a little further and more in depth.” Each word spoken was so calculated and so precise. I didn’t know why, but it kept my hanging on to every word. “After approaching the Superior with my offer he has agreed to give me my own headquarters in order to take this a step further. I have been made the lord of Castle Oblivion.”
“What researches are you conducting that is so important you’re given your own domain?” Vexen immediately interjected, looking rather hurt.
“Why, concerning the Heart of course, Vikusen,” Marluxia responded. “We want to see under what conditions the Heart can be broken or bent. Whether or not it can be controlled. We have made a few hypotheses, but so far our results are inconclusive. That is why we have been given our own headquarters so that we may devote or entire time to unlocking that well-hidden secret. I will, however, say no more on the subject.”
Turning to the entire Order, he added, “You are welcome to join by leave of the Superior of course.”
“We know,” Zexion unexpectedly spoke. There was a smirk across his pallid face. “The Superior himself has already approached both Lexaeus and I, affirming that we assist you in your research.” Marluxia did not respond. “I hope there isn’t a problem, Marusha.”
“Of course there isn’t,” the Lord of Castle Oblivion spoke softly. However, I could see the unmistakable look of displeasure and contempt on his face. “Anyone else?”
There was no answer. A few times, it looked as though Vexen was struggling with the pressure to join the group and assist in the research. Despite his inner-conflict, the elder man remained silent.
“No? There are those of you who may still yet change your mind. Until then, I bid you all farewell.” A moment later four portals of Darkness opened underneath the Nobodies, who stood, and swallowed them up. Once the four had vanished my gaze fell immediately towards Axel. I had to tell him what I had heard in that hallway. I had a feeling that, despite Marluxia’s seemingly good intentions, he held mal-intent towards the Organization. However, the chance to tell the fiery haired man what I knew once again escape me. Axel had also disappeared.