So after rewatching the Back Cover trailer and seeing that most of you have a negative point of view on Aced (wich I can't blame really), I want to point out that in the Back Cover trailer it looks like Ira is the first one to accuse one of the Foretellers of being a traitor and Aced is the one to call him out on it.
At the beginning of the trailer Aced basically tells Ira that the accusation he made will only make matters worse. Looks to me that Aced thought more about the consequences then Ira did. Seems to me that Ira is the thoughtless one.
Also, Gula doens't care about the stuff that's happening during the meeting.
... Might explain who is dreaming of the two worlds and why he was on the Anniversary Card. Doesn't explain why he dreams of it though. Could it be because that his heart is deeply connected to Sora, and Sora connects to everyone? So also a person that experienced X Chi and Ux?