On the other hand what if this was what Xehanort was alluding to when he said he how he knew there were more keybladers out there. How he seemed to think he could use the X-blade to start up a keyblade war at the snap of his fingers. What if Ava's living wielder storage is still around trapped in sleep and Xehanort wants to access it and use them to do another war? Maybe Xehanort's even been visiting the dream world ava made in his sleep, we never didn't get any explanation as to why Xemnas created a private room to lock himself away in and talks to himself in. Perhaps he wanted a place he could sleep in safety knowing no one would hear him talking in his sleep.
IIRC, didn't Nomura say way back in the KH1 Ultimania that there
were other Keyblade wielders in other parts of the universe at that time?
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that a lot of people have used this supposed Ultimania claim to prove that the other Keyblades we see after 1 aren't a retcon.
that's how Xehanort plans to start a Keyblade War? Doesn't Vanitas say something like this in BbS? "That Key will open a door. One that leads to all worlds. And once it opens, Keyblade wielding warriors will flock here--to battle for the light within Kingdom Hearts!--and just like the legend says, the Keyblade War will begin."
Though tbh, who knows where Nomura's going with this stuff anymore? He might not even remember having said that in the KH1 Ultimania!
But at least if nothing else, hopefully he remembers Vanitas' claim in BbS. LOL.
Edit: Master Spockanort Chi
does have good writing, doesn't it?=) I feel like Nomura's strongly improved on his storytelling here.
Like, instead of giving us pretty much nothing to work with--and leaving us confused for most of the game, as has been the tradition lately--and then having massive information dumps at the last world...
Chi is giving us many pieces here and there, that
are working to make a bigger picture, but one that we can't completely see yet.
I feel like all the details we
have gotten have been strategically placed, too.
Honestly, it reminds me of something the writers of LOST and Once Upon a Time would maybe do, and I very much approve of this style